Source code for pynbody.plot.profile




import numpy as np
from ..analysis import angmom, profile, halo
from .. import filt, units, config
import pylab as p
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.plot.profile')

[docs]def rotation_curve(sim, center=True, r_units='kpc', v_units='km s^-1', disk_height='100 pc', nbins=50, bin_spacing='equaln', clear=True, quick=False, filename=None, min=False, max=False, yrange=False, legend=False, parts=False, axes=False, **kwargs): """ Centre on potential minimum, align so that the disk is in the x-y plane, then use the potential in that plane to generate and plot a rotation curve. **needs documentation/description of the keyword arguments** """ import pylab as p if center: angmom.faceon(sim) if min: min_r = min else: min_r = sim['rxy'].min() if max: max_r = max else: max_r = sim['rxy'].max() pro = profile.Profile(sim, type=bin_spacing, nbins=nbins, rmin =min_r, rmax =max_r) r = pro['rbins'].in_units(r_units) if quick: v = pro['rotation_curve_spherical'].in_units(v_units) else: v = pro['v_circ'].in_units(v_units) if axes: p = axes else: import pylab as p if clear: p.clf() if parts: p.plot(r, v, label='total', **kwargs) gpro = profile.Profile(sim.gas, type=bin_spacing, nbins=nbins, rmin =min_r, rmax =max_r) dpro = profile.Profile(sim.dark, type=bin_spacing, nbins=nbins, rmin =min_r, rmax =max_r) spro = profile.Profile(, type=bin_spacing, nbins=nbins, rmin =min_r, rmax =max_r) if quick: gv = gpro['rotation_curve_spherical'].in_units(v_units) dv = dpro['rotation_curve_spherical'].in_units(v_units) sv = spro['rotation_curve_spherical'].in_units(v_units) else: gv = gpro['v_circ'].in_units(v_units) dv = dpro['v_circ'].in_units(v_units) sv = spro['v_circ'].in_units(v_units) p.plot(r, gv, "--", label="gas") p.plot(r, dv, label="dark") p.plot(r, sv, linestyle="dotted", label="star") else: p.plot(r, v, **kwargs) if yrange: p.axis( [min_r, units.Unit(max_r).in_units(r.units), yrange[0], yrange[1]]) if not axes: p.xlabel("r / $" + r.units.latex() + "$", fontsize='large') p.ylabel("v$_c / " + v.units.latex() + '$', fontsize='large') if legend: p.legend(loc=0) if (filename):"Saving %s", filename) p.savefig(filename) return r, v
[docs]def fourier_profile(sim, center=True, disk_height='2 kpc', nbins=50, pretime='2 Gyr', r_units='kpc', bin_spacing='equaln', clear=True, min=False, max=False, filename=None, **kwargs): """ Centre on potential minimum, align so that the disk is in the x-y plane, then plot the amplitude of the 2nd fourier mode as a function of radius. **needs description of the keyword arguments** """ if center: angmom.faceon(sim) if min: min_r = min else: min_r = sim['rxy'].min() if max: max_r = max else: max_r = sim['rxy'].max() if isinstance(pretime, str): pretime = units.Unit(pretime) diskstars =[filt.Disc(max_r, disk_height)] youngstars = np.where(diskstars['tform'].in_units("Myr") >['time'].in_units( "Myr", **sim.conversion_context()) - pretime.in_units('Myr'))[0] pro = profile.Profile(diskstars[youngstars], type=bin_spacing, nbins=nbins, rmin =min_r, rmax =max_r) r = pro['rbins'].in_units(r_units) fourierprof = pro['fourier'] a2 = fourierprof['amp'][2] if clear: p.clf() p.plot(r, a2, **kwargs) p.xlabel("r / $" + r.units.latex() + "$") p.ylabel("Amplitude of 2nd Fourier Mode") if (filename):"Saving %s", filename) p.savefig(filename)
[docs]def density_profile(sim, linestyle=False, center=True, clear=True, fit=False,in_units=None, filename=None, fit_factor=0.02, axes=False, **kwargs): ''' 3d density profile **Options:** *filename* (None): name of file to which to save output **Usage:** >>> import pynbody.plot as pp >>> h = s.halos() >>> pp.density_profile(h[1],linestyle='dashed',color='k') ''' if axes: plt = axes else: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt global config"Centering...") if center:, mode='ssc')"Creating profile...") if 'min' in kwargs: ps = profile.Profile( sim, ndim=3, type='log', nbins=40, rmin =kwargs['min']) del kwargs['min'] else: ps = profile.Profile(sim, ndim=3, type='log', nbins=40) if clear and not axes: plt.clf() critden = (units.Unit('100 km s^-1 Mpc^-1') *['h']) ** 2 / 8.0 / np.pi / units.G r = ps['rbins'].in_units('kpc') if in_units is None: den = ps['density'].in_units(critden) else: den = ps['density'].in_units(in_units) if linestyle: plt.errorbar(r, den, yerr=den / np.sqrt(ps['n']), linestyle=linestyle, **kwargs) else: plt.errorbar(r, den, yerr=den / np.sqrt(ps['n']), fmt='o', **kwargs) if in_units is None: ylabel=r'$\rho / \rho_{cr}$' # +den.units.latex()+'$]') else: ylabel=r'$\rho / '+den.units.latex()+'$' if axes: plt.set_yscale('log') plt.set_xscale('log') plt.set_xlabel('r [kpc]') plt.set_ylabel(ylabel) #r'$\rho / \rho_{cr}$') # +den.units.latex()+'$]') else: plt.yscale('log') plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel('r [kpc]') plt.ylabel(ylabel) #r'$\rho / \rho_{cr}$') # +den.units.latex()+'$]') if (filename):"Saving %s", filename) plt.savefig(filename) if fit: fit_inds = np.where(r < fit_factor*sim['r'].max()) alphfit = np.polyfit(np.log10(r[fit_inds]), np.log10(den[fit_inds]), 1) # print "alpha: ", alphfit[0], " norm:", alphfit[1] fit = np.poly1d(alphfit) plt.plot(r[fit_inds], 10**fit(np.log10(r[fit_inds])), color='k',linestyle='dashed', label=r'$\alpha$=%.1f'%alphfit[0]) plt.legend(loc=3) return alphfit[0]