Source code for pynbody.analysis.hmf


halo mass function (hmf)

Various halo mass function routines. 


import numpy as np
from . import cosmology
from .. import units
from .. import util
import pynbody
import os
    import scipy
    import scipy.interpolate
except ImportError:

import math
import warnings
import cmath
import tempfile
import subprocess
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.analysis.hmf')

# Filters

class FieldFilter(object):

    def __init__(self):
        raise RuntimeError("Cannot instantiate directly, use a subclass instead")

    def M_to_R(self, M):
        """Return the mass scale (Msol h^-1) for a given length (Mpc h^-1 comoving)"""
        return (M / (self.gammaF * self.rho_bar)) ** 0.3333

    def R_to_M(self, R):
        """Return the length scale (Mpc h^-1 comoving) for a given spherical mass (Msol h^-1)"""
        return self.gammaF * self.rho_bar * R ** 3

    def Wk(kR):
        raise RuntimeError("Not implemented")

class TophatFilter(FieldFilter):

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.gammaF = 4 * math.pi / 3
        self.rho_bar = cosmology.rho_M(context, unit="Msol Mpc^-3 h^2 a^-3")

    def Wk(kR):
        return 3 * (np.sin(kR) - kR * np.cos(kR)) / (kR) ** 3

class GaussianFilter(FieldFilter):

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.gammaF = (2 * math.pi) ** 1.5
        self.rho_bar = cosmology.rho_M(context, unit="Msol Mpc^-3 h^2 a^-3")

    def Wk(kR):
        return np.exp(-(kR) ** 2 / 2)

class HarmonicStepFilter(FieldFilter):

    def __init__(self, context):
        self.gammaF = 6 * math.pi ** 2
        self.rho_bar = cosmology.rho_M(context, unit="Msol Mpc^-3 h^2 a^-3")

    def Wk(kR):
        return (kR < 1)

# Power spectrum management / normalization

class PowerSpectrumCAMB(object):

    def __init__(self, context, filename=None, log_interpolation=True):
        if filename is None:
                "Using the default power-spectrum spectrum which assumes ns=0.96 and WMAP7+H0+BAO transfer function.", RuntimeWarning)
            filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "CAMB_WMAP7")

        k, Pk = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True)

        self._orig_k_min = k.min()
        self._orig_k_max = k.max()

        bot_k = 1.e-5

        if k[0] > bot_k:
            # extrapolate out
            n = math.log10(Pk[1] / Pk[0]) / math.log10(k[1] / k[0])

            Pkinterp = 10 ** (math.log10(Pk[0]) - math.log10(k[0] / bot_k) * n)
            k = np.hstack((bot_k, k))
            Pk = np.hstack((Pkinterp, Pk))

        top_k = 1.e7

        if k[-1] < top_k:
            # extrapolate out
            n = math.log10(Pk[-1] / Pk[-2]) / math.log10(k[-1] / k[-2])

            Pkinterp = 10 ** (math.log10(Pk[-1]
                                         ) - math.log10(k[-1] / top_k) * n)
            k = np.hstack((k, top_k))
            Pk = np.hstack((Pk, Pkinterp))

        self.k = k.view(pynbody.array.SimArray)
        self.k.units = "Mpc^-1 h a^-1"

        self.Pk = Pk.view(pynbody.array.SimArray)
        self.Pk.units = "Mpc^3 h^-3"

        self.k.sim = context
        self.Pk.sim = context

        self._lingrowth = 1

        if['z'] != 0:
            self._lingrowth = cosmology.linear_growth_factor(context) ** 2

        self._default_filter = TophatFilter(context)
        self.min_k = self.k.min()
        self.max_k = self.k.max()
        self._norm = 1

        self._log_interp = log_interpolation



    def _init_interpolation(self):
        if self._log_interp:
            self._interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(
                np.log(self.k), np.log(self.Pk))
            self._interp = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(np.log(self.k), self.Pk)

    def set_sigma8(self, sigma8):
        current_sigma8_2 = self.get_sigma8() ** 2
        self._norm *= sigma8 ** 2 / current_sigma8_2

    def get_sigma8(self):
        current_sigma8 = math.sqrt(
            variance(8.0, self._default_filter, self, True) / self._lingrowth)
        return current_sigma8

    def __call__(self, k):
        if np.any(k < self._orig_k_min):
                "Power spectrum does not extend to low enough k; using power-law extrapolation (this is likely to be fine)", RuntimeWarning)
        if np.any(k > self._orig_k_max):
                "Power spectrum does not extend to high enough k; using power-law extrapolation. This is bad but your results are unlikely to be sensitive to it unless they relate directly to very small scales or you have run CAMB with inappropriate settings.", RuntimeWarning)
        if self._log_interp:
            return self._norm * self._lingrowth * np.exp(self._interp(np.log(k)))
            return self._norm * self._lingrowth * self._interp(np.log(k))

class PowerSpectrumCAMBLive(PowerSpectrumCAMB):

    def __init__(self, context, use_context=True, camb_params={}, log_interpolation=True):
        """Run CAMB to get out a power spectrum. The default parameters are in cambtemplate.ini.
        Any of these can be modified by passing the appropriate kwarg."""

        from .. import config_parser
        path_to_camb = config_parser.get('camb', 'path')
        if path_to_camb == '/path/to/camb':
            raise RuntimeError("You need to compile CAMB and set up the executable path in your pynbody configuration file.")

        file_in = open(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cambtemplate.ini"), "r")
        folder_out = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        file_out = open(os.path.join(folder_out, "camb.ini"), "w")

        if use_context:
            h0 =['h']
            omB0 =['omegaB0'] * h0 ** 2
            omM0 =['omegaM0'] * h0 ** 2
            omC0 = omM0 - omB0
            ns =['ns']
            running =['running']
            camb_params.update({'ombh2': omB0, 'omch2': omC0, 'hubble': h0 *
                                100, 'scalar_nrun(1)': running, 'scalar_spectral_index(1)': ns})

        for line in file_in:
            if "=" in line and "#" not in line:
                name, val = line.split("=")
                name = name.strip()
                if name in camb_params:
                    val = camb_params[name]
                print(name, "=", val, file=file_out)
                print(line.strip(), file=file_out)

        file_out.close()"Running %s on %s" %
                    (path_to_camb, os.path.join(folder_out, "camb.ini")))
        subprocess.check_output("cd %s; %s camb.ini" %
                                (folder_out, path_to_camb), shell=True)

        PowerSpectrumCAMB.__init__(self, context, os.path.join(
            folder_out, "test_matterpower.dat"), log_interpolation=log_interpolation)

class BiasedPowerSpectrum(PowerSpectrumCAMB):

    def __init__(self, bias, pspec):
        """Set up a biased power spectrum.

          bias: either a number for a fixed bias, or a function taking
                the wavenumber k in Mpc/h and returning the bias

          pspec: the underlying power spectrum

        if not hasattr(bias, '__call__'):
            bias = lambda x: bias

        self._bias = bias
        self._pspec = pspec
        self._norm = 1.0
        self.min_k = pspec.min_k
        self.max_k = pspec.max_k
        self.k = pspec.k
        self.Pk = pspec.Pk * self._bias(self.k) ** 2

    def __call__(self, k):
        return self._norm * self._pspec(k) * self._bias(k) ** 2

# Variance calculation

def variance(M, f_filter=TophatFilter, powspec=PowerSpectrumCAMB, arg_is_R=False):
    if hasattr(M, '__len__'):
        ax = pynbody.array.SimArray(
            [variance(Mi, f_filter, powspec, arg_is_R) for Mi in M])
        # hopefully dimensionless
        ax.units = powspec.Pk.units * powspec.k.units ** 3
        return ax

    if arg_is_R:
        R = M
        R = f_filter.M_to_R(M)

    integrand = lambda k: k ** 2 * powspec(k) * f_filter.Wk(k * R) ** 2
    integrand_ln_k = lambda k: np.exp(k) * integrand(np.exp(k))
    v = scipy.integrate.romberg(integrand_ln_k, math.log(powspec.min_k), math.log(
        1. / R) + 3, divmax=10, rtol=1.e-4) / (2 * math.pi ** 2)

    return v

def estimate_neffm(M, f_filter=TophatFilter, powspec=PowerSpectrumCAMB, arg_is_R=False):
    # this routine is opaque and inefficient
    dlnm = 0.01  # just needs to be small

# if hasattr(M,'__len__') : ## why is this needed?
#        ax =  pynbody.array.SimArray([estimate_neffm(Mi, f_filter, powspec) for Mi in M])
# ax.units = powspec.Pk.units/ powspec.Pk.units * powspec.k.units**3 / powspec.k.units**3  # hopefully dimensionless
#        return ax

    M2 = np.exp(np.log(M) + dlnm)
    sig = np.sqrt(variance(M, f_filter, powspec))
    sig2 = np.sqrt(variance(M2, f_filter, powspec))
    #  neff = 6 dlnsigmainv / dlnm, eq. 13 reed et al. 2007
    neff = 6. * (np.log(sig / sig2)) / dlnm - 3.

    return neff

def get_neffm(mass, sigma):
            #  neff = 6 dlnsigmainv / dlnm - 3, eq. 13 reed et al. 2007
    dlnm = np.diff(np.log(mass))
    dlnsigmainv = np.diff(np.log(1. / sigma))
    neff = 6. * dlnsigmainv / dlnm - 3.
    return neff

@units.takes_arg_in_units((0, "Mpc h^-1"))
def correlation(r, powspec=PowerSpectrumCAMB):

    if hasattr(r, '__len__'):
        ax = pynbody.array.SimArray([correlation(ri,  powspec) for ri in r])
        ax.units = powspec.Pk.units * powspec.k.units ** 3
        return ax

    # Because sin kr becomes so highly oscilliatory, normal
    # quadrature is slow/inaccurate for this problem. The following
    # is the best way I could come up with to overcome that.
    # For small kr, sin kr/kr is represented as a Taylor expansion and
    # each segment of the power spectrum is integrated over, summing
    # over the Taylor series to convergence.
    # When the convergence of this starts to fail, each segment of the
    # power spectrum is still represented by a power law, but the
    # exact integral boils down to a normal incomplete gamma function
    # extended into the complex plane.
    # Originally, we had:
    # integrand = lambda k: k**2 * powspec(k) * (np.sin(k*r)/(k*r))
    # integrand_ln_k = lambda k: np.exp(k)*integrand(np.exp(k))

    tot = 0
    defer = False

    k = powspec.k

    gamma_method = False

    for k_bot, k_top in zip(k[:-1], k[1:]):

        if k_bot >= k_top:

        # express segment as P(k) = P0*k^n
        Pk_top = powspec(k_top)
        Pk_bot = powspec(k_bot)

        n = np.log(Pk_top / Pk_bot) / np.log(k_top / k_bot)
        P0 = Pk_top / k_top ** n

        if n != n or abs(n) > 2:
            # looks nasty in log space, so interpolate linearly instead
            grad = (Pk_top - Pk_bot) / (k_top - k_bot)
            segment = ((-2 * grad + k_bot * Pk_bot * r ** 2) * np.cos(k_bot * r) +
                       (2 * grad - k_top * (-(grad * k_bot) + grad * k_top + Pk_bot) * r ** 2) * np.cos(k_top * r) -
                       (grad * k_bot + Pk_bot) * r * np.sin(k_bot * r) +
                       (-(grad * k_bot) + 2 * grad * k_top + Pk_bot) * r * np.sin(k_top * r)) / r ** 4

        elif k_top * r < 6.0 and not gamma_method:
            # approximate sin y/y as polynomial = \sum_m coeff_m y^m

            segment = 0
            term = 0

            m = 0
            coeff = 1
            while m == 0 or (abs(term / segment) > 1.e-7 and m < 50):
                if m > 0:
                    coeff *= (-1.0) / (m * (m + 1))

                # integral is P0 * r^m * int_(k_bot)^(k_top) k^(2+n+m) dk = P0
                # r^m [k^(3+n+m)/(3+n+m)]
                top_val = k_top ** (3 + n + m) / (3 + n + m)
                bot_val = k_bot ** (3 + n + m) / (3 + n + m)
                term = P0 * (r ** m) * (top_val - bot_val) * coeff
                segment += term
                m += 2

            if m >= 50:
                raise RuntimeError("Convergence failure in sin y/y series integral")

            if m > 18:
                gamma_method = True
                # experience suggests when you have to sum beyond m=18, it's faster
                # to switch to the method below


            # now integral of this segment is exactly
            # P0 * int_(k_bot)^(k_top) k^(2+n) sin(kr)/(kr) = (P0/r^(n+3)) Im[ (i)^(-n-2) Gamma(n+2,i k_bot r, i k_top r)]
            # First we need to evaluate the Gamma integral sufficiently
            # accurately

            top_val = util.gamma_inc(n + 2, (1.0j) * r * k_top)
            bot_val = util.gamma_inc(n + 2, (1.0j) * r * k_bot)
            segment = - \
                ((1.0j) ** (-n - 2) * P0 *
                 (top_val - bot_val) / r ** (n + 3)).imag

        tot += segment

    tot /= (2 * math.pi ** 2)

    return tot

[docs]def correlation_func(context, log_r_min=-3, log_r_max=2, delta_log_r=0.2, pspec=PowerSpectrumCAMB): """ Calculate the linear density field correlation function. **Args**: *context* (SimSnap): The snapshot from which to pull the cosmological context (includes sigma8 normalization and growth function integrations, but does not currently affect transfer function) **Kwargs:** *log_r_min:* log10 of the minimum separation (Mpc h^-1) to consider *log_r_max:* log10 of the maximum separation (Mpc h^-1) to consider *delta_log_r:* The value spacing in dex *pspec:* A power spectrum object; default is a WMAP7 cosmology calculated by CAMB. **Returns:** *r:* Array of the r values (Mpc h^-1) for which the correlation function was evaluated. *Xi:* Array of the dimensionless correlation for each separation. """ if isinstance(pspec, type): pspec = pspec(context) r = (10.0 ** np.arange(log_r_min, log_r_max + delta_log_r / 2, delta_log_r)).view(pynbody.array.SimArray) r.sim = context r.units = "Mpc h^-1 a" Xi_r = np.array([correlation(ri, pspec) for ri in r]).view(pynbody.array.SimArray) Xi_r.sim = context Xi_r.units = "" return r, Xi_r
####################################################################### # Default kernels for halo mass function #######################################################################
[docs]def f_press_schechter(nu): """ The Press-Schechter kernel used by halo_mass_function """ f = math.sqrt(2. / math.pi) * nu * np.exp(-nu * nu / 2.) return f
[docs]def f_sheth_tormen(nu, Anorm=0.3222, a=0.707, p=0.3): """ Sheth & Tormen (1999) fit (see also Sheth Mo & Tormen 2001) """ # Anorm: normalization, set so all mass is in halos (integral [f nu dn]=1) # a: affects mainly the number of massive halo, # a=0.75 is favored by Sheth & Tormen (2002) f = Anorm * math.sqrt(2. * a / math.pi) * \ (1. + np.power((1. / a / nu / nu), p)) f *= nu * np.exp(-a * nu * nu / 2.) return f
def f_jenkins(nu, deltac=1.68647): # Jenkins et al (2001) fit ## valid for -1.2 << ln(1/sigma) << 1.05 sigma = deltac / nu lnsigmainv = np.log(1. / sigma) if ((np.any(lnsigmainv < -1.2)) or (np.any(lnsigmainv > 1.05))): logger.warning( "Jenkins mass function is outsie of valid mass range. Continuing calculations anyway.") f = 0.315 * np.exp(-np.power((np.fabs(lnsigmainv + 0.61)), 3.8)) return f def f_warren(nu, deltac=1.68647): # Warren et al. 2006 -- valid for (10**10 - 10**15 Msun/h) sigma = deltac / nu A = 0.7234 a = 1.625 b = 0.2538 c = 1.1982 f = A * (np.power(sigma, -a) + b) * np.exp(-c / sigma ** 2) return f
[docs]def f_reed_no_z(nu, deltac=1.68647): # universal form # Reed et al. (2007) fit, eqn. 9 -- with no redshift depedence (simple # universal form) """ modified S-T fit by the G1 gaussian term and c""" sigma = deltac / nu # normalization that all mass is in halos not strictly conserved here Anorm = 0.3222 a = 0.707 # affects mostly the number of massive halos # a=0.75 # favored by Sheth & Tormen (2002) p = 0.3 c = 1.08 nu = deltac / sigma lnsigmainv = np.log(1. / sigma) G1 = np.exp(-np.power((lnsigmainv - 0.4), 2) / (2. * 0.6 * 0.6)) f = Anorm * np.sqrt(2. * a / np.pi) * \ (1. + np.power((1. / a / nu / nu), p) + 0.2 * G1) f *= nu * np.exp(-c * a * nu * nu / 2.) return f
[docs]def f_reed_z_evo(nu, neff, deltac=1.68647): # non-universal form # Reed et al. (2007) fit, eqn. 11 -- with redshift depedence for accuracy # at z >~ z_reion """ modified S-T fit by the n_eff dependence and the G1 and G2 gaussian terms and c where P(k) proportional to k_halo**(n_eff) and k_halo = Mhalo / r_halo_precollapse. eqn 13 of Reed et al 2007 estimtes neff = 6 d ln(1/sigma(M))/ d ln M - 3 """ sigma = deltac / nu # normalization that all mass is in halos not strictly conserved here Anorm = 0.3222 a = 0.707 # affects mostly the number of massive halos # a=0.75 # favored by Sheth & Tormen (2002) p = 0.3 c = 1.08 nu = deltac / sigma lnsigmainv = np.log(1. / sigma) G1 = np.exp(- np.power((lnsigmainv - 0.4), 2) / (2. * 0.6 * 0.6)) G2 = np.exp(- np.power((lnsigmainv - 0.75), 2) / (2. * 0.2 * 0.2)) f = Anorm * np.sqrt(2. * a / np.pi) * (1. + np.power((1. / a / nu / nu), p) + 0.6 * G1 + 0.4 * G2) f *= nu * \ np.exp(-c * a * nu * nu / 2. - 0.03 / (neff + 3) ** 2 * np.power(nu, 0.6)) return f
def f_bhattacharya(nu, red, deltac=1.68647): # Bhattacharya et al. 2010 -- 6x10**11 - 310**15 Msun/h z=0-2 sigma = deltac / nu A = 0.333 / pow((1. + red), 0.11) a = 0.788 / pow((1. + red), 0.01) p = 0.807 / pow((1. + red), 0.0) q = 1.795 / pow((1. + red), 0.0) f = A * np.sqrt(2. / np.pi) * (1. + np.power((1. / a / nu / nu), p)) f *= np.power(nu * math.sqrt(a), q) * np.exp(-a * nu * nu / 2.) return f ####################################################################### # Bias functions #######################################################################
[docs]def cole_kaiser_bias(nu, delta_c): """ The Cole-Kaiser (1989) bias function. Also in Mo & White 1996. """ return 1 + (nu ** 2 - 1) / delta_c
[docs]def sheth_tormen_bias(nu, delta_c, a=0.707, b=0.5, c=0.6): """ The Sheth-Tormen (1999) bias function [eq 8] """ root_a = math.sqrt(a) return 1. + (root_a * a * nu ** 2 + root_a * b * (a * nu ** 2) ** (1. - c) - (a * nu ** 2) ** c / ((a * nu ** 2) ** c + b * (1 - c) * (1 - c / 2))) \ / (root_a * delta_c)
####################################################################### # The most useful function: halo_mass_function #######################################################################
[docs]def halo_mass_function(context, log_M_min=8.0, log_M_max=15.0, delta_log_M=0.1, kern="ST", pspec=PowerSpectrumCAMB, delta_crit=1.686, no_h=False): """ Returns the halo mass function, dN/d log_{10} M in units of Mpc^-3 h^3. **Args:** *context (SimSnap):* The snapshot from which to pull the cosmological context (includes sigma8 normalization and growth function integrations, but does not currently affect transfer function) **Kwargs:** *log_M_min:* The minimum halo mass (Msol h^-1) to consider *log_M_max:* The maximum halo mass (Msol h^-1) to consider *delta_log_M:* The bin spacing of halo masses (see warning below) *kern:* The kernel function which dictates what type of mass function to calculate; or a string ("PS" or "ST") for one of the defaults *pspec:* A power spectrum object (which also defines the window function); default is a WMAP7 cosmology calculated by CAMB, and a top hat window *delta_crit:* The critical overdensity for collapse **Returns:** *M:* The centre of the mass bins, in Msol h^-1 *sigma:* The linear variance of the corresponding sphere *N:* The abundance of halos of that mass (Mpc^-3 h^3 comoving, per decade of mass) Because numerical derivatives are involved, the value of delta_log_M affects the accuracy. Numerical experiments suggest that delta_log_M=0.1 gives more than enough accuracy, but you should check for your own use case. Recommended m.f. for friends-of-friends linking length 0.2 particle sep.: z <~ 2 : bhattacharya z >~ 5 : reed_universal (no redshift dependence) : or reed_evolving (w/redshift dependence for additional accuracy) """ if isinstance(kern, str): kern = {'PS': f_press_schechter, 'ST': f_sheth_tormen, 'J': f_jenkins, 'W': f_warren, 'REEDZ': f_reed_z_evo, # Reed et al 2007 without redshift dependence 'REEDU': f_reed_no_z, 'B': f_bhattacharya}[kern] rho_bar = cosmology.rho_M(context, unit="Msol Mpc^-3 h^2") red =['z'] # redshift is always set by simulation M = np.arange(log_M_min, log_M_max, delta_log_M) M_mid = np.arange( log_M_min + delta_log_M / 2, log_M_max - delta_log_M / 2, delta_log_M) if isinstance(pspec, type): pspec = pspec(context) sig = variance(10 ** M, pspec._default_filter, pspec) # sigma(m)**2 nu = delta_crit / np.sqrt(sig) nu.units = "1" nu_mid = (nu[1:] + nu[:-1]) / 2 d_ln_nu_d_ln_M = np.diff(np.log10(nu)) / delta_log_M dM = np.diff(10 ** M) if (kern == f_reed_z_evo): ## neff = estimate_neffm(M) neff = get_neffm(10. ** M, sig ** 0.5) out = (rho_bar / (10 ** M_mid)) * kern(nu_mid, neff) * \ d_ln_nu_d_ln_M * math.log(10.) *['a'] ** 3 elif (kern == f_bhattacharya): # eq 7.46, Mo, van den Bosch and White out = (rho_bar / (10 ** M_mid)) * kern(nu_mid, red) * \ d_ln_nu_d_ln_M * math.log(10.) *['a'] ** 3 else: # eq 7.46, Mo, van den Bosch and White out = (rho_bar / (10 ** M_mid)) * kern(nu_mid) * \ d_ln_nu_d_ln_M * math.log(10.) *['a'] ** 3 out.units = "Mpc^-3 h^3 a^-3" out.sim = context M_mid = (10 ** M_mid).view(pynbody.array.SimArray) M_mid.units = "Msol h^-1" M_mid.sim = context # interpolate sigma for output checking purposes sig = (sig[1:] + sig[:-1]) / 2 return M_mid, np.sqrt(sig), out
[docs]@units.takes_arg_in_units((1, "Msol h^-1"), context_arg=0) def halo_bias(context, M, kern=cole_kaiser_bias, pspec=PowerSpectrumCAMB, delta_crit=1.686): """ Return the halo bias for the given halo mass. **Args:** *context (SimSnap):* The snapshot from which to pull the cosmological context *M:* float, unit or string describing the halo mass. If a float, units are Msol h^-1. **Kwargs:** *kern:* The kernel function describing the halo bias (default Cole-Kaiser). *pspec:* A power spectrum object (which also defines the window function); default is a WMAP7 cosmology calculated by CAMB, and a top hat window *delta_crit:* The critical overdensity for collapse **Returns:** The halo bias (single float) """ if isinstance(pspec, type): pspec = pspec(context) sig = variance(M, pspec._default_filter, pspec) nu = delta_crit / np.sqrt(sig) return kern(nu, delta_crit)
[docs]def simulation_halo_mass_function(snapshot, log_M_min=8.0, log_M_max=15.0, delta_log_M=0.1, masses=None, mass_def="halo_finder", calculate_err=True, subsample_catalogue=None): """ Construct the halo mass function from a halo catalogue by binning haloes in mass and counting them. This allows direct plotting of the simulation HMF against the theory HMF. **Args:** *snapshot (SimSnap):* The snapshot from which to calculate halo masses **Kwargs:** *log_M_min:* The minimum halo mass (Msol h^-1) to consider *log_M_max:* The maximum halo mass (Msol h^-1) to consider *delta_log_M:* The bin spacing of halo masses *masses: Provide array of halo masses in Msol h**-1. If none, this is calculated from the snapshot. *mass_def: Definition of the mass of a halo. Possible extensions could be M200_crit, M200_matter, Mvir etc... *err: If true, calculates error bars according to Poisson process. *subsample_catalogue: Sample the halo catalogue every int value. Mostly for speed and debugging issues. WARNING: If your halo catalogue is ordered, this method does not take responsability in randomising the catalogue so you might not recover the true HMF. **Returns:** The binned number density of haloes in this snapshot in comoving Mpc**-3 h**3 per decade of mass """ #Check that the mass resolution is uniform, this method does not handle otherwise if len(set(snapshot.d['mass'])) > 1: warnings.warn( "The mass resolution of the snapshot is not uniform (e.g. zooms). This method" "will not generate a correct HMF in this case.") nbins = int(1 + (log_M_max - log_M_min)/delta_log_M) bins = np.logspace(log_M_min, log_M_max, num=nbins, base=10) bin_centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 if subsample_catalogue is None: halo_catalogue = snapshot.halos() else: halo_catalogue = snapshot.halos()[::subsample_catalogue] if masses is None: warnings.warn("Halo finder masses not provided. Calculating them (might take a while...)") if mass_def=="halo_finder": masses = np.array([h['mass'].sum().in_units('1 h**-1 Msol') for h in halo_catalogue]) else: raise KeyError("Only halo finder mass is supported in this calculation for now") if np.amax(masses) > 10**log_M_max or np.amin(masses) < 10**log_M_min : warnings.warn("Your bin range does not encompass the full range of halo masses") # Calculate number of halos in each bin num_halos = np.histogram(masses, bins)[0] normalisation = (['boxsize'].in_units(' a h**-1 Mpc', **snapshot.conversion_context()) ** 3)\ * delta_log_M if calculate_err: # Calculate error bars assuming Poisson distribution in each bin err = np.sqrt(num_halos )/normalisation num_halos = num_halos / normalisation # Make sure units are consistent bin_centers = bin_centers.view(pynbody.array.SimArray) bin_centers.units = "Msol h**-1" bin_centers.context = snapshot num_halos = num_halos.view(pynbody.array.SimArray) num_halos.units = "a**-3 Mpc**-3 h**3" num_halos.context = snapshot if calculate_err: err = err.view(pynbody.array.SimArray) err.units = "a**-3 Mpc**-3 h**3" err.context = snapshot return bin_centers, num_halos, err else: return bin_centers, num_halos