Source code for pynbody.analysis.decomp



Tools for bulge/disk/halo decomposition


from . import angmom
from .. import array
from .. import filt, util
from .. import config
from . import profile
import numpy as np
import sys

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.analysis.decomp')

[docs]def decomp(h, aligned=False, j_disk_min=0.8, j_disk_max=1.1, E_cut=None, j_circ_from_r=False, cen=None, vcen=None, log_interp=False, angmom_size="3 kpc"): """ Creates an array 'decomp' for star particles in the simulation, with an integer specifying a kinematic decomposition. The possible values are: 1 -- thin disk 2 -- halo 3 -- bulge 4 -- thick disk 5 -- pseudo bulge This routine is based on an original IDL procedure by Chris Brook. **Parameters:** *h* -- the halo to work on *j_disk_min* -- the minimum angular momentum as a proportion of the circular angular momentum which a particle must have to be part of the 'disk' *j_disk_max* -- the maximum angular momentum as a proportion of the circular angular momentum which a particle can have to be part of the 'disk' *E_cut* -- the energy boundary between bulge and spheroid. If None, this is taken to be the median energy of the stars. *aligned* -- if False, the simulation is recenterd and aligned so the disk is in the xy plane as required for the rest of the analysis. *cen* -- if not None, specifies the center of the halo. Otherwise it is found. This has no effect if aligned=True *vcen* -- if not None, specifies the velocity center of the halo. Otherwise it is found. This has no effect if aligned=True *j_circ_from_r* -- if True, the maximum angular momentum is determined as a function of radius, rather than as a function of orbital energy. Default False (determine as function of energy). *angmom_size* -- the size of the gas sphere used to determine the plane of the disk """ import scipy.interpolate as interp global config # Center, eliminate proper motion, rotate so that # gas disk is in X-Y plane if not aligned: angmom.faceon(h, cen=cen, vcen=vcen, disk_size=angmom_size) # Find KE, PE and TE ke = h['ke'] pe = h['phi'] h['phi'].convert_units(ke.units) # put PE and TE into same unit system te = ke + pe h['te'] = te te_star =['te'] te_max = te_star.max() # Add an arbitrary offset to the PE to reflect the idea that # the group is 'fully bound'. te -= te_max"te_max = %.2e" % te_max) h['te'] -= te_max"Making disk rotation curve...") # Now make a rotation curve for the disk. We'll take everything # inside a vertical height of eps*3 d = h[filt.Disc('1 Mpc', h['eps'].min() * 3)] try: # attempt to load rotation curve off disk r, v_c = np.loadtxt(h.ancestor.filename + ".rot." + str(["halo_id"]), skiprows=1, unpack=True) pro_d = profile.Profile(d, nbins=100, type='log') r_me = pro_d["rbins"].in_units("kpc") r_x = np.concatenate(([0], r, [r.max() * 2])) v_c = np.concatenate(([v_c[0]], v_c, [v_c[-1]])) v_c = interp.interp1d(r_x, v_c, bounds_error=False)(r_me)" - found existing rotation curve on disk, using that") v_c = v_c.view(array.SimArray) v_c.units = "km s^-1" v_c.sim = d v_c.convert_units(h['vel'].units) pro_d._profiles['v_circ'] = v_c pro_d.v_circ_loaded = True except: pro_d = profile.Profile(d, nbins=100, type='log') # .D() # Nasty hack follows to force the full halo to be used in calculating the # gravity (otherwise get incorrect rotation curves) pro_d._profiles['v_circ'] = profile.v_circ(pro_d, h) pro_phi = pro_d['phi'] #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # offset the potential as for the te array pro_phi -= te_max # (will automatically be reflected in E_circ etc) # calculating v_circ for j_circ and E_circ is slow if j_circ_from_r: pro_d.create_particle_array("j_circ", out_sim=h) pro_d.create_particle_array("E_circ", out_sim=h) else: if log_interp: j_from_E = interp.interp1d( np.log10(-pro_d['E_circ'].in_units(ke.units))[::-1], np.log10(pro_d['j_circ'])[::-1], bounds_error=False) h['j_circ'] = 10 ** j_from_E(np.log10(-h['te'])) else: # j_from_E = interp.interp1d(-pro_d['E_circ'][::-1], (pro_d['j_circ'])[::-1], bounds_error=False) j_from_E = interp.interp1d( pro_d['E_circ'].in_units(ke.units), pro_d['j_circ'], bounds_error=False) h['j_circ'] = j_from_E(h['te']) # The next line forces everything close-to-unbound into the # spheroid, as per CB's original script ('get rid of weird # outputs', it says). h['j_circ'][np.where(h['te'] > pro_d['E_circ'].max())] = np.inf # There are only a handful of particles falling into the following # category: h['j_circ'][np.where(h['te'] < pro_d['E_circ'].min())] = pro_d[ 'j_circ'][0] h['jz_by_jzcirc'] = h['j'][:, 2] / h['j_circ'] h_star = if 'decomp' not in h_star: h_star._create_array('decomp', dtype=int) disk = np.where( (h_star['jz_by_jzcirc'] > j_disk_min) * (h_star['jz_by_jzcirc'] < j_disk_max)) h_star['decomp', disk[0]] = 1 # h_star = h_star[np.where(h_star['decomp']!=1)] # Find disk/spheroid angular momentum cut-off to make spheroid # rotational velocity exactly zero. V = h_star['vcxy'] JzJcirc = h_star['jz_by_jzcirc'] te = h_star['te']"Finding spheroid/disk angular momentum boundary...") j_crit = util.bisect(0., 5.0, lambda c: np.mean(V[np.where(JzJcirc < c)]))"j_crit = %.2e" % j_crit) if j_crit > j_disk_min: logger.warn( "!! j_crit exceeds j_disk_min. This is usually a sign that something is going wrong (train-wreck galaxy?)") logger.warn("!! j_crit will be reset to j_disk_min=%.2e" % j_disk_min) j_crit = j_disk_min sphere = np.where(h_star['jz_by_jzcirc'] < j_crit) if E_cut is None: E_cut = np.median(h_star['te'])"E_cut = %.2e" % E_cut) halo = np.where((te > E_cut) * (JzJcirc < j_crit)) bulge = np.where((te <= E_cut) * (JzJcirc < j_crit)) pbulge = np.where((te <= E_cut) * (JzJcirc > j_crit) * ((JzJcirc < j_disk_min) + (JzJcirc > j_disk_max))) thick = np.where((te > E_cut) * (JzJcirc > j_crit) * ((JzJcirc < j_disk_min) + (JzJcirc > j_disk_max))) # h_star['decomp', disk] = 1 h_star['decomp', halo] = 2 h_star['decomp', bulge] = 3 h_star['decomp', thick] = 4 h_star['decomp', pbulge] = 5 # Return profile object for informational purposes return pro_d