.. _loaders: Code-specific loaders ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Pynbody` uses a number of different modules behind the scenes to take care of loading files in different formats. Unfortunately not all of these have the same capabilities; see below. ========= ========== ================= ========== ================= =================================== Filetype Can load? Partial loading? Can save? Array-level save? Notes ========= ========== ================= ========== ================= =================================== Tipsy Yes Yes Yes Yes Gadget Yes No [1]_ Yes Yes GadgetHDF Yes No [1]_ No No [2]_ Ramses Yes No [1]_ No No [3]_, [4]_ NChilada Yes Yes No No GrafIC Yes Yes No No [5]_ ========= ========== ================= ========== ================= =================================== .. [1] Currently these modules do not support the standard partial loading mechanism. However they do allow you to load only certain CPU outputs. For instance if you wish to load CPU 3 data only, in `Gadget` or `GadgetHDF`, you simply ask to load the specific file `my_snapshot.003` instead of the imaginary file `my_snapshot`. In `Ramses`, you add `cpus=[3]` to your load command, e.g. ``pynbody.load('output_00080', cpus=[3])``. .. [2] Requires the `h5py` python module. You can determine whether you have this by typing ``import h5py`` into python. If you don't get an error, you have it. If you don't have it, see here .. [3] Ramses gas cells are loaded and converted into `gas` particles, one at the centre of each maximally refined cell. You can ask to generate the particles at a higher level of refinement by passing in a `maxlevel` argument. For example, ``pynbody.load('output_00080', maxlevel=10)`` will place gas particles at refinement level 10 or (numerically) lower. .. [4] Ramses loading is enormously speeded up if you enable the parallel loading facility, which splits the task of loading the multiple files and decoding the awkward format across multiple processes. To do this, you need to install the `posix_ipc `_ module which should be as simple as typing ``easy_install posix_ipc`` into your shell. See also important notes on :ref:`posix_ipc`. .. [5] These are initial conditions generated by Bertschinger's `GrafIC `_ or Prunet et al's `MPGrafIC `_. The end-user rarely needs to worry about the implementation of different loaders, as all types of simulations are loaded with :func:`pynbody.load` and the type is determined automatically. .. automodule:: pynbody.snapshot.tipsy .. automodule:: pynbody.snapshot.gadget .. automodule:: pynbody.snapshot.gadgethdf .. automodule:: pynbody.snapshot.nchilada .. automodule:: pynbody.snapshot.ramses .. automodule:: pynbody.snapshot.grafic