Source code for pynbody.array


Defines a shallow wrapper around numpy.ndarray for extra functionality like unit-tracking.

For most purposes, the differences between numpy.ndarray and
array.SimArray are not important. However, when units are specified
(by setting the ``units`` attribute), the behaviour is slightly
different. In particular,

* it becomes impossible to add or subtract arrays with incompatible dimensions

>>> SimArray([1,2], "Mpc") + SimArray([1,2], "Msol"))

* addition or subtraction causes auto-unit conversion. For example

>>> SimArray([1,2], "Mpc") + SimArray([1,2], "kpc")
SimArray([1.001, 1.002], "Mpc")

* Note that in this context the left value takes precedence in
  specifying the return units, so that reversing the order of the
  operation here would return results in kpc.

* If only one of the arrays specifies a Unit, no checking occurs and
  the unit of the returned array is assumed to be the same as the one
  specified input unit.

* Powers to single integer or rational powers will maintain unit
  tracking.  Powers to float or other powers will not be able to do

>>> SimArray([1,2],"Msol Mpc**-3")**2
SimArray([1, 4], 'Msol**2 Mpc**-6')
>>> SimArray([1,2],"Msol Mpc**-3")**(1,3)
SimArray([ 1.,1.26], 'Msol**1/3 Mpc**-1')

Syntax above mirrors syntax in units module, where a length-two tuple
can represent a rational number, in this case one third.

>>> SimArray([1.,2], "Msol Mpc**-3")**0.333
SimArray([ 1.,1.26])  # Lost track of units

*Getting the array in specified units*

Given an array, you can convert it in-place into units of your
own chosing:

>>> x = SimArray([1,2], "Msol")
>>> x.convert_units('kg')
>>> print x
SimArray([  1.99e+30,   3.98e+30], 'kg')

Or you can leave the original array alone and get a *copy* in
different units, correctly converted:

>>> x = SimArray([1,2], "Msol")
>>> print x.in_units("kg")
SimArray([  1.99e+30,   3.98e+30], 'kg')
>>> print x
SimArray([1,2], "Msol")

If the SimArray was created by a SimSnap (which is most likely), it
has a pointer into the SimSnap's properties so that the cosmological
context is automatically fetched. For example, comoving -> physical
conversions are correctly achieved:

>>> f = pynbody.load("fname")
>>> f['pos']
SimArray([[ 0.05419805, -0.0646539 , -0.15700017],
         [ 0.05169899, -0.06193341, -0.14475258],
         [ 0.05672406, -0.06384531, -0.15909944],
         [ 0.0723075 , -0.07650762, -0.07657281],
         [ 0.07166634, -0.07453796, -0.08020873],
         [ 0.07165282, -0.07468577, -0.08020587]], '2.86e+04 kpc a')

>>> f['pos'].convert_units('kpc')
>>> f['pos']
SimArray([[ 1548.51403101, -1847.2525312 , -4485.71463308],
         [ 1477.1124212 , -1769.52421398, -4135.78377699],
         [ 1620.68592366, -1824.15000686, -4545.69387564],
         [ 2065.9264273 , -2185.92982874, -2187.79225915],
         [ 2047.60759667, -2129.6537339 , -2291.6758134 ],
         [ 2047.2214441 , -2133.87693163, -2291.59406997]], 'kpc')

*Specifying rules for ufunc's*

In general, it's not possible to infer what the output units from a given
ufunc should be. While numpy built-in ufuncs should be handled OK, other
ufuncs will need their output units defined (otherwise a numpy.ndarray
will be returned instead of our custom type.)

To do this, decorate a function with SimArray.ufunc_rule(ufunc). The function
you define should take the same number of parameters as the ufunc. These will
be the input parameters of the ufunc. You should return the correct units for
the output, or raise units.UnitsException (in the latter case, the return
array will be made into a numpy.ndarray.)

For example, here is the code for the correct addition/subtraction

.. code-block:: python

    def _consistent_units(a,b) :

        # This will be called whenever the standard numpy ufuncs np.add
        # or np.subtract are called with parameters a,b.

        # You should always be ready for the inputs to have no units.

        a_units = a.units if hasattr(a, 'units') else None
        b_units = b.units if hasattr(b, 'units') else None

        # Now do the logic. If we're adding incompatible units,
        # we want just to get a plain numpy array out. If we only
        # know the units of one of the arrays, we assume the output
        # is in those units.

        if a_units is not None and b_units is not None :
            if a_units==b_units :
                return a_units
            else :
                raise units.UnitsException("Incompatible units")

        elif a_units is not None :
            return a_units
        else :
            return b_units


import numpy as np
import weakref
import os
from . import units as units
from functools import reduce
_units = units
from .backcompat import property
from .backcompat import fractions
import atexit
import functools

[docs]class SimArray(np.ndarray): """ Defines a shallow wrapper around numpy.ndarray for extra functionality like unit-tracking. """ _ufunc_registry = {} @property def ancestor(self): """Provides the basemost SimArray that an IndexedSimArray is based on.""" return self @property def derived(self): if self.sim and return self.sim.is_derived_array(, getattr(self, 'family', None)) else: return False @derived.setter def derived(self, value): if value: raise ValueError("Can only unlink an array. Delete an array to force a rederivation if this is the intended effect.") if self.derived: self.sim.unlink_array( def __reduce__(self): T = np.ndarray.__reduce__(self) T = ( T[0], T[1], (self.units, T[2][0], T[2][1], T[2][2], T[2][3], T[2][4])) return T def __setstate__(self, args): self._units = args[0] self.sim = None self._name = None np.ndarray.__setstate__(self, args[1:]) def __new__(subtype, data, units=None, sim=None, **kwargs): new = np.array(data, **kwargs).view(subtype) if hasattr(data, 'units') and hasattr(data, 'sim') and units is None and sim is None: units = data.units sim = data.sim if hasattr(data, 'family'): = if isinstance(units, str): units = _units.Unit(units) new._units = units # Always associate a SimArray with the top-level snapshot. # Otherwise we run into problems with how the reference should # behave: we don't want to lose the link to the simulation by # storing a weakref to a SubSnap that might be deconstructed, # but we also wouldn't want to store a strong ref to a SubSnap # since that would keep the entire simulation alive even if # deleted. # # So, set the sim attribute to the top-level snapshot and use # the normal weak-reference system. if sim is not None: new.sim = sim.ancestor # will generate a weakref automatically new._name = None return new def __array_finalize__(self, obj): if obj is None: return elif obj is not self and hasattr(obj, 'units'): self._units = obj.units self._sim = obj._sim self._name = obj._name if hasattr(obj, 'family'): = else: self._units = None self._sim = lambda: None self._name = None def __array_wrap__(self, array, context=None): if context is None: n_array = array.view(SimArray) return n_array try: ufunc = context[0] output_units = SimArray._ufunc_registry[ufunc](*context[1]) n_array = array.view(SimArray) n_array.units = output_units n_array.sim = self.sim n_array._name = self._name return n_array except (KeyError, units.UnitsException): return array @staticmethod def ufunc_rule(for_ufunc): def x(fn): SimArray._ufunc_registry[for_ufunc] = fn return fn return x @property def units(self): if hasattr(self.base, 'units'): return self.base.units else: if self._units is None: return _units.no_unit else: return self._units @units.setter def units(self, u): if not isinstance(u, units.UnitBase) and u is not None: u = units.Unit(u) if hasattr(self.base, 'units'): self.base.units = u else: if hasattr(u, "_no_unit"): self._units = None else: self._units = u @property def name(self): if hasattr(self.base, 'name'): return return self._name @property def sim(self): if hasattr(self.base, 'sim'): if and self.base.sim: return self.base.sim[] else: return self.base.sim return self._sim() @sim.setter def sim(self, s): if hasattr(self.base, 'sim'): self.base.sim = s else: if s is not None: self._sim = weakref.ref(s) else: self._sim = lambda: None @property def family(self): try: return self._family except AttributeError: return None @family.setter def family(self, fam): self._family = fam def __mul__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, _units.UnitBase): x = self.copy() x.units = x.units * rhs return x else: return np.ndarray.__mul__(self, rhs) def __div__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, _units.UnitBase): x = self.copy() x.units = x.units / rhs return x else: return np.ndarray.__div__(self, rhs) def __truediv__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, _units.UnitBase): x = self.copy() x.units = x.units / rhs return x else: return np.ndarray.__truediv__(self, rhs) def __imul__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, _units.UnitBase): self.units *= rhs else: np.ndarray.__imul__(self, rhs) try: self.units *= rhs.units except AttributeError: pass return self def __idiv__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, _units.UnitBase): self.units /= rhs else: np.ndarray.__idiv__(self, rhs) try: self.units /= rhs.units except AttributeError: pass return self def __itruediv__(self, rhs): if isinstance(rhs, _units.UnitBase): self.units /= rhs else: np.ndarray.__itruediv__(self, rhs) try: self.units /= rhs.units except AttributeError: pass return self def conversion_context(self): if self.sim is not None: return self.sim.conversion_context() else: return {} def _generic_add(self, x, add_op=np.add): if hasattr(x, 'units') and not hasattr(self.units, "_no_unit") and not hasattr(x.units, "_no_unit"): # Check unit compatibility try: context = x.conversion_context() except AttributeError: context = {} # Our own contextual information overrides x's context.update(self.conversion_context()) try: cr = x.units.ratio(self.units, **context) except units.UnitsException: raise ValueError("Incompatible physical dimensions %r and %r, context %r" % ( str(self.units), str(x.units), str(self.conversion_context()))) if cr == 1.0: r = add_op(self, x) else: b = np.multiply(x, cr) if hasattr(b, 'units'): b.units = None if not np.can_cast(b.dtype,self.dtype): b = np.asarray(b, dtype=x.dtype) r = add_op(self, b) return r elif units.is_unit(x): x = x.in_units(self.units, **self.conversion_context()) r = add_op(self, x) return r else: r = add_op(self, x) return r def __add__(self, x): if isinstance(x, _units.UnitBase): return x + self else: return self._generic_add(x) def __sub__(self, x): if isinstance(x, _units.UnitBase): return (-x + self).in_units(self.units) else: return self._generic_add(x, np.subtract) def __iadd__(self, x): self._generic_add(x, np.ndarray.__iadd__) return self def __isub__(self, x): self._generic_add(x, np.ndarray.__isub__) return self def __pow__(self, x): numerical_x = x if isinstance(x, tuple): x = fractions.Fraction(x[0], x[1]) numerical_x = float(x) elif isinstance(x, fractions.Fraction): numerical_x = float(x) # The following magic circumvents our normal unit-assignment # code which couldn't cope with the numerical version of x # in the case of fractions. All this is necessary to make the # magic tuple->fraction conversions work seamlessly. r = np.asarray(np.power(self.view(np.ndarray), numerical_x)).view(SimArray) # Recent numpy versions can take 1-element arrays and return # scalars, in which case we now have a floating point number :( if type(r) is not SimArray: return r if self.units is not None and ( isinstance(x, fractions.Fraction) or isinstance(x, int)): r.sim = self.sim r.units = self.units ** x else: r.units = None r.sim = self.sim return r def __repr__(self): x = np.ndarray.__repr__(self) if not hasattr(self.units, "_no_unit"): return x[:-1] + ", '" + str(self.units) + "')" else: return x def __setitem__(self, item, to): if hasattr(to, "in_units") and not hasattr(self.units, "_no_unit") and not hasattr(to.units, "_no_unit"): np.ndarray.__setitem__(self, item, to.in_units(self.units)) else: np.ndarray.__setitem__(self, item, to) def __setslice__(self, a, b, to): self.__setitem__(slice(a, b), to) def abs(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.abs(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def cumsum(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): x = np.ndarray.cumsum(self, axis, dtype, out) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def prod(self, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None): x =, axis, dtype, out) if hasattr(x, 'units') and axis is not None and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units ** self.shape[axis] if hasattr(x, 'units') and axis is None and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def sum(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.sum(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def mean(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.mean(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
def mean_by_mass(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.sim.mean_by_mass(
[docs] def max(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.max(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def min(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.min(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def ptp(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.ptp(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def std(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.std(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def var(self, *args, **kwargs): x = np.ndarray.var(self, *args, **kwargs) if hasattr(x, 'units') and self.units is not None: x.units = self.units ** 2 if hasattr(x, 'sim') and self.sim is not None: x.sim = self.sim return x
[docs] def set_units_like(self, new_unit): """Set the units for this array by performing dimensional analysis on the supplied unit and referring to the units of the original file""" if self.sim is not None: self.units = self.sim.infer_original_units(new_unit) else: raise RuntimeError("No link to SimSnap")
[docs] def set_default_units(self, quiet=False): """Set the units for this array by performing dimensional analysis on the default dimensions for the array.""" if self.sim is not None: try: self.units = self.sim._default_units_for( except (KeyError, units.UnitsException): if not quiet: raise else: raise RuntimeError("No link to SimSnap")
[docs] def in_original_units(self): """Retun a copy of this array expressed in the units specified in the parameter file.""" return self.in_units(self.sim.infer_original_units(self.units))
[docs] def in_units(self, new_unit, **context_overrides): """Return a copy of this array expressed relative to an alternative unit.""" context = self.conversion_context() context.update(context_overrides) if self.units is not None: r = self * self.units.ratio(new_unit, **context) r.units = new_unit return r else: raise ValueError("Units of array unknown")
[docs] def convert_units(self, new_unit): """Convert units of this array in-place. Note that if this is a sub-view, the entire base array will be converted.""" if self.base is not None and hasattr(self.base, 'units'): self.base.convert_units(new_unit) else: self *= self.units.ratio(new_unit, **(self.conversion_context())) self.units = new_unit
[docs] def write(self, **kwargs): """ Write this array to disk according to the standard method associated with its base file. This is equivalent to calling >>> sim.gas.write_array('array') in the case of writing out the array 'array' for the gas particle family. See the description of :func:`pynbody.snapshot.SimSnap.write_array` for options. """ if self.sim and self.sim.write_array(,, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("No link to SimSnap")
def __del__(self): """Clean up disk if this was made from a named shared array""" if getattr(self, '_shared_del', False): _shared_array_unlink(self)
# Set up the correct comparison functions def _unit_aware_comparison(ar, other, comparison_op=None): # guaranteed to be called with ar a SimArray instance if units.is_unit_like(other): if units.has_units(ar): # either other is a unit, or an array with a unit If # it's an array with a unit that matches our own, we # want to fall straight through to the comparison # operation. If it's an array with a unit that doesn't # match ours, OR it's a plain unit, we want to # convert first. if units.is_unit(other) or other.units != ar.units: other = other.in_units(ar.units) else: raise units.UnitsException("One side of a comparison has units and the other side does not") return comparison_op(ar, other) for f in np.ndarray.__lt__, np.ndarray.__le__, np.ndarray.__eq__, \ np.ndarray.__ne__, np.ndarray.__gt__, np.ndarray.__ge__: # N.B. cannot use functools.partial because it doesn't implement the descriptor # protocol
[docs] @functools.wraps(f, assigned=("__name__", "__doc__")) def wrapper_function(self, other, comparison_op=f): return _unit_aware_comparison(self, other, comparison_op=comparison_op)
setattr(SimArray, f.__name__, wrapper_function) # Now add dirty bit setters to all the operations which are known # to modify the numpy array def _dirty_fn(w): def q(a, *y, **kw): if a.sim is not None and is not None: a.sim._dirty( if kw != {}: return w(a, *y, **kw) else: return w(a, *y) q.__name__ = w.__name__ return q _dirty_fns = ['__setitem__', '__setslice__', '__irshift__', '__imod__', '__iand__', '__ifloordiv__', '__ilshift__', '__imul__', '__ior__', '__ixor__', '__isub__', '__invert__', '__iadd__', '__itruediv__', '__idiv__', '__ipow__'] for x in _dirty_fns: setattr(SimArray, x, _dirty_fn(getattr(SimArray, x))) _u = SimArray.ufunc_rule def _get_units_or_none(*a): if len(a) == 1: if hasattr(a[0], "units"): return a[0].units else: return None else: r = [] for x in a: if hasattr(x, "units"): r.append(x.units) else: r.append(None) return r # # Now we have the rules for unit outputs after numpy built-in ufuncs # # Note if these raise UnitsException, a standard numpy array is returned # from the ufunc to indicate the units can't be calculated. That means # ufuncs can do 'non-physical' things, but then return ndarrays instead # of SimArrays. @_u(np.sqrt) def _sqrt_units(a): if a.units is not None: return a.units ** (1, 2) else: return None @_u(np.multiply) def _mul_units(a, b): a_units, b_units = _get_units_or_none(a, b) if a_units is not None and b_units is not None: return a_units * b_units elif a_units is not None: return a_units else: return b_units @_u(np.divide) @_u(np.true_divide) def _div_units(a, b): a_units, b_units = _get_units_or_none(a, b) if a_units is not None and b_units is not None: return a_units / b_units elif a_units is not None: return a_units else: return 1 / b_units @_u(np.add) @_u(np.subtract) def _consistent_units(a, b): a_units, b_units = _get_units_or_none(a, b) if a_units is not None and b_units is not None: if a_units == b_units: return a_units else: raise units.UnitsException("Incompatible units") elif a_units is not None: return a_units else: return b_units @_u(np.power) def _pow_units(a, b): a_units = _get_units_or_none(a) if a_units is not None: if not isinstance(b, int) and not isinstance(b, units.Fraction): raise units.UnitsException("Can't track units") return a_units ** b else: return None @_u(np.arctan) @_u(np.arctan2) @_u(np.arcsin) @_u(np.arccos) @_u(np.arcsinh) @_u(np.arccosh) @_u(np.arctanh) @_u(np.sin) @_u(np.tan) @_u(np.cos) @_u(np.sinh) @_u(np.tanh) @_u(np.cosh) def _trig_units(*a): return 1 @_u(np.greater) @_u(np.greater_equal) @_u(np.less) @_u(np.less_equal) @_u(np.equal) @_u(np.not_equal) def _comparison_units(*a): return None class IndexedSimArray(object): @property def derived(self): return self.base.derived @property def ancestor(self): return self.base.ancestor def __init__(self, array, ptr): self.base = array self._ptr = ptr def __array__(self, dtype=None): return np.asanyarray(self.base[self._ptr], dtype=dtype) def _reexpress_index(self, index): if isinstance(index, tuple) or (isinstance(index, list) and len(index) > 0 and hasattr(index[0], '__len__')): return [self._ptr[index[0]]] + list(index[1:]) else: return self._ptr[index] def __getitem__(self, item): return self.base[self._reexpress_index(item)] def __setitem__(self, item, to): self.base[self._reexpress_index(item)] = to def __getslice__(self, a, b): return self.__getitem__(slice(a, b)) def __setslice__(self, a, b, to): self.__setitem__(slice(a, b), to) def __repr__(self): return self.__array__().__repr__() # Could be optimized def __str__(self): return self.__array__().__str__() # Could be optimized def __len__(self): return len(self._ptr) def __reduce__(self): return SimArray(self).__reduce__() @property def shape(self): x = [len(self._ptr)] x += self.base.shape[1:] return tuple(x) @property def ndim(self): return self.base.ndim @property def units(self): return self.base.units @units.setter def units(self, u): self.base.units = u @property def sim(self): if self.base.sim is not None: return self.base.sim[self._ptr] else: return None @sim.setter def sim(self, s): self.base.sim = s @property def dtype(self): return self.base.dtype def conversion_context(self): return self.base.conversion_context() def set_units_like(self, new_unit): self.base.set_units_like(new_unit) def in_units(self, new_unit, **context_overrides): return IndexedSimArray(self.base.in_units(new_unit, **context_overrides), self._ptr) def convert_units(self, new_unit): self.base.convert_units(new_unit) def write(self, **kwargs): self.base.write(**kwargs) def prod(self): return np.array(self).prod() # The IndexedSimArray class is now supplemented by wrapping all the # standard numpy methods with a generated function which extracts an # array realization of the subview before calling the underlying # method. def _wrap_fn(w): def q(s, *y, **kw): # AP: I Don't understand why the following condition should be necessary, # but it seems required on McMaster setup (Py 2.6.5, NP 1.4.1) if kw != {}: return w(SimArray(s), *y, **kw) else: return w(SimArray(s), *y) q.__name__ = w.__name__ return q # functions we definitely want to wrap, even though there's an existing # implementation _override = "__eq__", "__ne__", "__gt__", "__ge__", "__lt__", "__le__" for x in set(np.ndarray.__dict__).union(SimArray.__dict__): w = getattr(SimArray, x) if 'array' not in x and ((not hasattr(IndexedSimArray, x)) or x in _override) and hasattr(w, '__call__'): setattr(IndexedSimArray, x, _wrap_fn(w)) ############################################################ # SUPPORT FOR SHARING ARRAYS BETWEEN PROCESSES ############################################################ try: import ctypes import multiprocessing import multiprocessing.sharedctypes import tempfile import functools import os import time import random import mmap import posix_ipc _all_shared_arrays = [] except ImportError: posix_ipc = None def _array_factory(dims, dtype, zeros, shared): """Create an array of dimensions *dims* with the given numpy *dtype*. If *zeros* is True, the returned array is guaranteed zeroed. If *shared* is True, the returned array uses shared memory so can be efficiently shared across processes.""" global _all_shared_arrays if not hasattr(dims, '__len__'): dims = (dims,) if shared and posix_ipc: random.seed(os.getpid() * time.time()) fname = "pynbody-" + \ ("".join([random.choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz') for i in range(10)])) _all_shared_arrays.append(fname) # memmaps of zero length seem not to be permitted, so have to # make zero length arrays a special case zero_size = False if dims[0] == 0: zero_size = True dims = (1,) + dims[1:] if hasattr(dims, '__len__'): size = reduce(np.multiply, dims) else: size = dims mem = posix_ipc.SharedMemory(fname, posix_ipc.O_CREX, size=int(np.dtype(dtype).itemsize*size)) # write zeros into the file pointer before memmaping, to get a graceful exception if the # promised memory isn't available (otherwise will trigger a bus error) try: zeros=(b"\0")*1024*1024 remaining = int(np.dtype(dtype).itemsize*size) while remaining > 0 : os.write(mem.fd, zeros[:remaining]) remaining-=len(zeros) except OSError as exc : if not ((exc.errno == 45 or exc.errno == 6) and os.uname()[0] == "Darwin"): _shared_array_unlink(fname) raise MemoryError("Unable to create shared memory region") # fd, fname = tempfile.mkstemp() # ret_ar = np.memmap(os.fdopen(mem.fd), dtype=dtype, shape=dims).view(SimArray) mapfile = mmap.mmap(mem.fd, mem.size) ret_ar = np.frombuffer(mapfile, dtype=dtype, count=size).reshape( dims).view(SimArray) ret_ar._shared_fname = fname ret_ar._shared_del = True if zero_size: ret_ar = ret_ar[1:] mem.close_fd() else: if zeros: ret_ar = np.zeros(dims, dtype=dtype).view(SimArray) else: ret_ar = np.empty(dims, dtype=dtype).view(SimArray) return ret_ar if posix_ipc: class _deconstructed_shared_array(tuple): pass
[docs] class RemoteKeyboardInterrupt(Exception): pass
def _shared_array_deconstruct(ar, transfer_ownership=False): """Deconstruct an array backed onto shared memory into something that can be passed between processes efficiently. If *transfer_ownership* is True, also transfers responsibility for deleting the underlying memory (if this process has it) to the reconstructing process.""" assert isinstance(ar, SimArray) ar_base = ar while isinstance(ar_base.base, SimArray): ar_base = ar_base.base assert hasattr(ar_base,'_shared_fname'), "Cannot prepare an array for shared use unless it was created in shared memory" ownership_out = transfer_ownership and ar_base._shared_del if transfer_ownership: ar_base._shared_del = False offset = ar.__array_interface__['data'][0] - \ ar_base.__array_interface__['data'][0] return _deconstructed_shared_array((ar.dtype, ar.shape, ar_base._shared_fname, ownership_out, offset, ar.strides)) def _shared_array_reconstruct(X): dtype, dims, fname, ownership, offset, strides = X mem = posix_ipc.SharedMemory(fname) mapfile = mmap.mmap(mem.fd, mem.size) size = reduce(np.multiply, dims) # new_ar = np.memmap(mem.fd, dtype=dtype, shape=dims, mode='r+').view(SimArray) new_ar = np.frombuffer( mapfile, dtype=dtype, count=size, offset=offset).reshape(dims).view(SimArray) new_ar.strides = strides mem.close_fd() new_ar._shared_fname = fname new_ar._shared_del = ownership return new_ar def _shared_array_unlink(X) : if isinstance(X,str): name = X else : name = X._shared_fname try: posix_ipc.unlink_shared_memory(name) except (posix_ipc.ExistentialError, OSError) : pass def _recursive_shared_array_deconstruct(input, transfer_ownership=False) : """Works through items in input, deconstructing any shared memory arrays into transferrable references""" output = [] for item in input: if isinstance(item, SimArray): item = _shared_array_deconstruct(item, transfer_ownership) elif isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): item = _recursive_shared_array_deconstruct(item, transfer_ownership) output.append(item) return output def _recursive_shared_array_reconstruct(input): """Works through items in input, reconstructing any shared memory arrays from transferrable references""" output = [] for item in input: if isinstance(item, _deconstructed_shared_array): item = _shared_array_reconstruct(item) elif isinstance(item, list) or isinstance(item, tuple): item = _recursive_shared_array_reconstruct(item) output.append(item) return output
[docs] def shared_array_remote(fn): """A decorator for functions returning a new function that is suitable for use remotely. Inputs to and outputs from the function can be transferred efficiently if they are backed onto shared memory. Ownership of any shared memory returned by the function is transferred.""" @functools.wraps(fn) def new_fn(args, **kwargs): try: import signal assert hasattr( args, '__len__'), "Function must be called from remote_map to use shared arrays" assert args[ 0] == '__pynbody_remote_array__', "Function must be called from remote_map to use shared arrays" args = _recursive_shared_array_reconstruct(args) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) output = fn(*args[1:], **kwargs) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) return _recursive_shared_array_deconstruct([output], True)[0] except KeyboardInterrupt: signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) raise RemoteKeyboardInterrupt() new_fn.__pynbody_remote_array__ = True return new_fn
[docs] def remote_map(pool, fn, *iterables): """A replacement for python's in-built map function, sending out tasks to the pool and performing the magic required to transport shared memory arrays correctly. The function *fn* must be wrapped with the *shared_array_remote* decorator to interface correctly with this magic.""" assert getattr(fn, '__pynbody_remote_array__', False), "Function must be wrapped with shared_array_remote to use shared arrays" iterables_deconstructed = _recursive_shared_array_deconstruct( iterables) try: results =, list(zip( ['__pynbody_remote_array__'] * len(iterables_deconstructed[0]), *iterables_deconstructed))) except RemoteKeyboardInterrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt return _recursive_shared_array_reconstruct(results)
[docs] @atexit.register def exit_cleanup(): """Clean up any shared memory that has not yet been freed. In theory this should not be required, but it is here as a safety net.""" global _all_shared_arrays for fname in _all_shared_arrays: try: posix_ipc.unlink_shared_memory(fname) except (posix_ipc.ExistentialError, OSError): pass