Source code for pynbody.analysis.ionfrac



calculates ionization fractions - NEEDS DOCUMENTATION


import numpy as np
import os
from ..array import SimArray
from pynbody import config

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.analysis.ionfrac')

from .interpolate import interpolate3d

[docs]def calculate(sim, ion='ovi', mode='old'): """ calculate -- documentation placeholder """ global config # ionization fractions calculated for optically thin case with # CLOUDY v 10.0. J. Xavier Prochaska + Joe Hennawi have many # helper idl routines for running CLOUDY iffile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "ionfracs.npz") if os.path.exists(iffile): # import data"Loading %s" % iffile) ifs = np.load(iffile) else: raise IOError("ionfracs.npz (Ion Fraction table) not found") # allocate temporary metals that we can play with # before inlining, the views on the arrays must be standard np.ndarray # otherwise the normal numpy macros are not generated x_vals = ifs['redshiftvals'].view(np.ndarray) y_vals = ifs['tempvals'].view(np.ndarray) z_vals = ifs['denvals'].view(np.ndarray) vals = ifs[ion + 'if'].view(np.ndarray) x = np.zeros(len(sim.gas)) x[:] =['z'] y = np.log10(sim.gas['temp']).view(np.ndarray) z = np.log10(sim.gas['rho'].in_units('m_p cm^-3')).view(np.ndarray) n = len(sim.gas) n_x_vals = len(x_vals) n_y_vals = len(y_vals) n_z_vals = len(z_vals) # get values off grid to minmax x[np.where(x < np.min(x_vals))] = np.min(x_vals) x[np.where(x > np.max(x_vals))] = np.max(x_vals) y[np.where(y < np.min(y_vals))] = np.min(y_vals) y[np.where(y > np.max(y_vals))] = np.max(y_vals) z[np.where(z < np.min(z_vals))] = np.min(z_vals) z[np.where(z > np.max(z_vals))] = np.max(z_vals) # interpolate"Interpolation %s values" % ion) result_array = interpolate3d(x, y, z, x_vals, y_vals, z_vals, vals) return 10 ** result_array