Source code for pynbody.bridge



The bridge module has tools for connecting different outputs. For instance,
it's possible to take a subview (e.g. a halo) from one snapshot and 'push'
it into the other. This is especially useful if the two snapshots are
different time outputs of the same simulation.

Once connected, bridge called on a specific subset of particles in
output1 will trace these particles back (or forward) to the output2,
enabling observing a change in their properties, such as position,
temperature, etc.

For a tutorial on how to use the bridge module to trace the particles
in your simulation, see the `bridge tutorial


import weakref
import numpy as np
import math
from . import _bridge

[docs]class Bridge(object): """Generic Bridge class""" def __init__(self, start, end): self._start = weakref.ref(start) self._end = weakref.ref(end) assert len(start) == len(end)
[docs] def is_same(i1, i2): """Returns true if the particle i1 in the start point is the same as the particle i2 in the end point.""" return i1 == i2
def __call__(self, s): """Given a subview of either the start or end point of the bridge, generate the corresponding subview of the connected snapshot""" start, end = self._get_ends() if s.is_descendant(start): return end[s.get_index_list(start)] elif s.is_descendant(end): return start[s.get_index_list(end)] else: raise RuntimeError("Not a subview of either end of the bridge") def _get_ends(self): start = self._start() end = self._end() if start is None or end is None: raise RuntimeError("Stale reference to start or endpoint") return start, end
[docs] def match_catalog(self, min_index=1, max_index=30, threshold=0.5, groups_1 = None, groups_2 = None, use_family = None): """Given a Halos object groups_1, a Halos object groups_2 and a Bridge object connecting the two parent simulations, this identifies the most likely ID's in groups_2 of the objects specified in groups_1. If groups_1 and groups_2 are not specified, they are automatically obtained using the SimSnap.halos method. Parameters min_index and max_index are the minimum and maximum halo numbers to be matched (in both ends of the bridge). If max_index is too large, the catalogue matching can take prohibitively long (it scales as max_index^2). This routine currently uses particle number as a proxy for mass, so that the main simulation data does not need to be loaded. If b links snapshot f1 (high redshift) to f2 (low redshift) and we set cat = b.match_catalog() then cat is now a numpy index array such that f1.halos()[i] is the major progenitor for f2.halos()[cat[i]], assuming cat[i] is positive. cat[0:min_index+1] is set to -2. Halos which cannot be matched because they have too few particles in common give the result -1. This is determined by the given threshold fraction of particles in common (by default, 50%). If use_family is specified, only particles from that family are cross-matched. This can be useful e.g. if matching between two different simulations where the relationship between DM particles is known, but perhaps the relationship between star particles is random. """ fuzzy_matches = self.fuzzy_match_catalog(min_index, max_index, threshold, groups_1, groups_2, use_family) identification = np.zeros(max_index+1,dtype=int) for i,row in enumerate(fuzzy_matches): if len(row)>0: identification[i] = row[0][0] elif i<min_index: identification[i] = -2 else: identification[i] = -1 return identification
[docs] def fuzzy_match_catalog(self, min_index=1, max_index=30, threshold=0.01, groups_1 = None, groups_2 = None, use_family=None, only_family=None): """fuzzy_match_catalog returns, for each halo in groups_1, a list of possible identifications in groups_2, along with the fraction of particles in common between the two. Normally, match_catalog is simpler to use, but this routine offers greater flexibility for advanced users. The first entry for each halo corresponds to the output from match_catalog. If no identification is found, the entry is the empty list []. """ transfer_matrix = self.catalog_transfer_matrix(min_index,max_index,groups_1,groups_2,use_family,only_family) output = [[]]*min_index for row in transfer_matrix: this_row_matches = [] if row.sum()>0: frac_particles_transferred = np.array(row,dtype=float)/row.sum() above_threshold = np.where(frac_particles_transferred>threshold)[0] above_threshold = above_threshold[np.argsort(frac_particles_transferred[above_threshold])[::-1]] for column in above_threshold: this_row_matches.append((column+min_index, frac_particles_transferred[column])) output.append(this_row_matches) return output
[docs] def catalog_transfer_matrix(self, min_index=1, max_index=30, groups_1=None, groups_2=None,use_family=None,only_family=None): """Return a max_index x max_index matrix with the number of particles transferred from the row group in groups_1 to the column group in groups_2. Normally, match_catalog (or fuzzy_match_catalog) are easier to use, but this routine provides the maximal information.""" start, end = self._get_ends() if groups_1 is None: groups_1 = start.halos() else: assert groups_1.base.ancestor is start.ancestor if groups_2 is None: groups_2 = end.halos() else: assert groups_2.base.ancestor is end.ancestor if use_family: end = end[use_family] start = start[use_family] restricted_start_particles = self(self(start)) # map back and forth to get only particles that are held in common restricted_end_particles = self(restricted_start_particles) # map back to start in case a reordering is required restriction_end_indices = restricted_end_particles.get_index_list(end.ancestor) restriction_start_indices = restricted_start_particles.get_index_list(start.ancestor) assert len(restriction_end_indices) == len( restriction_start_indices), "Internal consistency failure in catalog_transfer_matrix: particles supposedly common to both simulations have two different lengths" if only_family is None: g1 = groups_1.get_group_array()[restriction_start_indices] g2 = groups_2.get_group_array()[restriction_end_indices] else: g1 = groups_1.get_group_array(family=only_family)[restriction_start_indices] g2 = groups_2.get_group_array(family=only_family)[restriction_end_indices] if max_index is None: max_index = max(len(groups_1), len(groups_2)) if min_index is None: min_index = min(g1.min(),g2.min()) transfer_matrix = _bridge.match(g1, g2, min_index, max_index) return transfer_matrix
[docs]class OrderBridge(Bridge): """An OrderBridge uses integer arrays in two simulations (start,end) where particles i_start and i_end are defined to be the same if and only if start[order_array][i_start] == start[order_array][i_end]. If monotonic is True, order_array must be monotonically increasing in both ends of the bridge (and this is not checked for you). If monotonic is False, the bridging is slower but this is the failsafe option. """ def __init__(self, start, end, order_array="iord", monotonic=True, allow_family_change=False): self._start = weakref.ref(start) self._end = weakref.ref(end) self._order_array = order_array self.monotonic = monotonic self.allow_family_change = allow_family_change
[docs] def is_same(self, i1, i2): start, end = self._get_ends() return start[order_array][i1] == end[order_array][i2]
def __call__(self, s): start, end = self._get_ends() if s.is_descendant(start): from_ = start to_ = end elif s.is_descendant(end): from_ = end to_ = start else: raise RuntimeError("Not a subview of either end of the bridge") iord_to = np.asarray(to_[self._order_array]).view(np.ndarray) iord_from = np.asarray(s[self._order_array]).view(np.ndarray) if not self.monotonic: iord_map_to = np.argsort(iord_to) iord_map_from = np.argsort(iord_from) iord_to = iord_to[iord_map_to] iord_from = iord_from[iord_map_from] output_index, found_match = _bridge.bridge(iord_to, iord_from) if not self.monotonic: output_index = iord_map_to[output_index[np.argsort(iord_map_from)][found_match]] else: output_index = output_index[found_match] if self.allow_family_change: new_family_index = to_._family_index()[output_index] # stable sort by family: output_index = output_index[np.lexsort((new_family_index,))] return to_[output_index]
[docs]def bridge_factory(a, b): """Create a bridge connecting the two specified snapshots. For more information see :ref:`bridge-tutorial`.""" from ..snapshot import tipsy, gadget, ramses, nchilada, gadgethdf a_top = a.ancestor b_top = b.ancestor if type(a_top) is not type(b_top): raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to automatically bridge between two simulations of different formats. You will need to create your bridge manually by instantiating either the Bridge or OrderBridge class appropriately.") if (isinstance(a_top, tipsy.TipsySnap) or isinstance(a_top, nchilada.NchiladaSnap)): if "iord" in a_top.loadable_keys(): return OrderBridge(a_top, b_top, monotonic=True) else: return Bridge(a_top, b_top) elif isinstance(a_top, gadget.GadgetSnap) or isinstance(a_top, gadgethdf.GadgetHDFSnap): return OrderBridge(a_top, b_top, monotonic=False, allow_family_change=True) elif isinstance(a_top, ramses.RamsesSnap): if len(a.gas) > 0 or len(b.gas) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot bridge AMR gas cells") return OrderBridge(a_top, b_top, monotonic=False) else: raise RuntimeError("Don't know how to automatically bridge between these simulations. You will need to create your bridge manually by instantiating either the Bridge or OrderBridge class appropriately.")