Source code for pynbody.analysis.luminosity



Calculates luminosities -- NEEDS DOCUMENTATION


import numpy as np

import os
from ..array import SimArray

from .interpolate import interpolate2d

_cmd_lum_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cmdlum.npz")

[docs]def use_custom_cmd(path): """Use a custom set of stellar populations to calculate magnitudes. The path is to a numpy archive with a suitable grid of ages/metallicities and corresponding magnitudes. The following script from Stephanie De Beer should help you make a suitable file starting from ugriz SSPs downloaded from import numpy as np metals = np.linspace(0.002, 0.05, 25) ages = np.logspace(5.67, 10.13, 25) mags_bol = np.zeros((len(metals),len(ages))) mags_u = np.zeros((len(metals),len(ages))) mags_g = np.zeros((len(metals),len(ages))) mags_r = np.zeros((len(metals),len(ages))) mags_i = np.zeros((len(metals),len(ages))) mags_z = np.zeros((len(metals),len(ages))) bands = ['bol', 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] k=2 for b in bands: for x in range(1,26): with open('/users/sdebeer/render_stuff/PGSP_files/'+str(x)+'_output.txt', 'r') as f: output = f.readlines() i = 0 for line in output: magnitudes = line.split() if magnitudes[0]=='#': continue vars()['mags_'+b][i,x-1]=magnitudes[k] i +=1 k+=1 np.savez('my_cmd.npz', ages=ages, metals=metals, bol=mags_bol, u=mags_u, g=mags_g, r=mags_r, i=mags_i, z=mags_z) """ global _cmd_lum_file _cmd_lum_file = path
[docs]def calc_mags(simstars, band='v', cmd_path=None): """Calculating visible magnitudes Using Padova Simple stellar populations (SSPs) from Girardi Marigo+ (2008), Girardi+ (2010) pynbody includes a grid of SSP luminosities for many bandpasses for various stellar ages and metallicities. This function linearly interpolates to the desired value and returns the value as a magnitude. **Usage:** >>> import pynbody >>> pynbody.analysis.luminosity.calc_mags(h[1].s) **Optional keyword arguments:** *band* (default='v'): Which observed bandpass magnitude in which magnitude should be calculated *path* (default=None): Path to the CMD grid. If None, use the default or a path specified by use_custom_cmd. For more information about generating a custom CMD grid, see use_custom_cmd. """ # find data file in PYTHONPATH # data is from # Padova group stellar populations Marigo et al (2008), Girardi et al # (2010) if cmd_path is not None: lums = np.load(cmd_path) else: lums = np.load(_cmd_lum_file) age_star = simstars['age'].in_units('yr') # allocate temporary metals that we can play with metals = simstars['metals'] # get values off grid to minmax age_star[np.where(age_star < np.min(lums['ages']))] = np.min(lums['ages']) age_star[np.where(age_star > np.max(lums['ages']))] = np.max(lums['ages']) metals[np.where(metals < np.min(lums['mets']))] = np.min(lums['mets']) metals[np.where(metals > np.max(lums['mets']))] = np.max(lums['mets']) age_grid = np.log10(lums['ages']) met_grid = lums['mets'] mag_grid = lums[band] output_mags = interpolate2d( metals, np.log10(age_star), met_grid, age_grid, mag_grid) try: vals = output_mags - 2.5 * \ np.log10(simstars['massform'].in_units('Msol')) except KeyError as ValueError: vals = output_mags - 2.5 * np.log10(simstars['mass'].in_units('Msol')) vals.units = None return vals
[docs]def halo_mag(sim, band='v'): """Calculating halo magnitude Calls pynbody.analysis.luminosity.calc_mags for ever star in passed in simulation, converts those magnitudes back to luminosities, adds those luminosities, then converts that luminosity back to magnitudes, which are returned. **Usage:** >>> import pynbody >>> pynbody.analysis.luminosity.halo_mag(h[1].s) **Optional keyword arguments:** *band* (default='v'): Which observed bandpass magnitude in which magnitude should be calculated """ if (len( > 0): return -2.5 * np.log10(np.sum(10.0 ** (-0.4 *[band + '_mag']))) else: return np.nan
[docs]def halo_lum(sim, band='v'): """Calculating halo luminosiy Calls pynbody.analysis.luminosity.calc_mags for every star in passed in simulation, converts those magnitudes back to luminosities, adds those luminosities, which are returned. Uses solar magnitudes from **Usage:** >>> import pynbody >>> pynbody.analysis.luminosity.halo_mag(h[1].s) **Optional keyword arguments:** *band* (default='v'): Which observed bandpass magnitude in which magnitude should be calculated """ sun_abs_mag = {'u':5.56,'b':5.45,'v':4.8,'r':4.46,'i':4.1,'j':3.66, 'h':3.32,'k':3.28}[band] return np.sum(10.0 ** ((sun_abs_mag -[band + '_mag']) / 2.5))
[docs]def half_light_r(sim, band='v', cylindrical=False): '''Calculate half light radius Calculates entire luminosity of simulation, finds half that, sorts stars by distance from halo center, and finds out inside which radius the half luminosity is reached. If cylindrical is True compute the half light radius as seen from the z-axis. ''' import pynbody import pynbody.filt as f half_l = halo_lum(sim, band=band) * 0.5 if cylindrical: coord = 'rxy' else: coord = 'r' max_high_r = np.max([coord]) test_r = 0.5 * max_high_r testrf = f.LowPass(coord, test_r) min_low_r = 0.0 test_l = halo_lum(sim[testrf], band=band) it = 0 while ((np.abs(test_l - half_l) / half_l) > 0.01): it = it + 1 if (it > 20): break if (test_l > half_l): test_r = 0.5 * (min_low_r + test_r) else: test_r = (test_r + max_high_r) * 0.5 testrf = f.LowPass(coord, test_r) test_l = halo_lum(sim[testrf], band=band) if (test_l > half_l): max_high_r = test_r else: min_low_r = test_r return test_r