Holds procedures for creating new arrays from existing ones, e.g. for
getting the radial position. For more information see :ref:`derived`.
from . import snapshot
from .snapshot import SimSnap
from . import array
from . import analysis
from . import sph
from . import config
from . import units
import numpy as np
import sys
import logging
import time
import functools
logger = logging.getLogger('pynbody.derived')
def r(self):
"""Radial position"""
return ((self['pos'] ** 2).sum(axis=1)) ** (1, 2)
def rxy(self):
"""Cylindrical radius in the x-y plane"""
return ((self['pos'][:, 0:2] ** 2).sum(axis=1)) ** (1, 2)
def vr(self):
"""Radial velocity"""
return (self['pos'] * self['vel']).sum(axis=1) / self['r']
def v2(self):
"""Squared velocity"""
return (self['vel'] ** 2).sum(axis=1)
def vt(self):
"""Tangential velocity"""
return np.sqrt(self['v2'] - self['vr'] ** 2)
def ke(self):
"""Specific kinetic energy"""
return 0.5 * (self['vel'] ** 2).sum(axis=1)
def te(self):
"""Specific total energy"""
return self['ke'] + self['phi']
def j(self):
"""Specific angular momentum"""
angmom = np.cross(self['pos'], self['vel']).view(array.SimArray)
angmom.units = self['pos'].units * self['vel'].units
return angmom
def j2(self):
"""Square of the specific angular momentum"""
return (self['j'] ** 2).sum(axis=1)
def jz(self):
"""z-component of the angular momentum"""
return self['j'][:, 2]
def vrxy(self):
"""Cylindrical radial velocity in the x-y plane"""
return (self['pos'][:, 0:2] * self['vel'][:, 0:2]).sum(axis=1) / self['rxy']
def vcxy(self):
"""Cylindrical tangential velocity in the x-y plane"""
f = (self['x'] * self['vy'] - self['y'] * self['vx']) / self['rxy']
f[np.where(f != f)] = 0
return f
def vphi(self):
"""Azimuthal velocity (synonym for vcxy)"""
return self['vcxy']
def vtheta(self):
"""Velocity projected to polar direction"""
return (np.cos(self['az']) * np.cos(self['theta']) * self['vx'] +
np.sin(self['az']) * np.cos(self['theta']) * self['vy'] -
np.sin(self['theta']) * self['vy'])
def v_mean(self):
"""SPH-smoothed mean velocity"""
from . import sph
nsmooth = config['sph']['smooth-particles']
'Calculating mean velocity with %d nearest neighbours' % nsmooth)
sm = array.SimArray(np.empty_like(self['vel']),
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
logger.info('Mean velocity done in %5.3g s' % (end - start))
return sm
def v_disp(self):
"""SPH-smoothed local velocity dispersion"""
from . import sph
nsmooth = config['sph']['smooth-particles']
'Calculating velocity dispersion with %d nearest neighbours' % nsmooth)
sm = array.SimArray(np.empty(len(self['vel']),dtype=self['vel'].dtype),
start = time.time()
end = time.time()
logger.info('Velocity dispersion done in %5.3g s' % (end - start))
return sm
def age(self):
"""Stellar age determined from formation time and current snapshot time"""
return self.properties['time'].in_units(self['tform'].units, **self.conversion_context()) - self['tform']
bands_available = ['u', 'b', 'v', 'r', 'i', 'j', 'h', 'k', 'U', 'B', 'V', 'R', 'I',
'J', 'H', 'K']
def lum_den_template(band, s):
val = (10 ** (-0.4 * s[band + "_mag"])) * s['rho'] / s['mass']
val.units = s['rho'].units/s['mass'].units
return val
for band in bands_available:
X = lambda s, b=str(band): analysis.luminosity.calc_mags(s, band=b)
X.__name__ = band + "_mag"
X.__doc__ = band + " magnitude from analysis.luminosity.calc_mags"""
lum_den = functools.partial(lum_den_template,band)
lum_den.__name__ = band + "_lum_den"
lum_den.__doc__ = "Luminosity density in astronomy-friendly units: 10^(-0.4 %s_mag) per unit volume. " \
"" \
"The magnitude is taken from analysis.luminosity.calc_mags."%band
def theta(self):
"""Angle from the z axis, from [0:2pi]"""
return np.arccos(self['z'] / self['r'])
def alt(self):
"""Angle from the horizon, from [-pi/2:pi/2]"""
return np.pi / 2 - self['theta']
def az(self):
"""Angle in the xy plane from the x axis, from [-pi:pi]"""
return np.arctan2(self['y'], self['x'])
def cs(self):
"""Sound speed"""
return np.sqrt(5.0 / 3.0 * units.k * self['temp'] / self['mu'] / units.m_p)
def mu(sim, t0=None):
"""mean molecular mass, i.e. the mean atomic mass per particle"""
x = sim["HI"] + 2 * sim["HII"] + sim["HeI"] + \
2 * sim["HeII"] + 3 * sim["HeIII"]
x = x**-1
except KeyError:
x = np.empty(len(sim)).view(array.SimArray)
if t0 is None:
t0 = sim['temp']
x[np.where(t0 >= 1e4)[0]] = 0.59
x[np.where(t0 < 1e4)[0]] = 1.3
x.units = units.Unit("1")
return x
def p(sim):
p = sim["u"] * sim["rho"] * (2. / 3)
return p
def u(self):
"""Gas internal energy derived from temperature"""
gamma = 5. / 3
return self['temp'] * units.k / (self['mu'] * units.m_p * (gamma - 1))
def temp(self):
"""Gas temperature derived from internal energy"""
gamma = 5. / 3
mu_est = np.ones(len(self))
for i in range(5):
temp = (self['u'] * units.m_p / units.k) * (mu_est * (gamma - 1))
mu_est = mu(self, temp)
return temp
def zeldovich_offset(self):
"""The position offset in the current snapshot according to
the Zel'dovich approximation applied to the current velocities.
(Only useful in the generation or analysis of initial conditions.)"""
from . import analysis
bdot_by_b = analysis.cosmology.rate_linear_growth(
self, unit='km Mpc^-1 s^-1') / analysis.cosmology.linear_growth_factor(self)
a = self.properties['a']
offset = self['vel'] / (a * bdot_by_b)
offset.units = self['vel'].units / units.Unit('km Mpc^-1 s^-1 a^-1')
return offset