Source code for pynbody.snapshot


This module implements the  :class:`~pynbody.snapshot.SimSnap` class which manages and stores snapshot data.
It also implements the :class:`~pynbody.snapshot.SubSnap` class (and relatives) which
represent different views of an existing :class:`~pynbody.snapshot.SimSnap`.


from .. import array
from .. import family
from .. import util
from .. import filt
from .. import units
from .. import config
from .. import simdict
from .. import dependencytracker
from ..units import has_units

import numpy as np
import copy
import weakref
import sys
import hashlib
import time
import warnings
import threading
import re
import gc
import traceback
import logging
from functools import reduce

logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.snapshot')

[docs]class SimSnap(object): """The class for managing simulation snapshots. For most purposes, SimSnaps should be initialized through :func:`~pynbody.load` or :func:``. For a basic tutorial explaining how to load a file as a SimSnap see :doc:`tutorials/data_access`. *Getting arrays or subsnaps* Once a :class:`SimSnap` object ``f`` is instantiated, it can be used in various ways. The most common operation is to access something with the code ``f[x]``. Depending on the type of ``x``, various behaviours result: - If ``x`` is a string, the array named by ``x`` is returned. If no such array exists, the framework attempts to load or derive an array of that name (in that order). If this is unsuccessful, a `KeyError` is raised. - If ``x`` is a python `slice` (e.g. ``f[5:100:3]``) or an array of integers (e.g. ``f[[1,5,100,200]]``) a subsnap containing only the mentioned particles is returned. See :doc:`tutorials/data_access` for more information. - If ``x`` is a numpy array of booleans, it is interpreted as a mask and a subsnap containing only those particles for which x[i] is True. This means that f[condition] is a shortcut for f[np.where(condition)]. - If ``x`` is a :class:`pynbody.filt.Filter` object, a subsnap containing only the particles which pass the filter condition is returned. See :doc:`tutorials/data_access` for more information. - If ``x`` is a :class:`` object, a subsnap containing only the particles in that family is returned. In practice for most code it is more convenient to write e.g. ```` in place of the equivalent syntax f[]. *Getting metadata* The property `filename` gives the filename of a snapshot. There is also a `properties` dictionary which contains further metadata about the snapshot. See :ref:`subsnaps`. """ _derived_quantity_registry = {} _decorator_registry = {} _loadable_keys_registry = {} _persistent = ["kdtree", "_immediate_cache", "_kdtree_derived_smoothing"] # The following will be objects common to a SimSnap and all its SubSnaps _inherited = ["_immediate_cache_lock", "lazy_off", "lazy_derive_off", "lazy_load_off", "auto_propagate_off", "properties", "_derived_array_names", "_family_derived_array_names", "_dependency_tracker", "immediate_mode", "delay_promotion"] # These 3D arrays get four views automatically created, one reflecting the # full Nx3 data, the others reflecting Nx1 slices of it # # TO DO: This should probably be read in from a config file _split_arrays = {'pos': ('x', 'y', 'z'), 'vel': ('vx', 'vy', 'vz')} @classmethod def _array_name_1D_to_ND(self, name): """Map a 1D array name to a corresponding 3D array name, or return None if no such mapping is possible. e.g. 'vy' -> 'vel'; 'acc_z' -> 'acc'; 'mass' -> None""" for k, v in self._split_arrays.items(): if name in v: return k generic_match = re.findall("^(.+)_[xyz]$", name) if len(generic_match) == 1 and generic_match[0] not in self._split_arrays: return generic_match[0] return None @classmethod def _array_name_ND_to_1D(self, array_name): """Give the 3D array names derived from a 3D array. This routine makes no attempt to establish whether the array name passed in should indeed be a 3D array. It just returns the 1D slice names on the assumption that it is. This is an important distinction between this procedure and the reverse mapping as implemented by _array_name_1D_to_ND.""" if array_name in self._split_arrays: array_name_1D = self._split_arrays[array_name] else: array_name_1D = [array_name + "_" + i for i in ('x', 'y', 'z')] return array_name_1D def _array_name_implies_ND_slice(self, array_name): """Returns True if, at best guess, the array name corresponds to a 1D slice of a ND array, on the basis of names alone. This routine first looks at special cases (pos -> x,y,z for example), then looks for generic names such as acc_x - however this would only be considered a "match" for a ND subslice if 'acc' is in loadable_keys(). """ for v in self._split_arrays.values(): if array_name in v: return True generic_match = re.findall("^(.+)_[xyz]$", array_name) loadable_keys = self.loadable_keys() keys = list(self.keys()) if len(generic_match) == 1 and generic_match[0] not in self._split_arrays: return generic_match[0] in loadable_keys or generic_match[0] in keys return False def __init__(self): """Initialize an empty, zero-length SimSnap. For most purposes SimSnaps should instead be initialized through :func:`~pynbody.load` or :func:``. """ self._arrays = {} self._num_particles = 0 self._family_slice = {} self._family_arrays = {} self._derived_array_names = [] self._family_derived_array_names = {} for i in family._registry: self._family_derived_array_names[i] = [] self._autoconvert = None self._dependency_tracker = dependencytracker.DependencyTracker() self._immediate_cache_lock = threading.RLock() self._persistent_objects = {} self._unifamily = None # If True, when new arrays are created they are in shared memory by # default self._shared_arrays = False self.lazy_off = util.ExecutionControl() # use 'with lazy_off :' blocks to disable all hidden/lazy behaviour self.lazy_derive_off = util.ExecutionControl() # use 'with lazy_derive_off : ' blocks to disable lazy-derivation self.lazy_load_off = util.ExecutionControl() # use 'with lazy_load_off : ' blocks to disable lazy-loading self.auto_propagate_off = util.ExecutionControl() # use 'with auto_propagate_off : ' blocks to disable auto-flagging changes # (i.e. prevent lazy-evaluated arrays from auto-re-evaluating when their # dependencies change) self.immediate_mode = util.ExecutionControl() # use 'with immediate_mode: ' to always return actual numpy arrays, rather # than IndexedSubArrays which point to sub-parts of numpy arrays self.immediate_mode.on_exit = lambda: self._clear_immediate_mode() self.delay_promotion = util.ExecutionControl() # use 'with delay_promotion: ' to prevent any family arrays being promoted # into simulation arrays (which can cause confusion because the array returned # from create_family_array might have properties you don't expect) self.delay_promotion.on_exit = lambda: self._delayed_array_promotions( ) self.__delayed_promotions = [] = simdict.SimDict({}) self._file_units_system = [] ############################################ # THE BASICS: SIMPLE INFORMATION ############################################ @property def filename(self): return self._filename def __len__(self): return self._num_particles def __repr__(self): if self._filename != "": return "<SimSnap \"" + self._filename + "\" len=" + str(len(self)) + ">" else: return "<SimSnap len=" + str(len(self)) + ">"
[docs] def families(self): """Return the particle families which have representitives in this SimSnap. The families are ordered by their appearance in the snapshot.""" out = [] start = {} for fam in family._registry: sl = self._get_family_slice(fam) if sl.start != sl.stop: out.append(fam) start[fam] = (sl.start) out.sort(key=start.__getitem__) return out
############################################ # THE BASICS: GETTING AND SETTING ############################################ def __getitem__(self, i): """Return either a specific array or a subview of this simulation. See the class documentation (:class:`SimSnap`) for more information.""" if isinstance(i, str): return self._get_array_with_lazy_actions(i) elif isinstance(i, slice): return SubSnap(self, i) elif isinstance(i, family.Family): return FamilySubSnap(self, i) elif isinstance(i, np.ndarray) and np.issubdtype(np.bool, i.dtype): return self._get_subsnap_from_mask_array(i) elif isinstance(i, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, filt.Filter)): return IndexedSubSnap(self, i) elif isinstance(i, int) or isinstance(i, np.int32) or isinstance(i, np.int64): return IndexedSubSnap(self, (i,)) raise TypeError def __setitem__(self, name, item): """Set the contents of an array in this snapshot""" if self.is_derived_array(name) and not self.auto_propagate_off: raise RuntimeError("Derived array is not writable") if isinstance(name, tuple) or isinstance(name, list): index = name[1] name = name[0] else: index = None self._assert_not_family_array(name) if isinstance(item, array.SimArray): ax = item else: ax = np.asanyarray(item).view(array.SimArray) if name not in list(self.keys()): # Array needs to be created. We do this through the # private _create_array method, so that if we are operating # within a particle-specific subview we automatically create # a particle-specific array try: ndim = len(ax[0]) except TypeError: ndim = 1 except IndexError: ndim = ax.shape[-1] if len(ax.shape) > 1 else 1 # The dtype will be the same as an existing family array if # one exists, or the dtype of the source array we are copying dtype = self._get_preferred_dtype(name) if dtype is None: dtype = getattr(item, 'dtype', None) self._create_array(name, ndim, dtype=dtype) # Copy in contents if the contents isn't actually pointing to # the same data (which will be the case following operations like # += etc, since these call __setitem__). self._set_array(name, ax, index) def __delitem__(self, name): if name in self._family_arrays: # mustn't have simulation-level array of this name assert name not in self._arrays del self._family_arrays[name] for v in self._family_derived_array_names.values(): if name in v: del v[v.index(name)] else: del self._arrays[name] if name in self._derived_array_names: del self._derived_array_names[ self._derived_array_names.index(name)] def _get_subsnap_from_mask_array(self,mask_array): if len(mask_array.shape) > 1 or mask_array.shape[0] > len(self): raise ValueError("Incorrect shape for masking array") else: return self[np.where(mask_array)] def _get_array_with_lazy_actions(self, name): if name in list(self.keys()): self._dependency_tracker.touching(name) return self._get_array(name) with self._dependency_tracker.calculating(name): self.__resolve_obscuring_family_array(name) if not self.lazy_off: if not self.lazy_load_off: self.__load_if_required(name) if not self.lazy_derive_off: self.__derive_if_required(name) return self._get_array(name) def __load_if_required(self, name): if name not in list(self.keys()): try: self.__load_array_and_perform_postprocessing(name) except IOError: pass def __derive_if_required(self, name): if name not in list(self.keys()): self._derive_array(name) def __resolve_obscuring_family_array(self, name): if name in self.family_keys(): self.__remove_family_array_if_derived(name) if name in self.family_keys(): self.__load_remaining_families_if_loadable(name) if name in self.family_keys(): in_fam, out_fam = self.__get_included_and_excluded_families_for_array(name) raise KeyError("""%r is a family-level array for %s. To use it over the whole simulation you need either to delete it first, or create it separately for %s.""" % ( name, in_fam, out_fam)) def __get_included_and_excluded_families_for_array(self,name): in_fam = [] out_fam = [] for x in self.families(): if name in self[x]: in_fam.append(x) else: out_fam.append(x) return in_fam, out_fam def __remove_family_array_if_derived(self, name): if self.is_derived_array(name): del self.ancestor[name] def __load_remaining_families_if_loadable(self, name): in_fam, out_fam = self.__get_included_and_excluded_families_for_array(name) try: for fam in out_fam: self.__load_array_and_perform_postprocessing(name, fam=fam) except IOError: pass def _get_persist(self, hash, name): try: return self._persistent_objects[hash][name] except: return None def _set_persist(self, hash, name, obj=None): if hash not in self._persistent_objects: self._persistent_objects[hash] = {} self._persistent_objects[hash][name] = obj def _clear_immediate_mode(self): for k, v in self._persistent_objects.items(): if '_immediate_cache' in v: del v['_immediate_cache'] def __getattr__(self, name): """This function overrides the behaviour of f.X where f is a SimSnap object. It serves two purposes; first, it provides the family-handling behaviour which makes equivalent to f[]. Second, it implements persistent objects -- properties which are shared between two equivalent SubSnaps.""" if name in SimSnap._persistent: obj = self.ancestor._get_persist(self._inclusion_hash, name) if obj: return obj try: return self[family.get_family(name)] except ValueError: pass raise AttributeError("%r object has no attribute %r" % ( type(self).__name__, name)) def __setattr__(self, name, val): """This function overrides the behaviour of setting f.X where f is a SimSnap object. It serves two purposes; first it prevents overwriting of family names (so you can't write to, for instance, Second, it implements persistent objects -- properties which are shared between two equivalent SubSnaps.""" if name in family.family_names(): raise AttributeError("Cannot assign family name " + name) if name in SimSnap._persistent: self.ancestor._set_persist(self._inclusion_hash, name, val) else: return object.__setattr__(self, name, val) def __delattr__(self, name): """This function allows persistent objects (as shared between two equivalent SubSnaps) to be permanently deleted.""" if name in SimSnap._persistent: obj = self.ancestor._get_persist(self._inclusion_hash, name) if obj: self.ancestor._set_persist(self._inclusion_hash, name, None) try: object.__delattr__(self, name) except AttributeError: pass return object.__delattr__(self, name) ############################################ # DICTIONARY EMULATION FUNCTIONS ############################################
[docs] def keys(self): """Return the directly accessible array names (in memory)""" return list(self._arrays.keys())
[docs] def has_key(self, name): """Returns True if the array name is accessible (in memory)""" return name in list(self.keys())
[docs] def values(self): """Returns a list of the actual arrays in memory""" x = [] for k in list(self.keys()): x.append(self[k]) return x
[docs] def items(self): """Returns a list of tuples describing the array names and their contents in memory""" x = [] for k in list(self.keys()): x.append((k, self[k])) return x
[docs] def get(self, key, alternative=None): """Standard python get method, returns self[key] if key in self else alternative""" try: return self[key] except KeyError: return alternative
def iterkeys(self): for k in list(self.keys()): yield k __iter__ = iterkeys def itervalues(self): for k in self: yield self[k] def iteritems(self): for k in self: yield (k, self[k]) ############################################ # DICTIONARY-LIKE FUNCTIONS # (not in the normal interface for dictionaries, # but serving similar purposes) ############################################
[docs] def has_family_key(self, name): """Returns True if the array name is accessible (in memory) for at least one family""" return name in self.family_keys()
[docs] def loadable_keys(self, fam=None): """Returns a list of arrays which can be lazy-loaded from an auxiliary file.""" return []
[docs] def derivable_keys(self): """Returns a list of arrays which can be lazy-evaluated.""" res = [] for cl in type(self).__mro__: if cl in self._derived_quantity_registry: res += list(self._derived_quantity_registry[cl].keys()) return res
[docs] def all_keys(self): """Returns a list of all arrays that can be either lazy-evaluated or lazy loaded from an auxiliary file.""" return self.derivable_keys() + self.loadable_keys()
[docs] def family_keys(self, fam=None): """Return list of arrays which are not accessible from this view, but can be accessed from family-specific sub-views. If *fam* is not None, only those keys applying to the specific family will be returned (equivalent to self.fam.keys()).""" if fam is not None: return [x for x in self._family_arrays if fam in self._family_arrays[x]] else: return list(self._family_arrays.keys())
############################################ # ANCESTRY FUNCTIONS ############################################
[docs] def is_ancestor(self, other): """Returns true if other is a subview of self""" if other is self: return True elif hasattr(other, 'base'): return self.is_ancestor(other.base) else: return False
[docs] def is_descendant(self, other): """Returns true if self is a subview of other""" return other.is_ancestor(self)
@property def ancestor(self): """The original SimSnap from which this view is derived (potentially self)""" if hasattr(self, 'base'): return self.base.ancestor else: return self
[docs] def get_index_list(self, relative_to, of_particles=None): """Get a list specifying the index of the particles in this view relative to the ancestor *relative_to*, such that relative_to[get_index_list(relative_to)]==self.""" # Implementation for base snapshot if self is not relative_to: raise RuntimeError("Not a descendant of the specified simulation") if of_particles is None: of_particles = np.arange(len(self)) return of_particles
############################################ # SET-LIKE OPERATIONS FOR SUBSNAPS ############################################
[docs] def intersect(self, other, op=np.intersect1d): """Returns the set intersection of this simulation view with another view of the same simulation""" anc = self.ancestor if not anc.is_ancestor(other): raise RuntimeError("Parentage is not suitable") a = self.get_index_list(anc) b = other.get_index_list(anc) return anc[op(a, b)]
[docs] def union(self, other): """Returns the set union of this simulation view with another view of the same simulation""" return self.intersect(other, op=np.union1d)
[docs] def setdiff(self, other): """Returns the set difference of this simulation view with another view of the same simulation""" return self.intersect(other, op=np.setdiff1d)
############################################ # UNIT MANIPULATION ############################################
[docs] def conversion_context(self): """Return a dictionary containing a (scalefactor) and h (Hubble constant in canonical units) for this snapshot, ready for passing into unit conversion functions.""" d = {} wanted = ['a', 'h'] for x in wanted: if x in d[x] =[x] return d
def _override_units_system(self): """Look for and process a text file with a custom units system for this snapshot. The text file should be named <filename>.units and contain unit specifications, one-per-line, e.g. pos: kpc a vel: km s^-1 mass: Msol This override functionality needs to be explicitly called by a subclass after it has initialised its best guess at the units. """ try: f = open(self.filename+".units","r") except IOError: return name_mapping = {'pos': 'distance', 'vel': 'velocity'} units_dict = {} for line in f: if (not line.startswith("#")): if ":" not in line: raise IOError("Unknown format for units file %r"%(self.filename+".units")) else: t, u = list(map(str.strip,line.split(":"))) t = name_mapping.get(t,t) units_dict[t] = u self.set_units_system(**units_dict)
[docs] def set_units_system(self, velocity=None, distance=None, mass=None, temperature=None): """Set the unit system for the snapshot by specifying any or all of `velocity`, `distance`, `mass` and `temperature` units. The units can be given as strings or as pynbody `Unit` objects. If any of the units are not specified and a previous `file_units_system` does not exist, the defaults are used. """ from .. import config_parser import configparser # if the units system doesn't exist (if this is a new snapshot), create # one if len(self._file_units_system) < 3: warnings.warn("Previous unit system incomplete -- using defaults") self._file_units_system = [ units.Unit(x) for x in ('G', '1 kpc', '1e10 Msol')] else: # we want to change the base units -- so convert to original # units first and then set all arrays to new unit system self.original_units() # if any are missing, work them out from what we already have: if velocity is None: velocity = self.infer_original_units('km s^-1') if distance is None: distance = self.infer_original_units('kpc') if mass is None: mass = self.infer_original_units('Msol') if temperature is None: temperature = self.infer_original_units('K') new_units = [] for x in [velocity, distance, mass, temperature]: if x is not None: new_units.append(units.Unit(x)) self._file_units_system = new_units # set new units for all known arrays for arr_name in list(self.keys()): arr = self[arr_name] # if the array has units, then use the current units, else # check if a default dimension for this array exists in # the configuration if arr.units != units.NoUnit(): ref_unit = arr.units else: try: ref_unit = config_parser.get( 'default-array-dimensions', arr_name) except configparser.NoOptionError: # give up -- no applicable dimension found continue arr.set_units_like(ref_unit)
[docs] def original_units(self): """Converts all arrays'units to be consistent with the units of the original file.""" self.physical_units(distance=self.infer_original_units('km'), velocity=self.infer_original_units('km s^-1'), mass=self.infer_original_units('Msol'), persistent=False)
def _autoconvert_array_unit(self, ar, dims=None, ucut=3): """Given an array ar, convert its units such that the new units span dims[:ucut]. dims[ucut:] are evaluated in the conversion (so will be things like a, h etc). If dims is None, use the internal autoconvert state to perform the conversion.""" if dims is None: dims = self.ancestor._autoconvert if dims is None: return if ar.units is not None: try: d = ar.units.dimensional_project(dims) except units.UnitsException: return new_unit = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [ a ** b for a, b in zip(dims, d[:ucut])]) if new_unit != ar.units:"Converting %s units from %s to %s" % (, ar.units, new_unit)) ar.convert_units(new_unit)
[docs] def physical_units(self, distance='kpc', velocity='km s^-1', mass='Msol', persistent=True): """ Converts all array's units to be consistent with the distance, velocity, mass basis units specified. Base units can be specified using keywords. **Optional Keywords**: *distance*: string (default = 'kpc') *velocity*: string (default = 'km s^-1') *mass*: string (default = 'Msol') *persistent*: boolean (default = True); apply units change to future lazy-loaded arrays if True """ global config dims = [units.Unit(x) for x in (distance, velocity, mass, 'a', 'h')] all = list(self._arrays.values()) for x in self._family_arrays: all += list(self._family_arrays[x].values()) for ar in all: self._autoconvert_array_unit(ar.ancestor, dims) for k in list( v =[k] if isinstance(v, units.UnitBase): try: new_unit = v.dimensional_project(dims) except units.UnitsException: continue new_unit = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [ a ** b for a, b in zip(dims, new_unit[:3])]) new_unit *= v.ratio(new_unit, **self.conversion_context())[k] = new_unit if persistent: self._autoconvert = dims else: self._autoconvert = None
[docs] def infer_original_units(self, dimensions): """Given a unit (or string) `dimensions`, returns a unit with the same physical dimensions which is in the unit schema of the current file.""" dimensions = units.Unit(dimensions) d = dimensions.dimensional_project( self._file_units_system + ["a", "h"]) new_unit = reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, [ a ** b for a, b in zip(self._file_units_system, d)]) return new_unit
def _default_units_for(self, array_name): """Attempt to construct and return the units for the named array on disk, using what we know about the purpose of arrays (in config.ini) and the original unit system (via infer_original_units).""" array_name = self._array_name_1D_to_ND(array_name) or array_name u = units._default_units.get(array_name, None) if u is not None: u = self.infer_original_units(u) return u
[docs] def halos(self, *args, **kwargs): """Tries to instantiate a halo catalogue object for the given snapshot, using the first available method (as defined in the configuration files).""" from .. import halo for c in config['halo-class-priority']: try: if c._can_load(self, *args, **kwargs): return c(self, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass for c in config['halo-class-priority']: try: if c._can_run(self, *args, **kwargs): return c(self, *args, **kwargs) except TypeError: pass raise RuntimeError("No halo catalogue found for %r" % str(self))
[docs] def bridge(self, other): """Tries to construct a bridge function between this SimSnap and another one. This function calls :func:`pynbody.bridge.bridge_factory`. For more information see :ref:`bridge-tutorial`, or the reference documentation for :py:mod:`pynbody.bridge`. """ from .. import bridge return bridge.bridge_factory(self, other)
[docs] def load_copy(self): """Tries to load a copy of this snapshot, using partial loading to select only a subset of particles corresponding to a given SubSnap""" if getattr(self.ancestor,'partial_load',False): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot load a copy of data that was itself partial-loaded") return load(self.ancestor.filename, take=self.get_index_list(self.ancestor))
############################################ # HELPER FUNCTIONS FOR LAZY LOADING ############################################ def _load_array(self, array_name, fam=None): """This function is called by the framework to load an array from disk and should be overloaded by child classes. If *fam* is not None, the array should be loaded only for the specified family. """ raise IOError("No lazy-loading implemented") def __load_array_and_perform_postprocessing(self, array_name, fam=None): """Calls _load_array for the appropriate subclass, but also attempts to convert units of anything that gets loaded and automatically loads the whole ND array if this is a subview of an ND array""" array_name = self._array_name_1D_to_ND(array_name) or array_name # keep a record of every array in existence before load (in case it # triggers loading more than we expected, e.g. coupled pos/vel fields # etc) anc = self.ancestor pre_keys = set(anc.keys()) # the following function builds a dictionary mapping families to a set of the # named arrays defined for them. fk = lambda: dict([(fami, set([k for k in list(anc._family_arrays.keys()) if fami in anc._family_arrays[k]])) for fami in family._registry]) pre_fam_keys = fk() with self.delay_promotion: # delayed promotion is required here, otherwise units get messed up when # a simulation array gets promoted mid-way through our loading process. # # see the gadget unit test, test_unit_persistence if fam is not None: self._load_array(array_name, fam) else: try: self._load_array(array_name, fam) except IOError: for fam_x in self.families(): self._load_array(array_name, fam_x) # Find out what was loaded new_keys = set(anc.keys()) - pre_keys new_fam_keys = fk() for fami in new_fam_keys: new_fam_keys[fami] = new_fam_keys[fami] - pre_fam_keys[fami] # If the loader hasn't given units already, try to determine the defaults # Then, attempt to convert what was loaded into friendly units for v in new_keys: if not units.has_units(anc[v]): anc[v].units = anc._default_units_for(v) anc._autoconvert_array_unit(anc[v]) for f, vals in new_fam_keys.items(): for v in vals: if not units.has_units(anc[f][v]): anc[f][v].units = anc._default_units_for(v) anc._autoconvert_array_unit(anc[f][v]) ############################################ # VECTOR TRANSFORMATIONS OF THE SNAPSHOT ############################################ def transform(self, matrix): from .. import transformation return transformation.transform(self, matrix) def _transform(self, matrix): """Transforms the snapshot according to the 3x3 matrix given.""" for x in list(self.keys()): ar = self[x] if len(ar.shape) == 2 and ar.shape[1] == 3: self[x] =, ar.transpose()).transpose()
[docs] def rotate_x(self, angle): """Rotates the snapshot about the current x-axis by 'angle' degrees.""" angle *= np.pi / 180 return self.transform(np.matrix([[1, 0, 0], [0, np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [0, np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]]))
[docs] def rotate_y(self, angle): """Rotates the snapshot about the current y-axis by 'angle' degrees.""" angle *= np.pi / 180 return self.transform(np.matrix([[np.cos(angle), 0, np.sin(angle)], [0, 1, 0], [-np.sin(angle), 0, np.cos(angle)]]))
[docs] def rotate_z(self, angle): """Rotates the snapshot about the current z-axis by 'angle' degrees.""" angle *= np.pi / 180 return self.transform(np.matrix([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle), 0], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle), 0], [0, 0, 1]]))
[docs] def wrap(self, boxsize=None, convention='center'): """Wraps the positions of the particles in the box to lie between [-boxsize/2, boxsize/2]. If no boxsize is specified,["boxsize"] is used.""" if boxsize is None: boxsize =["boxsize"] if isinstance(boxsize, units.UnitBase): boxsize = float(boxsize.ratio(self[ "pos"].units, **self.conversion_context())) if convention=='center': for coord in "x", "y", "z": self[coord][np.where(self[coord] < -boxsize / 2)] += boxsize self[coord][np.where(self[coord] > boxsize / 2)] -= boxsize elif convention=='upper': for coord in "x", "y", "z": self[coord][np.where(self[coord] < 0)] += boxsize self[coord][np.where(self[coord] > boxsize)] -= boxsize else: raise ValueError("Unknown wrapping convention")
############################################ # WRITING FUNCTIONS ############################################ def write(self, fmt=None, filename=None, **kwargs): if filename is None and "<" in self.filename: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot infer a filename; please provide one (use obj.write(filename="filename"))') if fmt is None: if not hasattr(self, "_write"): raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot infer a file format; please provide one (e.g. use obj.write(filename="filename", fmt=pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap)') self._write(self, filename, **kwargs) else: fmt._write(self, filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_array(self, array_name, fam=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): """ Write out the array with the specified name. Some of the functionality is available via the :func:`pynbody.array.SimArray.write` method, which calls the present function with appropriate arguments. **Input** *array_name* - the name of the array to write **Optional Keywords** *fam* (None) - Write out only one family; or provide a list to write out a set of families. """ # Determine whether this is a write or an update if fam is None: fam = self.families() # It's an update if we're not fully replacing the file on # disk, i.e. there exists a family f in self.families() but # not in fam for which array_name is loadable is_update = any([array_name in self[ f].loadable_keys() and f not in fam for f in self.families()]) if not hasattr(self, "_write_array"): raise IOError( "The underlying file format class does not support writing individual arrays back to disk") if is_update and not hasattr(self, "_update_array"): raise IOError( "The underlying file format class does not support updating arrays on disk") # It's an overwrite if we're writing over something loadable is_overwriting = any([array_name in self[ f].loadable_keys() for f in fam]) if is_overwriting and not overwrite: # User didn't specifically say overwriting is OK raise IOError( "This operation would overwrite existing data on disk. Call again setting overwrite=True if you want to enable this behaviour.") if is_update: self._update_array(array_name, fam=fam, **kwargs) else: self._write_array(self, array_name, fam=fam, **kwargs)
############################################ # LOW-LEVEL ARRAY MANIPULATION ############################################ def _get_preferred_dtype(self, array_name): """Return the 'preferred' numpy datatype for a named array. This is mainly useful when creating family arrays for new families, to be sure the datatype chosen matches""" if hasattr(self, 'base'): return self.base._get_preferred_dtype(array_name) elif array_name in list(self.keys()): return self[array_name].dtype elif array_name in self.family_keys(): return self._family_arrays[array_name][list(self._family_arrays[array_name].keys())[0]].dtype else: return None def _create_array(self, array_name, ndim=1, dtype=None, zeros=True, derived=False, shared=None): """Create a single snapshot-level array of dimension len(self) x ndim, with a given numpy dtype. *kwargs*: - *ndim*: the number of dimensions for each particle - *dtype*: a numpy datatype for the new array - *zeros*: if True, zeros the array (which takes a bit of time); otherwise the array is uninitialized - *derived*: if True, this new array will be flagged as a derived array which makes it read-only - *shared*: if True, the array will be built on top of a shared-memory array to make it possible to access from another process """ # Does this actually correspond to a slice into a 3D array? NDname = self._array_name_1D_to_ND(array_name) if NDname: self._create_array( NDname, ndim=3, dtype=dtype, zeros=zeros, derived=derived) return if ndim == 1: dims = self._num_particles else: dims = (self._num_particles, ndim) if shared is None: shared = self._shared_arrays new_array = array._array_factory(dims, dtype, zeros, shared) new_array._sim = weakref.ref(self) new_array._name = array_name = None # new_array.set_default_units(quiet=True) self._arrays[array_name] = new_array if derived: if array_name not in self._derived_array_names: self._derived_array_names.append(array_name) if ndim == 3: array_name_1D = self._array_name_ND_to_1D(array_name) for i, a in enumerate(array_name_1D): self._arrays[a] = new_array[:, i] self._arrays[a]._name = a def _create_family_array(self, array_name, family, ndim=1, dtype=None, derived=False, shared=None): """Create a single array of dimension len(self.<>) x ndim, with a given numpy dtype, belonging to the specified family. For arguments other than *family*, see the documentation for :func:`~pynbody.snapshot.SimSnap._create_array`. Warning: Do not assume that the family array will be available after calling this funciton, because it might be a 'completion' of existing family arrays, at which point the routine will actually be creating a simulation-level array, e.g. sim._create_family_array('bla', dm) sim._create_family_array('bla', star) 'bla' in sim.family_keys() # -> True 'bla' in sim.keys() # -> False sim._create_family_array('bla', gas) 'bla' in sim.keys() # -> True 'bla' in sim.family_keys() # -> False sim[gas]['bla'] *is* guaranteed to exist, however, it just might be a view on a simulation-length array. """ NDname = self._array_name_1D_to_ND(array_name) if NDname: self._create_family_array( NDname, family, ndim=3, dtype=dtype, derived=derived) return self_families = self.families() if len(self_families) == 1 and family in self_families: # If the file has only one family, just go ahead and create # a normal array self._create_array( array_name, ndim=ndim, dtype=dtype, derived=derived) return if ndim == 1: dims = self[family]._num_particles else: dims = (self[family]._num_particles, ndim) # Determine what families already have an array of this name fams = [] dtx = None try: fams = list(self._family_arrays[array_name].keys()) dtx = self._family_arrays[array_name][fams[0]].dtype except KeyError: pass fams.append(family) if dtype is not None and dtx is not None and dtype != dtx: # We insist on the data types being the same for, e.g. sim.gas['my_prop'] and['my_prop'] # This makes promotion to simulation-level arrays possible. raise ValueError("Requested data type %r is not consistent with existing data type %r for family array %r" % ( str(dtype), str(dtx), array_name)) if all([x in fams for x in self_families]): # If, once we created this array, *all* families would have # this array, just create a simulation-level array if self._promote_family_array(array_name, ndim=ndim, derived=derived, shared=shared) is not None: return None # if we get here, either the array cannot be promoted to simulation level, or that would # not be appropriate, so actually go ahead and create the family array if shared is None: shared = self._shared_arrays new_ar = array._array_factory(dims, dtype, False, shared) new_ar._sim = weakref.ref(self) new_ar._name = array_name = family def sfa(n, v): try: self._family_arrays[n][family] = v except KeyError: self._family_arrays[n] = dict({family: v}) sfa(array_name, new_ar) if derived: if array_name not in self._family_derived_array_names[family]: self._family_derived_array_names[family].append(array_name) if ndim == 3: array_name_1D = self._array_name_ND_to_1D(array_name) for i, a in enumerate(array_name_1D): sfa(a, new_ar[:, i]) self._family_arrays[a][family]._name = a def _del_family_array(self, array_name, family): """Delete the array with the specified name for the specified family""" del self._family_arrays[array_name][family] if len(self._family_arrays[array_name]) == 0: del self._family_arrays[array_name] derive_track = self._family_derived_array_names[family] if array_name in derive_track: del derive_track[derive_track.index(array_name)] def _get_from_immediate_cache(self, name, fn): """Retrieves the named numpy array from the immediate cache associated with this snapshot. If the array does not exist in the immediate cache, function fn is called with no arguments and must generate it.""" with self._immediate_cache_lock: if not hasattr(self, '_immediate_cache'): self._immediate_cache = [{}] cache = self._immediate_cache[0] hx = hash(name) if hx not in cache: cache[hx] = fn() return cache[hx] def _get_array(self, name, index=None, always_writable=False): """Get the array of the specified *name*, optionally for only the particles specified by *index*. If *always_writable* is True, the returned array is writable. Otherwise, it is still normally writable, but not if the array is flagged as derived by the framework.""" x = self._arrays[name] if x.derived and not always_writable: x = x.view() x.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False if index is not None: if type(index) is slice: ret = x[index] else: ret = array.IndexedSimArray(x, index) = None return ret else: return x def _get_family_array(self, name, fam, index=None, always_writable=False): """Get the family-level array with specified *name* for the family *fam*, optionally for only the particles specified by *index* (relative to the family slice). If *always_writable* is True, the returned array is writable. Otherwise it is still normally writable, but not if the array is flagged as derived by the framework. """ try: x = self._family_arrays[name][fam] except KeyError: raise KeyError("No array " + name + " for family " + if x.derived and not always_writable: x = x.view() x.flags['WRITEABLE'] = False if index is not None: if type(index) is slice: x = x[index] else: if _subarray_immediate_mode or self.immediate_mode: x = self._get_from_immediate_cache(name, lambda: x[index]) else: x = array.IndexedSimArray(x, index) return x def _set_array(self, name, value, index=None): """Update the contents of the snapshot-level array to that specified by *value*. If *index* is not None, update only that subarray specified.""" util.set_array_if_not_same(self._arrays[name], value, index) def _set_family_array(self, name, family, value, index=None): """Update the contents of the family-level array to that specified by *value*. If *index* is not None, update only that subarray specified.""" util.set_array_if_not_same(self._family_arrays[name][family], value, index) def _create_arrays(self, array_list, ndim=1, dtype=None, zeros=True): """Create a set of arrays *array_list* of dimension len(self) x ndim, with a given numpy dtype.""" for array in array_list: self._create_array(array, ndim, dtype, zeros) def _get_family_slice(self, fam): """Turn a specified Family object into a concrete slice which describes which particles in this SimSnap belong to that family.""" try: return self._family_slice[fam] except KeyError: return slice(0, 0) def _family_index(self): """Return an array giving the family number of each particle in this snapshot, something like 0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,2, ... where 0 means self.families()[0] etc""" if hasattr(self, "_family_index_cached"): return self._family_index_cached ind = np.empty((len(self),), dtype='int8') for i, f in enumerate(self.ancestor.families()): ind[self._get_family_slice(f)] = i self._family_index_cached = ind return ind def _assert_not_family_array(self, name): """Raises a ValueError if the specified array name is connected to a family-specific array""" if name in self.family_keys(): raise KeyError("Array " + name + " is a family-level property") def _delayed_array_promotions(self): """Called automatically to catch up with pending array promotions""" for x in self.__delayed_promotions: self._promote_family_array(*x) self.__delayed_promotions = [] def _promote_family_array(self, name, ndim=1, dtype=None, derived=False, shared=None): """Create a simulation-level array (if it does not exist) with the specified name. Copy in any data from family-level arrays of the same name.""" if ndim == 1 and self._array_name_1D_to_ND(name): return self._promote_family_array(self._array_name_1D_to_ND(name), 3, dtype) if self.delay_promotion: # if array isn't already scheduled for promotion, do so now if not any([x[0] == name for x in self.__delayed_promotions]): self.__delayed_promotions.append( [name, ndim, dtype, derived, shared]) return None if dtype is None: try: x = list(self._family_arrays[name].keys())[0] dtype = self._family_arrays[name][x].dtype for x in list(self._family_arrays[name].values()): if x.dtype != dtype: warnings.warn("Data types of family arrays do not match; assuming " + str( dtype), RuntimeWarning) except IndexError: pass dmap = [name in self._family_derived_array_names[ i] for i in self._family_arrays[name]] some_derived = any(dmap) all_derived = all(dmap) if derived: some_derived = True if not derived: all_derived = False if name not in self._arrays: self._create_array( name, ndim=ndim, dtype=dtype, derived=all_derived, shared=shared) try: for fam in self._family_arrays[name]: if has_units(self._family_arrays[name][fam]) and not has_units(self._arrays[name]): self._arrays[name].units = self._family_arrays[ name][fam].units # inherits the units from the first dimensional family array found. # Note that future copies, once the units are set, invoke the correct conversion # and raise a UnitsException if such a conversion is # impossible. try: self._arrays[name][self._get_family_slice( fam)] = self._family_arrays[name][fam] except units.UnitsException: # There is a problem getting everything into the same units. The trouble is # that having got here if we let the exception propagate, we're going to # end up with the SimSnap in an inconsistent state. So force the copy # ignoring the units and raise a warning warnings.warn( "When conjoining family arrays to create a snapshot level array, the units could not be unified. You will now have a snapshot-level array %r with inconsistent unit information" % name) self._arrays[name].base[self._get_family_slice( fam)] = self._family_arrays[name][fam].base del self._family_arrays[name] if ndim == 3: for v in self._array_name_ND_to_1D(name): del self._family_arrays[v] gc.collect() except KeyError: pass if some_derived: if all_derived: self._derived_array_names.append(name) else: warnings.warn( "Conjoining derived and non-derived arrays. Assuming result is non-derived, so no further updates will be made.", RuntimeWarning) for v in self._family_derived_array_names.values(): if name in v: del v[v.index(name)] return self._arrays[name] ############################################ # DERIVED ARRAY SYSTEM ############################################ @classmethod def derived_quantity(cl, fn): if cl not in SimSnap._derived_quantity_registry: SimSnap._derived_quantity_registry[cl] = {} SimSnap._derived_quantity_registry[cl][fn.__name__] = fn fn.__stable__ = False return fn @classmethod def stable_derived_quantity(cl, fn): if cl not in SimSnap._derived_quantity_registry: SimSnap._derived_quantity_registry[cl] = {} SimSnap._derived_quantity_registry[cl][fn.__name__] = fn fn.__stable__ = True return fn def _find_deriving_function(self, name): for cl in type(self).__mro__: if cl in self._derived_quantity_registry \ and name in self._derived_quantity_registry[cl]: return self._derived_quantity_registry[cl][name] else: return None def _derive_array(self, name, fam=None): """Calculate and store, for this SnapShot, the derivable array 'name'. If *fam* is not None, derive only for the specified family. This searches the registry of @X.derived_quantity functions for all X in the inheritance path of the current class. """ global config calculated = False fn = self._find_deriving_function(name) if fn:"Deriving array %s" % name) with self.auto_propagate_off: if fam is None: result = fn(self) ndim = result.shape[-1] if len( result.shape) > 1 else 1 self._create_array( name, ndim, dtype=result.dtype, derived=not fn.__stable__) write_array = self._get_array( name, always_writable=True) else: result = fn(self[fam]) ndim = result.shape[-1] if len( result.shape) > 1 else 1 # check if a family array already exists with a different dtype # if so, cast the result to the existing dtype # numpy version < 1.7 does not support doing this in-place if self._get_preferred_dtype(name) != result.dtype \ and self._get_preferred_dtype(name) is not None: if int(np.version.version.split('.')[1]) > 6 : result = result.astype(self._get_preferred_dtype(name),copy=False) else : result = result.astype(self._get_preferred_dtype(name)) self[fam]._create_array( name, ndim, dtype=result.dtype, derived=not fn.__stable__) write_array = self[fam]._get_array( name, always_writable=True) self.ancestor._autoconvert_array_unit(result) write_array[:] = result if units.has_units(result): write_array.units = result.units def _dirty(self, name): """Declare a given array as changed, so deleting any derived quantities which depend on it""" name = self._array_name_1D_to_ND(name) or name if name=='pos': for v in self.ancestor._persistent_objects.values(): if 'kdtree' in v: del v['kdtree'] if not self.auto_propagate_off: for d_ar in self._dependency_tracker.get_dependents(name): if d_ar in self or self.has_family_key(d_ar): if self.is_derived_array(d_ar): del self[d_ar] self._dirty(d_ar)
[docs] def is_derived_array(self, name, fam=None): """Returns True if the array or family array of given name is auto-derived (and therefore read-only).""" fam = fam or self._unifamily if fam: return (name in self._family_derived_array_names[fam]) or name in self._derived_array_names elif name in list(self.keys()): return name in self._derived_array_names elif name in self.family_keys(): return all([name in self._family_derived_array_names[i] for i in self._family_arrays[name]]) else: return False
############################################ # CONVENIENCE FUNCTIONS ############################################
[docs] def mean_by_mass(self, name): """Calculate the mean by mass of the specified array.""" m = np.asanyarray(self["mass"]) ret = array.SimArray( (self[name].transpose() * m).transpose().mean(axis=0) / m.mean(), self[name].units) return ret
############################################ # SNAPSHOT DECORATION ############################################ @classmethod def decorator(cl, fn): if cl not in SimSnap._decorator_registry: SimSnap._decorator_registry[cl] = [] SimSnap._decorator_registry[cl].append(fn) return fn def _decorate(self): for cl in type(self).__mro__: if cl in self._decorator_registry: for fn in self._decorator_registry[cl]: fn(self) ############################################ # HASHING AND EQUALITY TESTING ############################################ @property def _inclusion_hash(self): try: rval = self.__inclusion_hash except AttributeError: try: index_list = self.get_index_list(self.ancestor) hash = hashlib.md5( self.__inclusion_hash = hash.digest() except: logging.warn( "Encountered a problem while calculating your inclusion hash. %s" % traceback.format_exc()) rval = self.__inclusion_hash return rval def __hash__(self): return hash((object.__hash__(self.ancestor), self._inclusion_hash)) def __eq__(self, other): """Equality test for Snapshots. Returns true if both sides of the == operator point to the same data.""" if self is other: return True return hash(self) == hash(other) ############################################ # COPYING ############################################ def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): create_args = {} for fam in family._registry: sl = self._get_family_slice(fam) if sl.start != sl.stop: create_args[] = len(self[fam]) new_snap = new(**create_args) # ordering fix for k in copy.copy(list(new_snap._family_slice.keys())): new_snap._family_slice[k] = copy.copy(self._get_family_slice(k)) for k in list(self.keys()): new_snap[k] = self[k] for k in self.family_keys(): for fam in family._registry: if len(self[fam]) > 0: self_fam = self[fam] if k in list(self_fam.keys()) and not self_fam.is_derived_array(k): new_snap[fam][k] = self_fam[k] = copy.deepcopy(, memo) new_snap._file_units_system = copy.deepcopy(self._file_units_system, memo) return new_snap
_subarray_immediate_mode = False # Set this to True to always get copies of data when indexing is # necessary. This is mainly a bug testing/efficiency checking mode -- # shouldn't be necessary
[docs]class SubSnap(SimSnap): """Represent a sub-view of a SimSnap, initialized by specifying a slice. Arrays accessed through __getitem__ are automatically sub-viewed using the given slice.""" def __init__(self, base, _slice): self.base = base self._file_units_system = base._file_units_system self._unifamily = base._unifamily self._inherit() if isinstance(_slice, slice): # Various slice logic later (in particular taking # subsnaps-of-subsnaps) requires having positive # (i.e. start-relative) slices, so if we have been passed a # negative (end-relative) index, fix that now. if _slice.start is None: _slice = slice(0, _slice.stop, _slice.step) if _slice.start < 0: _slice = slice(len( base) + _slice.start, _slice.stop, _slice.step) if _slice.stop is None or _slice.stop > len(base): _slice = slice(_slice.start, len(base), _slice.step) if _slice.stop < 0: _slice = slice(_slice.start, len( base) + _slice.stop, _slice.step) self._slice = _slice descriptor = "[" + str(_slice.start) + ":" + str(_slice.stop) if _slice.step is not None: descriptor += ":" + str(_slice.step) descriptor += "]" else: raise TypeError("Unknown SubSnap slice type") self._num_particles = util.indexing_length(_slice) self._descriptor = descriptor def _inherit(self): for x in self._inherited: setattr(self, x, getattr(self.base, x)) def _get_array(self, name, index=None, always_writable=False): if _subarray_immediate_mode or self.immediate_mode: return self._get_from_immediate_cache(name, lambda: self.base._get_array( name, None, always_writable)[self._slice]) else: ret = self.base._get_array(name, util.concatenate_indexing( self._slice, index), always_writable) = self._unifamily return ret def _set_array(self, name, value, index=None): self.base._set_array( name, value, util.concatenate_indexing(self._slice, index)) def _get_family_array(self, name, fam, index=None, always_writable=False): base_family_slice = self.base._get_family_slice(fam) sl = util.relative_slice(base_family_slice, util.intersect_slices(self._slice, base_family_slice, len(self.base))) sl = util.concatenate_indexing(sl, index) if _subarray_immediate_mode or self.immediate_mode: return self._get_from_immediate_cache((name, fam), lambda: self.base._get_family_array( name, fam, None, always_writable)[sl]) else: return self.base._get_family_array(name, fam, sl, always_writable) def _set_family_array(self, name, family, value, index=None): fslice = self._get_family_slice(family) self.base._set_family_array( name, family, value, util.concatenate_indexing(fslice, index)) def _promote_family_array(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base._promote_family_array(*args, **kwargs) def __delitem__(self, name): # is this the right behaviour? raise RuntimeError("Arrays can only be deleted from the base snapshot") def _del_family_array(self, name, family): # is this the right behaviour? raise RuntimeError("Arrays can only be deleted from the base snapshot") @property def _filename(self): return self.base._filename + ":" + self._descriptor
[docs] def keys(self): return list(self.base.keys())
[docs] def loadable_keys(self, fam=None): if self._unifamily: return self.base.loadable_keys(self._unifamily) else: return self.base.loadable_keys(fam)
[docs] def derivable_keys(self): return self.base.derivable_keys()
[docs] def infer_original_units(self, *args): """Return the units on disk for a quantity with the specified dimensions""" return self.base.infer_original_units(*args)
def _get_family_slice(self, fam): sl = util.relative_slice(self._slice, util.intersect_slices(self._slice, self.base._get_family_slice(fam), len(self.base))) return sl def _load_array(self, array_name, fam=None, **kwargs): self.base._load_array(array_name, fam)
[docs] def write_array(self, array_name, fam=None, **kwargs): fam = fam or self._unifamily if not fam or self._get_family_slice(fam) != slice(0, len(self)): raise IOError( "Array writing is available for entire simulation arrays or family-level arrays, but not for arbitrary subarrays") self.base.write_array(array_name, fam=fam, **kwargs)
def _derive_array(self, array_name, fam=None): self.base._derive_array(array_name, fam)
[docs] def family_keys(self, fam=None): return self.base.family_keys(fam)
def _create_array(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base._create_array(*args, **kwargs) def _create_family_array(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base._create_family_array(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def physical_units(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base.physical_units(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_derived_array(self, v, fam=None): return self.base.is_derived_array(v)
[docs] def get_index_list(self, relative_to, of_particles=None): if of_particles is None: of_particles = np.arange(len(self)) if relative_to is self: return of_particles return self.base.get_index_list(relative_to, util.concatenate_indexing(self._slice, of_particles))
[docs]class IndexedSubSnap(SubSnap): """Represents a subset of the simulation particles according to an index array. Parameters ---------- base : SimSnap object The base snapshot index_array : integer array or None The indices of the elements that define the sub snapshot. Set to None to use iord-based instead. iord_array : integer array or None The iord of the elements that define the sub snapshot. Set to None to use index-based instead. This may be computationally expensive. See note below. Notes ----- `index_array` and `iord_array` arguments are mutually exclusive. In the case of `iord_array`, an sorting operation is required that may take a significant time and require O(N) memory. """ def __init__(self, base, index_array=None, iord_array=None): self._descriptor = "indexed" self.base = base self._inherit() self._unifamily = base._unifamily self._file_units_system = base._file_units_system if index_array is None and iord_array is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot define a subsnap without an index_array or iord_array.") if index_array is not None and iord_array is not None: raise ValueError( "Cannot define a subsnap without both and index_array and iord_array.") if iord_array is not None: index_array = self._iord_to_index(iord_array) if isinstance(index_array, filt.Filter): self._descriptor = index_array._descriptor index_array = index_array.where(base)[0] elif isinstance(index_array, tuple): if isinstance(index_array[0], np.ndarray): index_array = index_array[0] else: index_array = np.array(index_array) else: index_array = np.asarray(index_array) findex = base._family_index()[index_array] # Check the family index array is monotonically increasing # If not, the family slices cannot be implemented if not all(np.diff(findex) >= 0): raise ValueError( "Families must retain the same ordering in the SubSnap") self._slice = index_array self._family_slice = {} self._family_indices = {} self._num_particles = len(index_array) # Find the locations of the family slices for i, fam in enumerate(self.ancestor.families()): ids = np.where(findex == i)[0] if len(ids) > 0: new_slice = slice(ids.min(), ids.max() + 1) self._family_slice[fam] = new_slice self._family_indices[fam] = np.asarray(index_array[ new_slice]) - base._get_family_slice(fam).start def _iord_to_index(self, iord): # Maps iord to indices. Note that this requires to perform an argsort (O(N log N) operations) # and a binary search (O(M log N) operations) with M = len(iord) and N = len(self.base). if 'iord_argsort' not in self.base: self.base['iord_argsort'] = np.argsort(self.base['iord']) # Find index of particles using a search sort iord_base = self.base['iord'] iord_argsort = self.base['iord_argsort'] index_array = iord_argsort[np.searchsorted(iord_base, iord, sorter=iord_argsort)] # TODO: custom search sort to prevent this check # Check that the iord match assert np.all(iord_base[index_array] == iord) return index_array def _get_family_slice(self, fam): # A bit messy: jump out the SubSnap inheritance chain # and call SimSnap method directly... return SimSnap._get_family_slice(self, fam) def _get_family_array(self, name, fam, index=None, always_writable=False): sl = self._family_indices.get(fam,slice(0,0)) sl = util.concatenate_indexing(sl, index) return self.base._get_family_array(name, fam, sl, always_writable) def _set_family_array(self, name, family, value, index=None): self.base._set_family_array(name, family, value, util.concatenate_indexing(self._family_indices[family], index)) def _create_array(self, *args, **kwargs): self.base._create_array(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class FamilySubSnap(SubSnap): """Represents a one-family portion of a parent snap object""" def __init__(self, base, fam): self.base = base self._inherit() self._slice = base._get_family_slice(fam) self._unifamily = fam self._descriptor = ":" + # Use the slice attributes to find sub array length self._num_particles = self._slice.stop - self._slice.start self._file_units_system = base._file_units_system def __delitem__(self, name): if name in list(self.base.keys()): raise ValueError( "Cannot delete global simulation property from sub-view") elif name in self.base.family_keys(self._unifamily): self.base._del_family_array(name, self._unifamily)
[docs] def keys(self): global_keys = list(self.base.keys()) family_keys = self.base.family_keys(self._unifamily) return list(set(global_keys).union(family_keys))
[docs] def family_keys(self, fam=None): # We now define there to be no family-specific subproperties, # because all properties can be accessed through standard # __setitem__, __getitem__ methods return []
def _get_family_slice(self, fam): if fam is self._unifamily: return slice(0, len(self)) else: return slice(0, 0) def _get_array(self, name, index=None, always_writable=False): try: return SubSnap._get_array(self, name, index, always_writable) except KeyError: return self.base._get_family_array(name, self._unifamily, index, always_writable) def _create_array(self, array_name, ndim=1, dtype=None, zeros=True, derived=False, shared=None): # Array creation now maps into family-array creation in the parent self.base._create_family_array( array_name, self._unifamily, ndim, dtype, derived, shared) def _set_array(self, name, value, index=None): if name in list(self.base.keys()): self.base._set_array( name, value, util.concatenate_indexing(self._slice, index)) else: self.base._set_family_array(name, self._unifamily, value, index) def _create_family_array(self, array_name, family, ndim, dtype, derived, shared): self.base._create_family_array( array_name, family, ndim, dtype, derived, shared) def _promote_family_array(self, *args, **kwargs): pass def _load_array(self, array_name, fam=None, **kwargs): if fam is self._unifamily or fam is None: self.base._load_array(array_name, self._unifamily) def _derive_array(self, array_name, fam=None): if fam is self._unifamily or fam is None: self.base._derive_array(array_name, self._unifamily)
[docs]def load(filename, *args, **kwargs): """Loads a file using the appropriate class, returning a SimSnap instance.""" for c in config['snap-class-priority']: if c._can_load(filename):"Loading using backend %s" % str(c)) return c(filename, *args, **kwargs) raise IOError( "File %r: format not understood or does not exist" % filename)
[docs]def new(n_particles=0, order=None, **families): """Create a blank SimSnap, with the specified number of particles. Position, velocity and mass arrays are created and filled with zeros. By default all particles are taken to be dark matter. To specify otherwise, pass in keyword arguments specifying the number of particles for each family, e.g. f = new(dm=50, star=25, gas=25) The order in which the different families appear in the snapshot is unspecified unless you add an 'order' argument: f = new(dm=50, star=25, gas=25, order='star,gas,dm') guarantees the stars, then gas, then dark matter particles appear in sequence. """ if len(families) == 0: families = {'dm': n_particles} t_fam = [] tot_particles = 0 if order is None: for k, v in list(families.items()): assert isinstance(v, int) t_fam.append((family.get_family(k), v)) tot_particles += v else: for k in order.split(","): v = families[k] assert isinstance(v, int) t_fam.append((family.get_family(k), v)) tot_particles += v x = SimSnap() x._num_particles = tot_particles x._filename = "<created>" x._create_arrays(["pos", "vel"], 3) x._create_arrays(["mass"], 1) rt = 0 for k, v in t_fam: x._family_slice[k] = slice(rt, rt + v) rt += v x._decorate() return x
def _get_snap_classes(): from . import gadgethdf from . import nchilada from . import gadget from . import tipsy from . import ramses from . import grafic from . import ascii _snap_classes = [gadgethdf.GadgetHDFSnap, gadgethdf.SubFindHDFSnap, gadgethdf.EagleLikeHDFSnap, nchilada.NchiladaSnap, gadget.GadgetSnap, tipsy.TipsySnap, ramses.RamsesSnap, grafic.GrafICSnap, ascii.AsciiSnap] return _snap_classes