Source code for pynbody.analysis.ramses_util



Handy utilities for using RAMSES outputs in pynbody. For a complete
demo on how to use RAMSES outputs with pynbody, have a look at the
`ipython notebook demo

File Conversion

>>> pynbody.analysis.ramses_util.convert_to_tipsy_fullbox('output_00101') # will convert the whole output

Now you can run AHF or pkdgrav using the file named
`output_00101_fullbox.tipsy` as an input or

>>> s_tipsy = pynbody.load('output_00101_fullbox.tipsy')

You can also just output a part of the simulation : 

>>> s = pynbody.analysis.ramses_util.load_center('output_00101', align=False) # centered on halo 0 
>>> pynbody.analysis.ramses_util.convert_to_tipsy_simple('output_00101', file = pynbody.filt.Sphere('200 kpc')

Now we've got a file called `output_00101.tipsy` which holds only the
200 kpc sphere centered on halo 0.

Generating tform

A problem with RAMSES outputs in pynbody is that the `tform` array is
in funny units that aren't easily usable. To generate a new `tform`
array (in Gyr) you can use the :func:`get_tform` defined here. It's
very easy:

>>> s = pynbody.load('output_00101')
>>> pynbody.analysis.ramses_util.get_tform(s)

This now generated a directory called `birth` in the parent directory
of your output. It then calls the routine `part2birth` located in the
RAMSES utils (see the `bitbucket repository
<>`_. :func:`get_tform` also
deletes the previous `tform` array (not from disk, just from the
currently loaded snapshot). The next time you call :func:`get_tform`,
the data will be loaded from the disk and `part2birth` won't need to
be run again.

Feb 2016 - RS
Note that in this version of ramses_util I have moved the 'birth' files
into the output directory to which they pertain. The old code wasn't
placing them in a subdir of 'birth' in the top output and since I had
to fix it I thought it better not to have a single directory with
potentially 1000's of files for all RAMSES outputs. The get_tform
routine now creates the files under the approrpiate "output_" dir
and reads them back from there.


import pynbody
import subprocess
import numpy as np
import os
from .. units import Unit

from .. import config_parser

ramses_utils = config_parser.get('ramses', 'ramses_utils')

part2birth_path = ramses_utils + 'f90/part2birth'

[docs]def convert_to_tipsy_simple(output, halo=0, filt=None): """ Convert RAMSES output to tipsy format readable by e.g. pkdgrav. This is a quick and dirty conversion, meant to be used for quick visualization or other simple post processing. Importantly, none of the cosmologically-relevant information is carried forward. For a more complete conversion for e.g. running through pkdgrav or Amiga Halo Finder, see :func:`convert_to_tipsy_fullbox`. The snapshot is put into units where G=1, time unit = 1 Gyr and mass unit = 2.222286e5 Msol. **Input**: *output* : path to RAMSES output directory **Optional Keywords**: *filt* : a filter to apply to the box before writing out the tipsy file *halo* : which hop halo to center on -- default = 0 """ h = output.halos()[halo] s = for key in ['pos', 'vel', 'mass', 'iord', 'metal']: try: s[key] except: pass s['eps'] = s.g['smooth'].min() for key in ['rho', 'temp', 'p']: s.g[key] # try to load tform -- if it fails assign -1 del(s.s['tform']) try: get_tform(s) except: s.s['tform'] = -1.0 s.s['tform'].units = 'Gyr' massunit = 2.222286e5 # in Msol dunit = 1.0 # in kpc denunit = massunit / dunit ** 3 velunit = 8.0285 * np.sqrt(6.67384e-8 * denunit) * dunit timeunit = dunit / velunit * 0.97781311 s['pos'].convert_units('kpc') s['vel'].convert_units('%e km s^-1' % velunit) s['mass'].convert_units('%e Msol' % massunit) s['eps'].convert_units('kpc') s.g['rho'].convert_units('%e Msol kpc^-3' % denunit) s.s['tform'].convert_units('Gyr') del(s.g['smooth']) s.s['metals'] = s.s['metal'] s.g['metals'] = s.g['metal'] del(s['metal']) s.g['temp']['a'] = pynbody.analysis.cosmology.age(s) if filt is not None: s[filt].write(pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap, '%s.tipsy' % output[-12:]) else: s.write(pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap, '%s.tipsy' % output[-12:])
[docs]def get_tipsy_units(sim): """ Returns snapshot `sim` units in the pkdgrav/gasoline unit system. This is probably not a function to be called by users, but it is used instead by other routines for file conversion. **Input**: *sim*: RAMSES simulation snapshot **Return values**: *lenunit, massunit, timeunit* : tuple specifying the units in kpc, Msol, and Gyr """ # figure out the units starting with mass cmtokpc = 3.2407793e-22 lenunit = sim._info['unit_l'] /['a'] * cmtokpc massunit = pynbody.analysis.cosmology.rho_crit( sim, z=0, unit='Msol kpc^-3') * lenunit ** 3 G_u = 4.4998712e-6 # G in kpc^3 / Msol / Gyr^2 timeunit = np.sqrt(1 / G_u * lenunit ** 3 / massunit) return Unit('%e kpc' % lenunit), Unit('%e Msol' % massunit), Unit('%e Gyr' % timeunit)
[docs]def convert_to_tipsy_fullbox(output, write_param=True): """ Convert RAMSES file `output` to tipsy format readable by pkdgrav and Amiga Halo Finder. Does all unit conversions etc. into the pkdgrav unit system. Creates a file called `output_fullbox.tipsy`. **Input**: *output*: name of RAMSES output **Optional Keywords**: *write_param*: whether or not to write the parameter file (default = True) """ s = pynbody.load(output) lenunit, massunit, timeunit = get_tipsy_units(s) # l_unit = Unit('%f kpc'%lenunit) # t_unit = Unit('%f Gyr'%timeunit) velunit = lenunit / timeunit tipsyfile = "%s_fullbox.tipsy" % (output) s['mass'].convert_units(massunit) s.g['temp'] # get the appropriate tform get_tform(s) s.g['metals'] = s.g['metal'] s['pos'].convert_units(lenunit) s['vel'].convert_units(velunit) s['eps'] = s.g['smooth'].min() s['eps'].units = s['pos'].units # try to load the potential array -- if it's not there, make it zeroes try: s['phi'] except KeyError: s['phi'] = 0.0 del(s.g['metal']) del(s['smooth']) s.write(filename='%s' % tipsyfile, fmt=pynbody.tipsy.TipsySnap, binary_aux_arrays=True) if write_param: write_tipsy_param(s, tipsyfile)
[docs]def write_tipsy_param(sim, tipsyfile): """Write a pkdgrav-readable parameter file for RAMSES snapshot `sim` with the prefix `filename` """ # determine units lenunit, massunit, timeunit = get_tipsy_units(sim) h = Unit('%f km s^-1 Mpc^-1' % (['h'] * 100)) l_unit = Unit('%f kpc' % lenunit) t_unit = Unit('%f Gyr' % timeunit) v_unit = l_unit / t_unit # write the param file f = open('%s.param' % tipsyfile, 'w') f.write('dKpcUnit = %f\n' % lenunit) f.write('dMsolUnit = %e\n' % massunit) f.write('dOmega0 = %f\n' %['omegaM0']) f.write('dLambda = %f\n' %['omegaL0']) h = Unit('%f km s^-1 Mpc^-1' % (['h'] * 100)) f.write('dHubble0 = %f\n' % h.in_units(v_unit / l_unit)) f.write('bComove = 1\n') f.close()
[docs]def write_ahf_input(sim, tipsyfile): """Write an input file that can be used by the `Amiga Halo Finder <>`_ with the corresponding `tipsyfile` which is the `sim` in tipsy format. """ # determine units lenunit, massunit, timeunit = get_tipsy_units(sim) h = Unit('%f km s^-1 Mpc^-1' % (['h'] * 100)) l_unit = Unit('%f kpc' % lenunit) t_unit = Unit('%f Gyr' % timeunit) v_unit = l_unit / t_unit f = open('%s.AHF.input' % tipsyfile, 'w') f.write('[AHF]\n') f.write('ic_filename = %s\n' % tipsyfile) f.write('ic_filetype = 90\n') f.write('outfile_prefix = %s\n' % tipsyfile) f.write('LgridDomain = 256\n') f.write('LgridMax = 2097152\n') f.write('NperDomCell = 5\n') f.write('NperRefCell = 5\n') f.write('VescTune = 1.0\n') f.write('NminPerHalo = 50\n') f.write('RhoVir = 0\n') f.write('Dvir = 200\n') f.write('MaxGatherRad = 1.0\n') f.write('[TIPSY]\n') f.write('TIPSY_BOXSIZE = %e\n' % (['boxsize'].in_units( 'Mpc') *['h'] /['a'])) f.write('TIPSY_MUNIT = %e\n' % (massunit *['h'])) f.write('TIPSY_OMEGA0 = %f\n' %['omegaM0']) f.write('TIPSY_LAMBDA0 = %f\n' %['omegaL0']) # velunit = Unit('%f cm'%s._info['unit_l'])/Unit('%f s'%s._info['unit_t']) f.write('TIPSY_VUNIT = %e\n' % v_unit.ratio('km s^-1 a', **sim.conversion_context())) # the thermal energy in K -> km^2/s^2 f.write('TIPSY_EUNIT = %e\n' % ( (pynbody.units.k / pynbody.units.m_p).in_units('km^2 s^-2 K^-1') * 5. / 3.)) f.close()
[docs]def get_tform(sim, part2birth_path=part2birth_path): """Use `part2birth` to calculate the formation time of stars in Gyr and **replaces** the original `tform` array. **Input**: *sim*: RAMSES snapshot **Optional Keywords:** *part2birth_path:* by default, this is $HOME/ramses/utils/f90/part2birth, as specified in `default_config.ini` in your pynbody install directory. You can override this like so -- make a file called ".pynbodyrc" in your home directory, and include [ramses] ramses_utils = /path/to/your/ramses/utils/directory """ from import FortranFile if hasattr(sim, 'base'): top = sim.base else: top = sim cpu_range = top._cpus top.s['tform'] = -1.0 done = 0 for cpu_id in cpu_range: # Birth files are located inside the output directory. birthfile_name = "birth_%s.out%05d" %(top._timestep_id, cpu_id) birthfile_path = os.path.join(top.filename, birthfile_name) try: birth_file = FortranFile(birthfile_path) except (IOError, OSError): # Both are necessary as python 2 throws OSError, while python 3 throws IOError try: # birth_xxx doesn't exist, create it with ramses part2birth util with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull:[part2birth_path, '-inp', 'output_%s' % top._timestep_id], stdout=fnull, stderr=fnull) birth_file = FortranFile(birthfile_path) except (IOError, OSError): import warnings warnings.warn("Failed to read 'tform' from birth files at %s and to generate them with utility at %s.\n" "Formation times in Ramses code units can be accessed through the 'tform_raw' array." % (birthfile_path, part2birth_path)) raise IOError ages = birth_file.read_reals(np.float64) new = np.where(ages > 0)[0] top.s['tform'][done:done + len(new)] = ages[new] done += len(new) birth_file.close() top.s['tform'].units = 'Gyr' return sim.s['tform']