Source code for pynbody.snapshot.tipsy


Implements classes and functions for handling tipsy files.  You rarely
need to access this module directly as it will be invoked
automatically via pynbody.load.


*filename*: file name string

**Optional Keywords**:

*paramfile*: string specifying the parameter file to load. If not
specified, the loader will look for a file `*.param` in the current and
parent directories.


  # for py2.5

from .. import array, util
from .. import family
from .. import units
from .. import config, config_parser
from .. import chunk
from . import nchilada
from . import SimSnap

import struct
import os
import numpy as np
import gzip
import sys
import warnings
import copy
import types
import math

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.snapshot.tipsy')

class TipsySnap(SimSnap):
    _basic_loadable_keys = { set(['phi', 'pos', 'eps', 'mass', 'vel']),
                            family.gas: set(['phi', 'temp', 'pos', 'metals', 'eps',
                                             'mass', 'rho', 'vel']),
                   set(['phi', 'tform', 'pos', 'metals',
                                              'eps', 'mass', 'vel']),
                            None: set(['phi', 'pos', 'eps', 'mass', 'vel'])}

    def __init__(self, filename, **kwargs):

        global config

        super(TipsySnap, self).__init__()

        only_header = kwargs.get('only_header', False)
        if only_header:
                "only_header kwarg is deprecated: all loading in TipsySnap is now lazy by default", RuntimeWarning)

        must_have_paramfile = kwargs.get('must_have_paramfile', False)
        take = kwargs.get('take', None)
        verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', config['verbose'])

        self.partial_load = take is not None

        self._filename = util.cutgz(filename)

        f = util.open_(filename, 'rb')

        if not only_header:
  "Loading %s", filename)

        t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns = struct.unpack("diiiii",
        if (ndim > 3 or ndim < 1):
            self._byteswap = True
            t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns = struct.unpack(">diiiii",
            self._byteswap = False

        assert ndim == 3

        self._header_t = t

        disk_family_slice = dict({family.gas: slice(0, ng),
                         slice(ng, nd + ng),
                         slice(nd + ng, ng + nd + ns)})

        self._load_control = chunk.LoadControl(disk_family_slice, 10240, take)

        self._family_slice = self._load_control.mem_family_slice
        self._num_particles = self._load_control.mem_num_particles

        self._paramfilename = kwargs.get('paramfile', None)


        # describe the file structure as list of (num_parts, [list_of_properties])
        # by default all fields are floats -- we look at the param file to determine
        # whether we should expect some doubles

        if self._paramfile.get('bDoublePos', 0):
            ptype = 'd'
            ptype = 'f'

        if self._paramfile.get('bDoubleVel', 0):
            vtype = 'd'
            vtype = 'f'

        self._g_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ("mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "rho", "temp", "eps", "metals", "phi"),
                                  'formats': ('f', ptype, ptype, ptype, vtype, vtype, vtype, 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f')})
        self._d_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ("mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "eps", "phi"),
                                  'formats': ('f', ptype, ptype, ptype, vtype, vtype, vtype, 'f', 'f')})
        self._s_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ("mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "metals", "tform", "eps", "phi"),
                                  'formats': ('f', ptype, ptype, ptype, vtype, vtype, vtype, 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f')})

        if 'dKpcUnit' not in self._paramfile:
            if must_have_paramfile:
                raise RuntimeError("Could not find .param file for this run. Place it in the run's directory or parent directory.")
                    "No readable param file in the run directory or parent directory: using defaults.", RuntimeWarning)
                self._file_units_system = [
                    units.Unit(x) for x in ('G', '1 kpc', '1e10 Msol')]

        time_unit = None
            time_unit = self.infer_original_units('yr')
        except units.UnitsException:

        if time_unit is not None:
  ['time'] *= time_unit

        del f

    def _load_main_file(self):"Loading data from main file %s", self._filename)

        f = util.open_(self._filename, 'rb')

        write = []

        for w, ndim in ("pos", 3), ("vel", 3), ("mass", 1), ("eps", 1), ("phi", 1):
            if w not in list(self.keys()):
                self._create_array(w, ndim, zeros=False)

        for w in "rho", "temp":
            if w not in list(self.gas.keys()):
                self.gas._create_array(w, zeros=False)

        if ("metals" not in list(self.gas.keys())) and ("metals" not in list(
            self.gas._create_array("metals", zeros=False)
  "metals", zeros=False)

        if "tform" not in list(
  "tform", zeros=False)

        if "temp" in write:
            self.gas["temp"].units = "K"

        for k in "pos", "vel", "mass", "eps", "phi":
            if k in write:

        # only do this for cosmo runs
        if "phi" in write and 'h' in
            self['phi'].units = self['phi'].units * units.a ** -3  # messy :-(

        for k in "rho", "temp", "metals":
            if k in write:

        for k in "metals", "tform":
            if k in write:

        if "pos" in write:
            write += ['x', 'y', 'z']

        if "vel" in write:
            write += ['vx', 'vy', 'vz']

        max_item_size = max(
            [q.itemsize for q in (self._g_dtype, self._d_dtype, self._s_dtype)])
        tbuf = bytearray(max_item_size * 10240)

        for fam, dtype in ((family.gas, self._g_dtype), (, self._d_dtype), (, self._s_dtype)):
            self_fam = self[fam]
            st_len = dtype.itemsize
            for readlen, buf_index, mem_index in self._load_control.iterate([fam], [fam], multiskip=True):
                # Read in the block

                if mem_index is None:
           * readlen, 1)

                buf = np.fromstring( * readlen), dtype=dtype)

                if self._byteswap:
                    buf = buf.byteswap()

                if mem_index is not None:
                    # Copy into the correct arrays
                    for name in dtype.names:
                        if name in write:
                            self_fam[name][mem_index] = buf[name][buf_index]

    def _update_loadable_keys(self):
        def is_readable_array(x):
                f = util.open_(x, 'r')
                return int(f.readline()) == len(self)
            except ValueError:
                # could be a binary file
                f = util.open_(x, 'rb')

                header =
                if len(header)!=4:
                    return False

                if self._byteswap:
                    buflen = struct.unpack(">i", header)[0]
                    buflen = struct.unpack("i", header)[0]

                ourlen_1 = (self._load_control.disk_num_particles)& 0xffffffff
                ourlen_3 = (self._load_control.disk_num_particles*3)& 0xffffffff

                if buflen == ourlen_1:  # it's a vector
                    return True
                elif buflen == ourlen_3:  # it's an array
                    return True
                    return False

            except IOError:
                return False

        import glob

        fs = list(map(util.cutgz, glob.glob(self._filename + ".*")))
        res = [q[len(self._filename) + 1:] for q in list(filter(is_readable_array, fs))]

        # Create an empty dictionary of sets to store the loadable
        # arrays for each family
        rdict = dict([(x, set()) for x in self.families()])
        rdict.update(dict([a, copy.copy(b)]
                          for a, b in self._basic_loadable_keys.items() if a is not None))
        # Now work out which families can load which arrays
        # according to the stored metadata
        for r in res:
            fams = self._get_loadable_array_metadata(r)[1]
            for x in fams or list(rdict.keys()):

        self._loadable_keys_registry = rdict

    def loadable_keys(self, fam=None):
        """Produce and return a list of loadable arrays for this TIPSY file."""
        if len(self._loadable_keys_registry) == 0:

        if fam is not None:
            # Return what is loadable for this family
            return list(self._loadable_keys_registry[fam])
            # Return what is loadable to all families
            return list(set.intersection(*list(self._loadable_keys_registry.values())))

    def _update_snapshot(self, arrays, filename=None, fam_out=[family.gas,,]):
        Write a TIPSY file, but only updating the requested information and leaving the
        rest intact on disk.

        if self.partial_load:
            raise RuntimeError("Writing back to partially loaded files not yet supported")

        global config

        # make arrays be a list
        if isinstance(arrays, str):
            arrays = [arrays]

        # check if arrays includes a 3D array
        if 'pos' in arrays:
            for arr in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
        if 'vel' in arrays:
            for arr in ['vx', 'vy', 'vz']:

        with self.lazy_off:
            fin = util.open_(self.filename, "rb")
            fout = util.open_(self.filename + ".tmp", "wb")

            if self._byteswap:
                t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns = struct.unpack(">diiiii",
                fout.write(struct.pack(">diiiiii", t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns, 0))
                t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns = struct.unpack("diiiii",
                fout.write(struct.pack("diiiiii", t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns, 0))


            if family.gas in fam_out:
                assert(ng == len(self[family.gas]))
            if in fam_out:
                assert(nd == len(self[]))
            if in fam_out:
                assert(ns == len(self[]))

            max_block_size = 1024 ** 2  # particles

            # describe the file structure as list of (num_parts,
            # [list_of_properties])
            file_structure = ((ng, family.gas, ["mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "rho", "temp", "eps", "metals", "phi"]),
                              (nd,, [
                               "mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "eps", "phi"]),
                              (ns,, ["mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "metals", "tform", "eps", "phi"]))

            # do the read/write -- at each block, replace the relevant array

            for n_left, fam, st in file_structure:
                n_done = 0
                self_fam = self[fam]
                while n_left > 0:
                    n_block = min(n_left, max_block_size)

                    # Read in the block
                        g = np.fromstring(
                   * n_block * 4), 'f').byteswap().reshape((n_block, len(st)))
                        g = np.fromstring(
                   * n_block * 4), 'f').reshape((n_block, len(st)))

                    if fam in fam_out:
                        self_sub = self[fam][n_done:n_done + n_block]
                        # write over the relevant data
                        with self_sub.immediate_mode:
                            for i, name in enumerate(st):

                                if name in arrays:
                                    ar = self_sub[name]
                                        if ar.units != 1 and ar.units != units.NoUnit():
                                            g[:, i] = ar.in_original_units().view(
                                            g[:, i] = ar.view(np.ndarray)
                                    except KeyError:

                    # Write out the block
                    if self._byteswap:

                    # Increment total ptcls read in, decrement ptcls left of
                    # this type
                    n_left -= n_block
                    n_done += n_block


            os.system("mv " + self.filename + ".tmp " + self.filename)

    def _write(self, filename=None, double_pos=None, double_vel=None, binary_aux_arrays=None, cosmological=True):

        Write a TIPSY (standard) formatted file.

        Additionally, you can specify whether you want position and/or
        velocity arrays written out in double precision. If you are
        writing out a snapshot that was originally in tipsy format and
        the bDoublePos/bDoubleVel flags are set in the parameter file,
        then the write routine will follow those choices. If you are
        writing a snapshot other than a tipsy snapshot, then you have
        to specify these by hand.

        **Optional Keywords**

        *filename* (None): name of the file to be written out. If
                           None, the original file is overwritten.

        *double_pos* (False): set to 'True' if you want to write out positions as doubles

        *double_vel* (False): set to 'True' if you want to write out velocities as doubles

        *binary_aux_arrays* (None): set to 'True' to write auxiliary
                                    arrays in binary format; if left 'None', the preference is
                                    taken from the param file

        *cosmological* (True): if True (default), the header will store the['a'];
                               otherwise it will store['time']


        global config

        if filename is None:
            filename = self._filename"Writing main file %s", filename)

        f = util.open_(filename, 'wb')

        t = 0.0
            if cosmological:
                t =['a']
                t =['time']
        except KeyError:
                "Time is unknown: writing zero in header", RuntimeWarning)

        n = len(self)
        ndim = 3
        ng = len(self.gas)
        nd = len(self.dark)
        ns = len(

        byteswap = getattr(self, "_byteswap", sys.byteorder == "little")

        if byteswap:
            f.write(struct.pack(">diiiiii", t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns, 0))
            f.write(struct.pack("diiiiii", t, n, ndim, ng, nd, ns, 0))

        # needs to be done in blocks like reading
        # describe the file structure as list of (num_parts,
        # [list_of_properties])

        if type(self) is not TipsySnap:
            if double_pos is None:
                double_pos = False
            if double_vel is None:
                double_vel = False
            ptype = 'd' if double_pos else 'f'
            vtype = 'd' if double_vel else 'f'

            dpos_param = self._paramfile.get('bDoublePos', False)
            dvel_param = self._paramfile.get('bDoubleVel', False)

            if double_pos:
                ptype = 'd'
            elif not double_pos:
                ptype = 'f'
                ptype = 'd' if dpos_param else 'f'

            if double_vel:
                vtype = 'd'
            elif not double_vel:
                vtype = 'f'
                vtype = 'd' if dvel_param else 'f'

        g_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ("mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "rho", "temp", "eps", "metals", "phi"),
                            'formats': ('f', ptype, ptype, ptype, vtype, vtype, vtype, 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f')})
        d_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ("mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "eps", "phi"),
                            'formats': ('f', ptype, ptype, ptype, vtype, vtype, vtype, 'f', 'f')})
        s_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ("mass", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "metals", "tform", "eps", "phi"),
                            'formats': ('f', ptype, ptype, ptype, vtype, vtype, vtype, 'f', 'f', 'f', 'f')})

        file_structure = ((ng, family.gas, g_dtype),
                          (nd,, d_dtype),
                          (ns,, s_dtype))

        max_block_size = 1024 ** 2  # particles

        with self.lazy_derive_off:
            for n_left, fam, dtype in file_structure:
                n_done = 0
                self_type = self[fam]
                while n_left > 0:
                    n_block = min(n_left, max_block_size)

                #g = np.zeros((n_block,len(st)),dtype=np.float32)

                    g = np.empty(n_block, dtype=dtype)

                    self_type_block = self_type[n_done:n_done + n_block]

                    with self_type_block.immediate_mode:
                        # Copy from the correct arrays
                        for i, name in enumerate(dtype.names):
                                g[name] = self_type_block[name]
                            except KeyError:

                    # Write out the block
                    if byteswap:

                    # Increment total ptcls written, decrement ptcls left of
                    # this type
                    n_left -= n_block
                    n_done += n_block

        f.close()"Writing auxiliary arrays")

        with self.lazy_off:  # prevent any lazy reading or evaluation

            for x in set(self.keys()).union(self.family_keys()):
                if not self.is_derived_array(x) and x not in ["mass", "pos", "x", "y", "z", "vel", "vx", "vy", "vz", "rho", "temp",
                                                              "eps", "metals", "phi", "tform"]:
                        self, x, filename=filename + "." + x, binary=binary_aux_arrays)

    def __get_write_dtype(stored_dtype):
        if issubclass(stored_dtype.type, np.integer):
            return np.int32
            return np.float32

    def __write_block(f, ar, binary, byteswap):

        ar = np.asarray(ar, dtype=TipsySnap.__get_write_dtype(ar.dtype))
        if binary:
            if byteswap:

            if issubclass(ar.dtype.type, np.integer):
                fmt = "%d"
                fmt = "%e"
            np.savetxt(f, ar, fmt=fmt)

    def _get_loadable_array_metadata(self, array_name):
        """Given an array name, returns the metadata consisting of
        the tuple units, families.

         *units*: the units of this data on disk
         *families*: a list of family objects for which data is on disk
                     for this array, or None if this cannot be determined"""

            f = open(self.filename + "." + array_name + ".pynbody-meta", 'r')
        except IOError:
            return self._default_units_for(array_name), None, None

        res = {}
        for l in f:

            X = l.split(":")

            if len(X) == 2:
                res[X[0].strip()] = X[1].strip()

            u = units.Unit(res['units'])
            u = None
            fams = [family.get_family(x.strip())
                    for x in res['families'].split(" ")]
            fams = None

            dtype = np.dtype(res['dtype'])
            dtype = None

        return u, fams, dtype

    def _write_array_metafile(self, filename, units, families, dtype):

        f = open(filename + ".pynbody-meta", "w")
        print("# This file automatically created by pynbody", file=f)
        if not hasattr(units, "_no_unit"):
            print("units:", units, file=f)
        print("families:", end=' ', file=f)
        for x in families:
            print(, end=' ', file=f)
        if dtype is not None:
            print("dtype:", TipsySnap.__get_write_dtype(dtype), file=f)


        if isinstance(self, TipsySnap):
            # update the loadable keys if this operation is likely to have
            # changed them

    def _families_in_main_file(array_name, fam=None):
        fam_for_default = [fX for fX, ars in TipsySnap._basic_loadable_keys.items(
        ) if array_name in ars and fX in fam]
        return fam_for_default

    def _update_array(self, array_name, fam=None,
                      filename=None, binary=None, byteswap=None):
        assert fam is not None

        if self.partial_load:
            raise RuntimeError("Writing back to partially loaded files not yet supported")

        fam_in_main = self._families_in_main_file(array_name, fam)
        if len(fam_in_main) > 0:
            self._update_snapshot(array_name, fam_out=fam_in_main)
            fam = list(set(fam).difference(fam_in_main))
            if len(fam) == 0:

        # If we have disk units for this array, check we can convert into them

        aux_u, aux_f, aux_type = self._get_loadable_array_metadata(array_name)
        if aux_f is None:
            aux_f = self.families()

        if aux_u is not None:
            for f in fam:
                if array_name in self[f]:
                    # check convertible
                    except units.UnitsException:
                        raise IOError(
                            "Units must match the existing auxiliary array on disk.")

            data = self.__read_array_from_disk(array_name, filename=filename)
        except IOError:
            # doesn't really exist, probably because the other data on disk was
            # in the main snapshot
            self._write_array(self, array_name, fam, filename=filename, binary=binary,

        for f in fam:
            if aux_u is not None:
                data[self._get_family_slice(f)] = self[f][
                data[self._get_family_slice(f)] = self[f][array_name]

        fam = list(set(aux_f).union(fam))

        self._write_array(self, array_name, fam=fam, contents=data, binary=binary,
                          byteswap=byteswap, filename=filename)

    def _write_array(self, array_name, fam=None, contents=None,
                     filename=None, binary=None, byteswap=None):
        """Write the array to file."""

        fam_in_main = TipsySnap._families_in_main_file(array_name, fam)
        if len(fam_in_main) > 0:
            if isinstance(self, TipsySnap):
                self._update_snapshot(array_name, fam_out=fam_in_main)
                fam = list(set(fam).difference(fam_in_main))
                if len(fam) == 0:
                raise RuntimeError("Cannot call static _write_array to write into main tipsy file.")

        units_out = None
        dtype = None

        if binary is None:
            binary = getattr(self.ancestor, "_tipsy_arrays_binary", False)

        if binary and (byteswap is None):
            byteswap = getattr(self.ancestor, "_byteswap", False)

        with self.lazy_off:  # prevent any lazy reading or evaluation
            if filename is None:
                if self._filename[-3:] == '.gz':
                    filename = self._filename[:-3] + "." + array_name + ".gz"
                    filename = self._filename + "." + array_name

            if binary:
                fhand = util.open_(filename, 'wb')

                if byteswap:
                    fhand.write(struct.pack(">i", len(self)))

                    fhand.write(struct.pack("i", len(self)))

                fhand = util.open_(filename, 'wb')
                fhand.write((str(len(self)) + '\n').encode('utf-8'))

            if contents is None:
                if array_name in self.family_keys():
                    for f in [family.gas,,]:
                            dtype = self[f][array_name].dtype
                            ar = self[f][array_name]
                            units_out = ar.units

                        except KeyError:
                            ar = np.zeros(len(self[f]), dtype=int)

                        TipsySnap.__write_block(fhand, ar, binary, byteswap)

                    ar = self[array_name]
                    dtype = self[array_name].dtype
                    units_out = ar.units
                    TipsySnap.__write_block(fhand, ar, binary, byteswap)

                TipsySnap.__write_block(fhand, contents, binary, byteswap)
                units_out = contents.units


        if fam is None:
            fam = [family.gas,,]

        TipsySnap._write_array_metafile(self, filename, units_out, fam, dtype)

    def _load_array(self, array_name, fam=None, filename=None,

        if array_name in self._basic_loadable_keys[fam]:

        fams = self._get_loadable_array_metadata(
            array_name)[1] or self.families()

        if (fam is None and fams is not None and len(fams) != len(self.families())) or \
                (fam is not None and fam not in fams):
            # Top line says 'you requested all families but at least one isn't available'
            # Bottom line says 'you requested one family, but that one's not
            # available'

            raise IOError("This array is marked as available only for families %s" % fams)

        data = self.__read_array_from_disk(array_name, fam=fam,

        if fam is None:
            self[array_name] = data
            self[fam][array_name] = data

    def __read_array_from_disk(self, array_name, fam=None, filename=None,
        """Read a TIPSY-ASCII or TIPSY-BINARY auxiliary file with the
        specified name. If fam is not None, read only the particles of
        the specified family."""

        if filename is None and array_name in ['massform', 'rhoform', 'tempform', 'phiform', 'nsmooth',
                                               'xform', 'yform', 'zform', 'vxform', 'vyform', 'vzform',
                                               'posform', 'velform','h2form']:

                if fam is not None:
                    return self[fam][array_name]
                    return self[array_name]
            except IOError:

        import sys
        import os

        # N.B. this code is a bit inefficient for loading
        # family-specific arrays, because it reads in the whole array
        # then slices it.  But of course the memory is only wasted
        # while still inside this routine, so it's only really the
        # wasted time that's a problem.

        # determine whether the array exists in a file

        if filename is None:
            if self._filename[-3:] == '.gz':
                filename = self._filename[:-3] + "." + array_name
                filename = self._filename + "." + array_name

        f = util.open_(filename, 'r')"Attempting to load auxiliary array %s", filename)
        # if we get here, we've got the file - try loading it

        units, _, dtype = self._get_loadable_array_metadata(array_name)
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = self._get_preferred_dtype(array_name)

            l = int(f.readline())
            binary = False
            if l != self._load_control.disk_num_particles:
                raise IOError("Incorrect file format")

            if not dtype:
                # Inspect the first line to see whether it's float or int
                l = "0\n"
                while l == "0\n":
                    l = f.readline()
                if "." in l or "e" in l or l[:-1] == "inf":
                    dtype = float
                    dtype = int

                # Restart at head of file

            loadblock = lambda count: np.fromfile(
                f, dtype=dtype, sep="\n", count=count)
            # data = np.fromfile(f, dtype=tp, sep="\n")
        except ValueError:
            # this is probably a binary file
            binary = True
            f = util.open_(filename, 'rb')

            # Read header and check endianness
            if self._byteswap:
                l = struct.unpack(">i",[0]
                l = struct.unpack("i",[0]

            if l != self._load_control.disk_num_particles:
                raise IOError("Incorrect file format")

            if dtype is None:
                # Set data format to be read (float or int) based on config
                int_arrays = list(map(
                    str.strip, config_parser.get('tipsy', 'binary-int-arrays').split(",")))
                if array_name in int_arrays:
                    dtype = 'i'
                    dtype = 'f'

            # Read longest data array possible.
            # Assume byteswap since most will be.
            if self._byteswap:
                loadblock = lambda count: np.fromstring(
           * 4), dtype=dtype, count=count).byteswap()
                # data = np.fromstring(*len(self)*4),dtype).byteswap()
                loadblock = lambda count: np.fromstring(
           * 4), dtype=dtype, count=count)
                # data = np.fromstring(*len(self)*4),dtype)

        ndim = 1

        self.ancestor._tipsy_arrays_binary = binary

        all_fam = [, family.gas,]
        if fam is None:
            fam = all_fam
            r = np.empty(len(self), dtype=dtype).view(array.SimArray)
            r = np.empty(len(self[fam]), dtype=dtype).view(array.SimArray)

        for readlen, buf_index, mem_index in self._load_control.iterate(all_fam, fam):
            buf = loadblock(readlen)
            if mem_index is not None:
                r[mem_index] = buf[buf_index]

        if units is not None:
            r.units = units

        return r

    def read_starlog(self, fam=None):
        """Read a TIPSY-starlog file."""

        import sys
        import os
        import glob
        import pynbody.bridge
        x = os.path.abspath(self._filename)
        done = False
        filename = None
        x = os.path.dirname(x)
        # Attempt the loading of information
        l = glob.glob(os.path.join(x, "*.starlog"))
        if (len(l)):
            for filename in l:
                sl = StarLog(filename)
            l = glob.glob(os.path.join(x, "../*.starlog"))
            if (len(l) == 0):
                raise IOError("Couldn't find starlog file")
            for filename in l:
                sl = StarLog(filename)"Bridging starlog into SimSnap")
        b = pynbody.bridge.OrderBridge(self, sl)
        b(b(b(sl))).star['iorderGas'] = b(b(sl)).star['iorderGas']
        b(b(b(sl))).star['massform'] = b(b(sl)).star['massform']
        b(b(b(sl))).star['rhoform'] = b(b(sl)).star['rhoform']
        b(b(b(sl))).star['tempform'] = b(b(sl)).star['tempform']
        b(b(b(sl)))['posform'] = b(b(sl))['pos']
        b(b(b(sl)))['velform'] = b(b(sl))['vel']
        #b(sl).star['iorderGas'] =['iorderGas'][:len(]
        #b(sl).star['massform'] =['massform'][:len(]
        #b(sl).star['rhoform'] =['rhoform'][:len(]
        #b(sl).star['tempform'] =['tempform'][:len(]
        #b(sl)['posform'] = sl['pos'][:len(, :]
        #b(sl)['velform'] = sl['vel'][:len(, :]
        if 'h2form' in list(
            b(b(b(sl))).star['h2form'] = b(b(sl)).star['h2form']
        else: print("No H2 data found in StarLog file")
        for i, x in enumerate(['x', 'y', 'z']):
            self._arrays[x + 'form'] = self['posform'][:, i]
        for i, x in enumerate(['vx', 'vy', 'vz']):
            self._arrays[x + 'form'] = self['velform'][:, i]

    def _can_load(f):
            check = TipsySnap(f, verbose=False)
            del check
            return False

        return True

# caculate the number fraction YH, YHe as a function of metalicity. Cosmic
# production rate of helium relative to metals (in mass)
# delta Y/delta Z = 2.1 and primordial He Yp = 0.236 (Jimenez et al. 2003,
# Science 299, 5612.
#  piecewise linear
#  Y = Yp + dY/dZ*ZMetal up to ZMetal = 0.1, then linear decrease to 0 at Z=1)

#  SUM_Metal = sum(ni/nH *mi),it is a fixed number for cloudy abundance.
#  Massfraction fmetal = Z*SUM_metal/(1 + 4*nHe/nH + Z*SUM_metal) (1)
#  4*nHe/nH = mHe/mH = fHe/fH
#  also fH + fHe + fMetal = 1  (2)
#  if fHe specified, combining the 2 eq above will solve for
#  fH and fMetal

def _abundance_estimator(metal):

    Y_He = ((0.236 + 2.1 * metal) / 4.0) * (metal <= 0.1)
    Y_He += ((-0.446 * (metal - 0.1) / 0.9 + 0.446) / 4.0) * (metal > 0.1)
    Y_H = 1.0 - Y_He * 4. - metal

    return Y_H, Y_He

[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def HII(sim): """Number of HII ions per proton mass""" Y_H, Y_He = _abundance_estimator(sim["metals"]) try: return Y_H - sim["HI"] - 2 * sim["H2"] except KeyError: return Y_H - sim["HI"]
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def HeIII(sim): """Number of HeIII ions per proton mass""" Y_H, Y_He = _abundance_estimator(sim["metals"]) return Y_He - sim["HeII"] - sim["HeI"]
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def ne(sim): """Number of electrons per proton mass""" return sim["HII"] + sim["HeII"] + 2 * sim["HeIII"]
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def hetot(self): """Helium mass fraction including correction based on metallicity""" return 0.236 + (2.1 * self['metals'])
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def hydrogen(self): """Hydrogen mass fraction including correction based on metallicity""" return 1.0 - self['metals'] - self['hetot']
#from .tipsy import TipsySnap # Asplund et al (2009) ARA&A solar abundances (Table 1) # m_frac = 10.0^([X/H] - 12)*M_X/M_H*0.74 # OR # # puts stuff more straighforwardly cites Arnett (1996) # A+G from # Anders + Grev (1989) Asplund XSOLFe = 0.125E-2 # 1.31e-3 # Looks very wrong ([O/Fe] ~ 0.2-0.3 higher than solar), # probably because SN ejecta are calculated with # Woosley + Weaver (1995) based on Anders + Grevesse (1989) # XSOLO=0.59E-2 # 5.8e-2 XSOLO = 0.84E-2 XSOLH = 0.706 # 0.74 XSOLC = 3.03e-3 # 2.39e-3 XSOLN = 9.2e-4 # 7e-4 XSOLNe = 1.66e-3 # 1.26e-3 XSOLMg = 6.44e-4 # 7e-4 XSOLSi = 7e-4 # 6.7e-4
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def feh(self): """Iron abundance [Fe/H] derived from tipsy array FeMassFrac, with solar values from Asplund et al 09""" minfe = np.amin(self['FeMassFrac'][np.where(self['FeMassFrac'] > 0)]) self['FeMassFrac'][np.where(self['FeMassFrac'] == 0)] = minfe return np.log10(self['FeMassFrac'] / self['hydrogen']) - np.log10(XSOLFe / XSOLH)
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def oxh(self): """Oxygen abundance [O/H] derived from tipsy array FeMassFrac, with solar values from Asplund et al 09""" minox = np.amin(self['OxMassFrac'][np.where(self['OxMassFrac'] > 0)]) self['OxMassFrac'][np.where(self['OxMassFrac'] == 0)] = minox return np.log10(self['OxMassFrac'] / self['hydrogen']) - np.log10(XSOLO / XSOLH)
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def ofe(self): """Oxygen-to-iron ratio [O/Fe] derived from tipsy arrays OxMassFrac and FeMassFrac with solar values from Asplund et al 09""" minox = np.amin(self['OxMassFrac'][np.where(self['OxMassFrac'] > 0)]) self['OxMassFrac'][np.where(self['OxMassFrac'] == 0)] = minox minfe = np.amin(self['FeMassFrac'][np.where(self['FeMassFrac'] > 0)]) self['FeMassFrac'][np.where(self['FeMassFrac'] == 0)] = minfe return np.log10(self['OxMassFrac'] / self['FeMassFrac']) - np.log10(XSOLO / XSOLFe)
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def mgfe(sim): """Magnesium-to-iron ratio [Mg/Fe] derived from tipsy arrays MgMassFrac and FeMassFrac with solar values from Asplund et al 09""" minmg = np.amin(sim['MgMassFrac'][np.where(sim['MgMassFrac'] > 0)]) sim['MgMassFrac'][np.where(sim['MgMassFrac'] == 0)] = minmg minfe = np.amin(sim['FeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['FeMassFrac'] > 0)]) sim['FeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['FeMassFrac'] == 0)] = minfe return np.log10(sim['MgMassFrac'] / sim['FeMassFrac']) - np.log10(XSOLMg / XSOLFe)
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def nefe(sim): """Neon-to-iron ratio [Ne/Fe] derived from tipsy arrays MgMassFrac and FeMassFrac with solar values from Asplund et al 09""" minne = np.amin(sim['NeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['NeMassFrac'] > 0)]) sim['NeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['NeMassFrac'] == 0)] = minne minfe = np.amin(sim['FeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['FeMassFrac'] > 0)]) sim['FeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['FeMassFrac'] == 0)] = minfe return np.log10(sim['NeMassFrac'] / sim['FeMassFrac']) - np.log10(XSOLNe / XSOLFe)
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def sife(sim): """Silicon-to-iron ratio [Si/Fe] derived from tipsy arrays MgMassFrac and FeMassFrac with solar values from Asplund et al 09""" minsi = np.amin(sim['SiMassFrac'][np.where(sim['SiMassFrac'] > 0)]) sim['SiMassFrac'][np.where(sim['SiMassFrac'] == 0)] = minsi minfe = np.amin(sim['FeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['FeMassFrac'] > 0)]) sim['FeMassFrac'][np.where(sim['FeMassFrac'] == 0)] = minfe return np.log10(sim['SiMassFrac'] / sim['FeMassFrac']) - np.log10(XSOLSi / XSOLFe)
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def c_s(self): """Ideal gas sound speed based on pressure and density""" #x = np.sqrt(5./3.*units.k*self['temp']*self['mu']) x = np.sqrt(5. / 3. * self['p'] / self['rho']) x.convert_units('km s^-1') return x
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def c_s_turb(self): """Turbulent sound speed (from Mac Low & Klessen 2004)""" x = np.sqrt(self['c_s'] ** 2 + 1. / 3 * self['v_disp'] ** 2) x.convert_units('km s^-1') return x
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def mjeans(self): """Classical Jeans mass""" x = np.pi ** (5. / 2.) * self['c_s'] ** 3 / \ (6. * units.G ** (3, 2) * self['rho'] ** (1, 2)) x.convert_units('Msol') return x
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def mjeans_turb(self): """Turbulent Jeans mass""" x = np.pi ** (5. / 2.) * self['c_s_turb'] ** 3 / \ (6. * units.G ** (3, 2) * self['rho'] ** (1, 2)) x.convert_units('Msol') return x
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def ljeans(self): """Jeans length""" x = self['c_s'] * np.sqrt(np.pi / (units.G * self['rho'])) x.convert_units('kpc') return x
[docs]@TipsySnap.derived_quantity def ljeans_turb(self): """Turbulent Jeans length""" x = self['c_s_turb'] * np.sqrt(np.pi / (units.G * self['rho'])) x.convert_units('kpc') return x
class StarLog(SimSnap): def __init__(self, filename, sort=True, paramfile=None): import os super(StarLog, self).__init__() self._filename = filename self._paramfilename = paramfile f = util.open_(filename, "rb") = {} bigstarlog = False molecH = False bigIOrds = False file_structure = np.dtype({'names': ("iord", "iorderGas", "tform", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform"), 'formats': ('i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8')}) size = struct.unpack("i", if (size[0] > 1000 or size[0] < 10): self._byteswap = True size = struct.unpack(">i", iSize = size[0] if (iSize > file_structure.itemsize): file_structure = np.dtype({'names': ("iord", "iorderGas", "tform", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform","h2form"), 'formats': ('i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8','f8')}) molecH = True # Unfortunately molecularH with small iOrders has the same as # no moleculuarH with big iOrders. Attempt to distinguish here if(iSize == file_structure.itemsize): if(self._byteswap): testread = np.fromstring(, dtype=file_structure).byteswap() else: testread = np.fromstring(, dtype=file_structure) # All star iorders are greater than any gas iorder # so this indicates a bad format. (N.B. there is the # possibility of a false negative) if(testread['iord'][0] < testread['iorderGas'][0]): file_structure = np.dtype({'names': ("iord", "iorderGas", "tform", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform"), 'formats': ('i8', 'i8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8')})"Using 64 bit iOrders") molecH = False bigIOrds = True if (iSize != file_structure.itemsize): file_structure = np.dtype({'names': ("iord", "iorderGas", "tform", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform", "phiform", "nsmooth"), 'formats': ('i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'i4')}) molecH = False if (iSize != file_structure.itemsize and iSize != 104): raise IOError("Unknown starlog structure iSize:" + \ str(iSize) + ", file_structure itemsize:" + \ str(file_structure.itemsize)) else: bigstarlog = True if molecH == True: print("h2 information found in StarLog!") datasize = os.path.getsize(filename) - f.tell() # check whether datasize is a multiple of iSize. If it is not, # the starlog is likely corrupted, but try to read it anyway if (datasize % iSize > 0) and (iSize != 104): warnings.warn( "The size of the starlog file does not make sense -- it is likely corrupted. Pynbody will read it anyway, but use with caution.") datasize -= datasize % iSize"Reading starlog file %s", filename) if(self._byteswap): g = np.fromstring(, dtype=file_structure).byteswap() else: g = np.fromstring(, dtype=file_structure) # hoping to provide backward compatibility for np.unique by # copying relavent part of current numpy source: # numpy/lib/ (on 22nd March 2011) if sort: tmp = g['iord'].flatten() # mergesort for stability perm = tmp.argsort(kind='mergesort') aux = tmp[perm] flag = np.concatenate((aux[1:] != aux[:-1], [True])) iord = aux[flag] indices = perm[flag] self._num_particles = len(indices) else: self._num_particles = len(g) self._family_slice[] = slice(0, self._num_particles) self._create_arrays(["pos", "vel"], 3) if(bigIOrds): self._create_arrays(["iord"], dtype='int64') else: self._create_arrays(["iord"], dtype='int32') self._create_arrays(["iord"], dtype='int32') self._create_arrays( ["iorderGas", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform", "metals", "tform"]) if molecH==True: self._create_arrays(["h2form"]) if bigstarlog: self._create_arrays(["phiform", "nsmooth"]) self._decorate() if sort: for name in list(file_structure.fields.keys()):[name][:] = g[name][indices] else: for name in list(file_structure.fields.keys()):[name] = g[name] @staticmethod def _write(self, filename=None): """Write the starlog file. """ global config with self.lazy_off: if filename is None: filename = self._filename"Writing starlog file as %s", filename) f = util.open_(filename, 'wb') if 'phiform' in list(self.keys()): # long starlog format file_structure = np.dtype({'names': ("iord", "iorderGas", "tform", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform", "phiform", "nsmooth"), 'formats': ('i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'i4')}) else: # short (old) starlog format file_structure = np.dtype({'names': ("iord", "iorderGas", "tform", "x", "y", "z", "vx", "vy", "vz", "massform", "rhoform", "tempform"), 'formats': ('i4', 'i4', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8', 'f8')}) if self._byteswap: f.write(struct.pack(">i", file_structure.itemsize)) else: f.write(struct.pack("i", file_structure.itemsize)) max_block_size = 1024 # particles n_left = len(self) n_done = 0 while n_left > 0: n_block = min(n_left, max_block_size) g = np.zeros(n_block, dtype=file_structure) for arr in file_structure.names: g[arr] = self[arr][n_done:n_done + n_block] if self._byteswap: g.byteswap().tofile(f) else: g.tofile(f) n_left -= n_block n_done += n_block f.close() @TipsySnap.decorator @StarLog.decorator @nchilada.NchiladaSnap.decorator def load_paramfile(sim): import sys import os import glob x = os.path.abspath(sim._filename) done = False sim._paramfile = {} f = None if sim._paramfilename is None: for i in range(2): x = os.path.dirname(x) l = [x for x in glob.glob( os.path.join(x, "*.param")) if "mpeg" not in x] for filename in l: # Attempt the loading of information try: f = open(filename) done = True break # the file is there, break out of the loop except IOError: l = glob.glob(os.path.join(x, "../*.param")) if l == []: continue try: for filename in l: f = open(filename) break # the file is there, break out of the loop except IOError: continue if done: break else: filename = sim._paramfilename try: f = open(filename) except IOError: raise IOError("The parameter filename you supplied is invalid") if f is None: return for line in f: try: if line[0] != "#": s = line.split("#")[0].split() sim._paramfile[s[0]] = " ".join(s[2:]) except IndexError as ValueError: pass if len(sim._paramfile) > 1: sim._paramfile["filename"] = filename @TipsySnap.decorator @StarLog.decorator @nchilada.NchiladaSnap.decorator def param2units(sim): with sim.lazy_off: import sys import math import os import glob munit = dunit = hub = None try: hub = float(sim._paramfile["dHubble0"])['omegaM0'] = float(sim._paramfile["dOmega0"])['omegaL0'] = float(sim._paramfile["dLambda"]) except KeyError: pass try: munit_st = sim._paramfile["dMsolUnit"] + " Msol" munit = float(sim._paramfile["dMsolUnit"]) dunit_st = sim._paramfile["dKpcUnit"] + " kpc" dunit = float(sim._paramfile["dKpcUnit"]) except KeyError: pass if munit is None or dunit is None: if hub != None:['h'] = hub return denunit = munit / dunit ** 3 denunit_st = str(denunit) + " Msol kpc^-3" # # the obvious way: # #denunit_cgs = denunit * 6.7696e-32 #kpc_in_km = 3.0857e16 #secunit = 1./math.sqrt(denunit_cgs*6.67e-8) #velunit = dunit*kpc_in_km/secunit # the sensible way: # avoid numerical accuracy problems by concatinating factors: velunit = 8.0285 * math.sqrt(6.6743e-8 * denunit) * dunit velunit_st = ("%.5g" % velunit) + " km s^-1" # You have: kpc s / km # You want: Gyr #* 0.97781311 timeunit = dunit / velunit * 0.97781311 timeunit_st = ("%.5g" % timeunit) + " Gyr" # Assuming G=1 in code units, phi is actually vel^2/a^3. # See also gasoline's master.c:5511. # Or should we be calculating phi as GM/R units (which # is the same for G=1 runs)? potunit_st = "%.5g km^2 s^-2" % (velunit ** 2) if 'bComove' in sim._paramfile and int(sim._paramfile['bComove']) != 0: hubunit = 10. * velunit / dunit hubunit_st = ("%.3f" % (hubunit * hub))['h'] = hub * hubunit if isinstance(sim, StarLog): a = "aform" else: a = "a" # append dependence on 'a' for cosmological runs dunit_st += " " + a denunit_st += " " + a + "^-3" velunit_st += " " + a potunit_st += " " + a + "^-1" # Assume the box size is equal to the length unit['boxsize'] = units.Unit(dunit_st) try: sim["vel"].units = velunit_st except KeyError: pass try: sim["phi"].units = potunit_st sim["eps"].units = dunit_st except KeyError: pass try: sim["pos"].units = dunit_st except KeyError: pass try: sim.gas["rho"].units = denunit_st except KeyError: pass try: sim["mass"].units = munit_st except KeyError: pass try:["tform"].units = timeunit_st except KeyError: pass try: sim.gas["metals"].units = "" except KeyError: pass try:["metals"].units = "" except KeyError: pass try: sim._file_units_system = [ sim["vel"].units,["mass"].units, sim["pos"].units, units.K] except KeyError: try: sim._file_units_system = [ sim["vel"].units,["massform"].units, sim["pos"].units, units.K] except KeyError: try: sim._file_units_system = [units.Unit(velunit_st), units.Unit(munit_st), units.Unit(dunit_st), units.K] except: pass sim._override_units_system() @TipsySnap.decorator def settime(sim): if 'bComove' in sim._paramfile and int(sim._paramfile['bComove']) != 0: t = sim._header_t['a'] = t try:['z'] = 1.0 / t - 1.0 except ZeroDivisionError: # no sensible redshift pass if (['z'] is not None and 'dMsolUnit' in sim._paramfile and 'dKpcUnit' in sim._paramfile): from ..analysis import cosmology['time'] = cosmology.age( sim, unit=sim.infer_original_units('yr')) else: # something has gone wrong with the cosmological side of # things warnings.warn( "Paramfile suggests time is cosmological, but header values are not sensible in this context.", RuntimeWarning)['time'] = t['a'] = t else: # Assume a non-cosmological run['time'] = sim._header_t @nchilada.NchiladaSnap.decorator def settimeN(sim): if 'bComove' in sim._paramfile and int(sim._paramfile['bComove']) != 0: #t = sim._header_t['a'] = t try:['z'] = 1.0 /['a'] - 1.0 except ZeroDivisionError: # no sensible redshift pass if (['z'] is not None and 'dMsolUnit' in sim._paramfile and 'dKpcUnit' in sim._paramfile): from ..analysis import cosmology['time'] = cosmology.age( sim, unit=sim.infer_original_units('yr')) else: # something has gone wrong with the cosmological side of # things warnings.warn( "Paramfile suggests time is cosmological, but header values are not sensible in this context.", RuntimeWarning)['time'] =['a']['a'] = t else: # Assume a non-cosmological run['time'] =['a'] time_unit = None try: time_unit = sim.infer_original_units('yr') except units.UnitsException: pass if time_unit is not None:['time'] *= time_unit @StarLog.decorator def slparam2units(sim): with sim.lazy_off: import sys import math import os import glob munit = dunit = hub = None try: munit_st = sim._paramfile["dMsolUnit"] + " Msol" munit = float(sim._paramfile["dMsolUnit"]) dunit_st = sim._paramfile["dKpcUnit"] + " kpc" dunit = float(sim._paramfile["dKpcUnit"]) hub = float(sim._paramfile["dHubble0"]) except KeyError: pass if munit is None or dunit is None: return denunit = munit / dunit ** 3 denunit_st = str(denunit) + " Msol kpc^-3" velunit = 8.0285 * math.sqrt(6.6743e-8 * denunit) * dunit velunit_st = ("%.5g" % velunit) + " km s^-1" # You have: kpc s / km # You want: Gyr #* 0.97781311 timeunit = dunit / velunit * 0.97781311 timeunit_st = ("%.5g" % timeunit) + " Gyr" if hub != None: # append dependence on 'a' for cosmological runs dunit_st += " aform" # denunit_st += " a^-3" # N.B. density comoving -> physical conversion is done by Gasoline # itself["rhoform"].units = denunit_st["massform"].units = munit_st