Source code for pynbody.analysis.interpolate


2D and 3D Interpolation routines written in cython


from . import _interpolate3d
import numpy as np

# this just calls the cython interpolation function, setting the
# interpolation arrays to correct type

[docs]def interpolate3d(x, y, z, x_vals, y_vals, z_vals, vals): """ Interpolate on a 3D regular grid. Yields results identical to scipy.interpolate.interpn. Input ----- x,y,z : points where the interpolation will be performed x_vals, y_vals, z_vals : xyz values of the reference grid vals : grid values """ # cast x_vals, y_vals and z_vals to float64 x_vals = x_vals.astype(np.float64) y_vals = y_vals.astype(np.float64) z_vals = z_vals.astype(np.float64) vals = vals.astype(np.float64) result_array = np.empty(len(x), dtype=np.float64) _interpolate3d.interpolate3d(len(x), x, y, z, len(x_vals), x_vals, len(y_vals), y_vals, len(z_vals), z_vals, vals, result_array) return result_array
[docs]def interpolate2d(x, y, x_vals, y_vals, vals): """ Interpolate on a 2D regular grid. Yields results identical to scipy.interpolate.interpn. Input ----- x,y : points where the interpolation will be performed x_vals, y_vals : xy values of the reference grid vals : grid values """ x_vals = x_vals.astype(np.float64) y_vals = y_vals.astype(np.float64) z_vals = np.ndarray(1, dtype=np.float64) vals = vals.astype(np.float64) vals.resize((1,) + vals.shape) result_array = np.empty(len(x), dtype=np.float64) _interpolate3d.interpolate3d(len(x), np.ndarray(1, dtype=np.float64), x, y, 0, np.ndarray(1, dtype=np.float64), len(x_vals), x_vals, len(y_vals), y_vals, vals, result_array) return result_array