Source code for pynbody.util



Various utility routines used internally by pynbody.


import gzip
import struct
import os
import threading
import sys
import time
import functools
import logging
import math
import sys

import numpy as np
import scipy

from .backcompat import fractions
from . import config
from . import units
from .array import SimArray

logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.util')
from ._util import *

[docs]def open_(filename, *args): """Open a file, determining from the filename whether to use gzip decompression""" if (filename[-3:] == '.gz'): return, *args) try: return open(filename, *args) except IOError: return + ".gz", *args)
[docs]def open_with_size(filename, *args): """Open a file for reading, returning also the (decompressed) file size""" f = open_(filename, *args) if isinstance(f, gzip.GzipFile): fo = open(, 'rb'), 2) r = fo.close() return f, struct.unpack('<I', r)[0] else:, os.SEEK_END) buflen = f.tell(), os.SEEK_SET) return f, buflen
[docs]def eps_as_simarray(f, eps): """Convert th given eps to a SimArray with units of f['pos'] and dtype of f['mass']""" if isinstance(eps, str): eps = units.Unit(eps) if not isinstance(eps, units.UnitBase): eps = eps * f['pos'].units"Considering eps = {}".format(eps)) eps_value = eps._scale eps_unit = eps/eps_value eps = SimArray(np.ones(len(f), dtype=f['mass'].dtype) * eps_value, eps_unit) return eps
[docs]def get_eps(f): """The gravitational softening length is determined from (in order of preference): 1. the array f['eps'] 2.['eps'] (scalar or unit) Return a SimArray with correct units and dtype (same dtype as 'mass' array)""" try: eps = f['eps'] except KeyError: if 'eps' in eps = eps_as_simarray(f,['eps']) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot retrieve 'eps' from SimSnap") return eps
def gcf(a, b): while b > 0: a, b = b, a % b return a def lcm(a, b): return (a * b) // gcf(a, b)
[docs]def intersect_slices(s1, s2, array_length=None): """Given two python slices s1 and s2, return a new slice which will extract the data of an array d which is in both d[s1] and d[s2]. Note that it may not be possible to do this without information on the length of the array referred to, hence all slices with end-relative indexes are first converted into begin-relative indexes. This means that the slice returned may be specific to the length specified.""" assert array_length is not None or \ (s1.start >= 0 and s2.start >= 0 and s1.stop >= 0 and s2.start >= 0) s1_start = s1.start s2_start = s2.start s1_stop = s1.stop s2_stop = s2.stop s1_step = s1.step s2_step = s2.step if s1_step == None: s1_step = 1 if s2_step == None: s2_step = 1 assert s1_step > 0 and s2_step > 0 if s1_start < 0: s1_start = array_length + s1_start if s1_start < 0: return slice(0, 0) if s2_start < 0: s2_start = array_length + s2_start if s2_start < 0: return slice(0, 0) if s1_stop < 0: s1_stop = array_length + s1_stop if s1_stop < 0: return slice(0, 0) if s2_stop < 0: s2_stop = array_length + s2_stop if s2_stop < 0: return slice(0, 0) step = lcm(s1_step, s2_step) start = max(s1_start, s2_start) stop = min(s1_stop, s2_stop) if stop <= start: return slice(0, 0) s1_offset = start - s1_start s2_offset = start - s2_start s1_offset_x = int(s1_offset) s2_offset_x = int(s2_offset) if s1_step == s2_step and s1_offset % s1_step != s2_offset % s1_step: # slices are mutually exclusive return slice(0, 0) # There is surely a more efficient way to do the following, but # it eludes me for the moment while s1_offset % s1_step != 0 or s2_offset % s2_step != 0: start += 1 s1_offset += 1 s2_offset += 1 if s1_offset % s1_step == s1_offset_x % s1_step and s2_offset % s2_step == s2_offset_x % s2_step: # slices are mutually exclusive return slice(0, 0) if step == 1: step = None return slice(start, stop, step)
[docs]def relative_slice(s_relative_to, s): """Given a slice s, return a slice s_prime with the property that array[s_relative_to][s_prime] == array[s]. Clearly this will not be possible for arbitrarily chosen s_relative_to and s, but it should be possible for s=intersect_slices(s_relative_to, s_any) which is the use case envisioned here (and used by SubSim). This code currently does not work with end-relative (i.e. negative) start or stop positions.""" assert (s_relative_to.start >= 0 and s.start >= 0 and s.stop >= 0) if s.start == s.stop: return slice(0, 0, None) s_relative_to_step = s_relative_to.step if s_relative_to.step is not None else 1 s_step = s.step if s.step is not None else 1 if (s.start - s_relative_to.start) % s_relative_to_step != 0: raise ValueError("Incompatible slices") if s_step % s_relative_to_step != 0: raise ValueError("Incompatible slices") start = (s.start - s_relative_to.start) // s_relative_to_step step = s_step // s_relative_to_step stop = start + \ (s_relative_to_step - 1 + s.stop - s.start) // s_relative_to_step if step == 1: step = None return slice(start, stop, step)
[docs]def chained_slice(s1, s2): """Return a slice s3 with the property that ar[s1][s2] == ar[s3] """ assert (s1.start >= 0 and s2.start >= 0 and s1.stop >= 0 and s2.stop >= 0) s1_start = s1.start or 0 s2_start = s2.start or 0 s1_step = s1.step or 1 s2_step = s2.step or 1 start = s1_start + s2_start * s1_step step = s1_step * s2_step if s1.stop is None and s2.stop is None: stop = None elif s1.stop is None: stop = start + step * (s2.stop - s2_start) // s2_step elif s2.stop is None: stop = s1.stop else: stop_s2 = start + step * (s2.stop - s2_start) // s2_step stop_s1 = s1.stop stop = stop_s2 if stop_s2 < stop_s1 else stop_s1 return slice(start, stop, step)
[docs]def index_before_slice(s, index): """Return an index array new_index with the property that, for a slice s (start, stop and step all positive), ar[s][index] == ar[new_index].""" start = s.start or 0 step = s.step or 1 assert start >= 0 assert step >= 0 assert s.stop is None or s.stop >= 0 new_index = start + index * step if s.stop is not None: new_index = new_index[np.where(new_index < s.stop)] return new_index
[docs]def concatenate_indexing(i1, i2): """Given either a numpy array or slice for both i1 and i2, return either a numpy array or slice i3 with the property that ar[i3] == ar[i1][i2]. As a convenience, if i2 is None, i1 is returned """ if isinstance(i1, tuple) and len(i1) == 1: i1 = i1[0] if isinstance(i2, tuple) and len(i2) == 1: i2 = i2[0] if i2 is None: return i1 if isinstance(i1, slice) and isinstance(i2, slice): return chained_slice(i1, i2) elif isinstance(i1, slice) and isinstance(i2, (np.ndarray, list)): return index_before_slice(i1, i2) elif isinstance(i1, (np.ndarray, list)) and isinstance(i2, (slice, np.ndarray)): return np.asarray(i1)[i2] else: raise TypeError("Don't know how to chain these index types")
[docs]def indexing_length(sl_or_ar): """Given either an array or slice, return len(ar[sl_or_ar]) for any array ar which is large enough that the slice does not overrun it.""" if isinstance(sl_or_ar, slice): step = sl_or_ar.step or 1 diff = (sl_or_ar.stop - sl_or_ar.start) return diff // step + (diff % step > 0) else: return len(sl_or_ar)
[docs]def arrays_are_same(a1, a2): """Returns True if a1 and a2 are numpy views pointing to the exact same underlying data; False otherwise.""" try: return a1.__array_interface__['data'] == a2.__array_interface__['data'] \ and a1.strides == a2.strides except AttributeError: return False
[docs]def set_array_if_not_same(a_store, a_in, index=None): """This routine checks whether a_store and a_in ultimately point to the same buffer; if not, the contents of a_in are copied into a_store.""" if index is None: index = slice(None) if not arrays_are_same(a_store[index], a_in): a_store[index] = a_in if not hasattr(a_in.units, "_no_unit"): a_store.units = a_in.units
[docs]def index_of_first(array, find): """Returns the index to the first element in array which satisfies array[index]>=find. The array must be sorted in ascending order.""" if len(array) == 0: return 0 left = 0 right = len(array) - 1 if array[left] >= find: return 0 if array[right] < find: return len(array) while right - left > 1: mid = (left + right) // 2 if array[mid] >= find: right = mid else: left = mid return right
[docs]def equipartition(ar, nbins, vmin=None, vmax=None): """ Given an array ar, return nbins+1 monotonically increasing bin edges such that the number of items in each bin is approximately equal. """ a_s = np.sort(ar) if vmax is not None: a_s = a_s[a_s <= vmax] if vmin is not None: a_s = a_s[a_s > vmin] return a_s[np.array(np.linspace(0, len(a_s) - 1, nbins + 1), dtype='int')]
[docs]def bisect(left, right, f, epsilon=None, eta=0, verbose=False, niter_max=200): """ Finds the value x such that f(x)=0 for a monotonically increasing function f, using a binary search. The search stops when either the bounding domain is smaller than epsilon (by default 10^-7 times the original region) OR a value f(x) is found such that |f(x)|<eta (by default eta=0, so this criterion is never satisfied). """ if epsilon is None: epsilon = (right - left) * 1.e-7"Entering bisection search algorithm") for i in range(niter_max): if (right - left) < epsilon: return (right + left) / 2 mid = (left + right) / 2 z = f(mid)"%f %f %f %f" % (left, mid, right, z)) if (abs(z) < eta): return mid elif(z < 0): left = mid else: right = mid raise ValueError("Bisection algorithm did not converge")
[docs]def gauss_jordan(out): """A simple Gauss-Jordan matrix inverter. This is provided so that matrices of fractions can be inverted (numpy linalg converts everything to floats first.) Don't use on large matrices -- it's slow! Based on public domain code by Jarno Elonen.""" h, w = out.shape assert w > h for y in range(0, h): maxrow = out[y:, y].argmax() + y (out[y], out[maxrow]) = (out[maxrow], out[y].copy()) if out[y][y] == 0: # this will be a problem, see if we can do a row # operation to fix it for y2 in range(y+1,h): if out[y2][y]!=0: out[y]+=out[y2] break # no, out of options, must be a singular matrix if out[y][y]==0: raise np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError("Singular matrix") for y2 in range(y + 1, h): # Eliminate column y c = out[y2][y] / out[y][y] out[y2] -= out[y] * c for y in range(h - 1, 0 - 1, -1): # Backsubstitute c = out[y][y] for y2 in range(0, y): for x in range(w - 1, y - 1, -1): out[y2][x] -= out[y][x] * out[y2][y] / c out[y][y] /= c for x in range(h, w): # Normalize row y out[y][x] /= c return out
[docs]def rational_matrix_inv(matrix): """A simple replacement for numpy linalg matrix inverse which handles fractions exactly. Not suitable for large matrices!""" assert len(matrix) == len(matrix[0]) x = np.ndarray( shape=(len(matrix), len(matrix[0]) + len(matrix)), dtype=fractions.Fraction) x[:, :] = fractions.Fraction(0) for i in range(len(x)): x[i, len(x) + i] = fractions.Fraction(1) for i in range(len(x)): for j in range(len(x)): x[i, j] = fractions.Fraction(matrix[i][j]) return gauss_jordan(x)[:, len(x):]
[docs]def random_rotation_matrix(): """Return a random rotation matrix (Haar measure for 3x3 case), using fast algorithm from Graphics Gems III (""" x = np.random.uniform(size=3) theta = x[0]*2*math.pi phi = x[1]*2*math.pi z = x[2]*2 r = math.sqrt(z) vx = math.sin(phi)*r vy = math.cos(phi)*r vz = math.sqrt(2.0-z) st = math.sin(theta) ct = math.cos(theta) sx = vx*ct-vy*st sy = vx*st+vy*ct return np.array([[vx*sx-ct, vx*sy-st, vx*vz], [vy*sx+st, vy*sy-ct, vy*vz], [vz*sx,vz*sy,1.0-z]])
[docs]def cutgz(x): """Strip the .gz ending off a string""" if x[-3:] == '.gz': return x[:-3] else: return x
class ExecutionControl(object): def __init__(self): self.count = 0 self.on_exit = None def __enter__(self): self.count += 1 def __exit__(self, *excp): self.count -= 1 assert self.count >= 0 if self.count == 0 and self.on_exit is not None: self.on_exit() def __bool__(self): return self.count > 0 def __repr__(self): return "<ExecutionControl: %s>" % ('True' if self.count > 0 else 'False') ################################################################# # Code for incomplete gamma function accepting complex arguments ################################################################# def _gser(a, x, eps=3.e-7, itmax=700): """Series representation of the incomplete gamma function, based on numerical recipes 3rd ed""" if x == 0.0: return 0.0 ap = a sum = 1. / a delta = sum n = 1 while n <= itmax: ap = ap + 1. delta = delta * x / ap sum = sum + delta if (abs(delta) < abs(sum) * eps): return (sum * np.exp(-x + a * np.log(x))) n = n + 1 raise RuntimeError("Maximum iterations exceeded in gser") def _gcf(a, x, eps=3.e-7, itmax=200): """Continued fraction representation of the incomplete gamma function, based on numerical recipes 3rd ed""" gold = 0. a0 = 1. a1 = x b0 = 0. b1 = 1. fac = 1. n = 1 while n <= itmax: an = n ana = an - a a0 = (a1 + a0 * ana) * fac b0 = (b1 + b0 * ana) * fac anf = an * fac a1 = x * a0 + anf * a1 b1 = x * b0 + anf * b1 if (a1 != 0.): fac = 1. / a1 g = b1 * fac if (abs((g - gold) / g) < eps): return (g * np.exp(-x + a * np.log(x))) gold = g n = n + 1 raise RuntimeError("Maximum iterations exceeded in gcf")
[docs]def gamma_inc(a, z, eps=3.e-7): """Incomplete gamma function accepting complex z, based on algorithm given in numerical recipes (3rd ed)""" import scipy import scipy.special if (abs(z) < a + 1.): return _gser(a, z, eps) else: return scipy.special.gamma(a) - _gcf(a, z, eps)
# # THREAD-SAFE VERSION OF scipy.weave.inline # compile_lock = threading.Lock()
[docs]def threadsafe_inline(*args, **kwargs): """When scipy.weave.inline is called, it may trigger a compile. We only want one compilation to be going on at once, otherwise nasty race conditions arise. This function wraps scipy.weave.inline to be thread-safe.""" import scipy.weave call_frame = sys._getframe().f_back if 'local_dict' not in kwargs: kwargs['local_dict'] = call_frame.f_locals if 'global_dict' not in kwargs: kwargs['global_dict'] = call_frame.f_globals tid = threading.currentThread().name while args[0] not in scipy.weave.inline_tools.function_cache: # We need a compilation, so try to acquire the compile lock if compile_lock.acquire(False): # acquired lock try: ret = scipy.weave.inline(*args, **kwargs) finally: compile_lock.release() return ret else: # didn't acquire lock. Wait a while time.sleep(1) # When we reach this point, we know no compilation will be # triggered, so go ahead and call return scipy.weave.inline(*args, **kwargs)
_head_type = np.dtype('i4') def _thread_map(func, *args): def r_func(*afunc): try: this_t = threading.current_thread() this_t.ret_value = func(*afunc) except Exception as e: this_t.ret_excp = e threads = [] for arg_this in zip(*args): threads.append(threading.Thread(target=r_func, args=arg_this)) threads[-1].start() rets = [] excp = None for t in threads: while t.is_alive(): # just calling t.join() with no timeout can make it harder to # debug deadlocks! t.join(1.0) if hasattr(t, 'ret_excp'): excp = t.ret_excp else: rets.append(t.ret_value) if excp is None: return rets raise excp # Note this is a re-raised exception from within a thread